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EGR 219: Computational Modeling of Engineering Systems


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EGR 219: Computational Modeling of Engineering Systems

Course Description

Introduces computing that develops software to find solutions to engineering problems.  Students write and document code to solve problems in data acquisition, modeling of physical systems, and optimization.

Enrollment Requirements

Prerequisite(s): MAT 266 or 271 with C or better; Pre- or corequisite(s): MAT 274 or 275 or Visiting University Student.


Optional: An Engineer’s Guide to MATLAB® With Applications from Mechanical, Aerospace, Electrical, Civil, and Biological Systems Engineering Third Edition Edward B. Magrab Publisher: Pearson Learning Solutions

ISBN 13: 978-0- 13- 199110- 1

Overall Course Objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes

To successfully complete this course, students must demonstrate problem solving skills and knowledge using MATLAB, Simulink, and C. In particular, the student must demonstrate competency in the following:

•    Solving computational problems using a software solution

•   Using a systematic approach to develop a software solution to an engineering problem

•   Writing and documenting code to a standard

•   Dissecting, reading, and modifying code written by someone else

•   Testing and debugging code

•   Modeling/Simulation of a physical system’s behavior using computational tools

Detailed List of Topics to Be Covered

1.   Introduction to Computational Modeling in Engineering

2.   Introduction to MATLAB & MATLAB Environment

3.   Vectors and Matrices in MATLAB

4.   Data Input/Output in MATLAB

5.   Program Flow Control in MATLAB

6.   Function Creation and Selected MATLAB Functions

7.   Symbolic Mathematics in MATLAB

8.   2D Graphics in MATLAB

9.   3D Graphics in MATLAB

10. Introduction to Simulink

11. Introduction to the C Programming Language

12. Program Flow Control in C

13. Input and Output in C

14. Modular Design and Functions in C

15. 1D & 2D Arrays and Strings in C

16. Pointers and Dynamic Storage in C

17. Structures in C

A tentative  schedule  of topics  and  expected  due  dates  for  homework  and  exams  will  be  provided  at  the beginning of the semester. However, dates are subject to change depending on the progress of the topics covered and other circumstances.

Assessment and Grading

Attainment of course outcomes will be assessed based on the student’s performance in various course activities throughout the semester. The following is a breakdown of the percentage allocation for each type of course assessment activity.

•   Participation  (10%): Participation  activities will be randomly conducted eight times during the semester through the completion and submission of practice problem activities including code peer-reviews. Late submissions will receive a score of 0.

•   Homework   (30%):   There   will  be  five  homework  problem   sets  including  programming  problems. Homework  is  individual,  and  therefore,  must  be  completed  and  submitted  via  Canvas  individually.  If cheating is detected, actions outlined under Academic Integrity (see below) will be carried out. Homework submitted late will receive a penalty of 25% per day.

•   Midterms (40%): There will be two online midterm exams, each for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Exams are open book and notes but must be completed and  submitted individually via Canvas. If cheating is detected, actions outlined under Academic Integrity (see below) will be carried out. The exact material each exam will cover will be announced prior to each exam date. Late submissions will receive a score of 0.

•   Final (20%): The online final exam will be open book and notes but must be completed and submitted individually via Canvas. If cheating is detected, actions outlined under Academic Integrity (see below) will be carried out. The exact material covered will be announced prior to the final exam date. A late submission will receive a score of 0.

Grading scale:











97- 100 %

93-97 %

90-93 %

87-90 %

83-87 %

80-83 %

77-80 %

70-77 %

60-70 %

<60 %

Software and Computer Access

For the first part of this course, we will use MATLAB 2018a or higher. You may choose to download and install a version of MATLAB onto your personal machine either using the link https://myapps.asu.edu/app/matlab, or you can run the MATLAB online version (aka Citrix). The Computing Commons also have MATLAB installed on the computers. Computing Commons is at CNTR building aka Center building, above the library on the ground floor. SIMULINK is bundled with MATLAB. If you have issues installing MATLAB, please contact student IT support using the linkhttps://uto.asu.edu/contact.

For the  second part  of this  course, we will use  Replit  as  our  online  C programming  environment.  Go  to Replit.com to  set  up  a  free  account.  If you  have  issues  creating  a  free  account  and  accessing  the  online programming environment, please contact your instructor.

No Generative AI Use Permitted

In  this  course,  all  assignments  must  be  completed  by  the  student.  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI),  including ChatGPT and other related tools used for creating of text, images, computer code, audio, or other media, are not permitted for use in any work in this class. Use of these generative AI tools will be considered a violation of the ASU Academic Integrity Policy, and students may be sanctioned for confirmed, non-allowable use in this course.

Absence policies and the conditions under which assigned work and/or tests can be made up, which should include:

Attendance and participation in-class activities is an essential part of the learning process, and students are expected to attend class regularly. Some absences are, however, unavoidable. Excused absences for classes will be given without penalty to the grade in the case of (1) a university-sanctioned event  [ACD  304-02];  (2) religious     holidays      [ACD      304-04];     a      list      of     religious     holidays      can     be      found      here https://eoss.asu.edu/cora/holidays ]; (3) work performed in the line-of-duty according [SSM 201-18]. Students who request an excused absences must follow the policy/procedure guidelines. Excused absences do not relieve students of responsibility for any part of the coursework required during the period of absence.

In case you cannot attend class in person as a result of illness or possible exposure to infectious disease, you may participate in this class remotely via ASU Sync. To participate remotely, please contact the instructor by email at least one hour before the start of class to receive a Zoom link to attend class live.

Anticipated absences for university-sanctioned events, religious holidays, or line-of-duty activity should be communicated to the instructor by email at least 1 day before the expected absence.

Absences  for  illness,  quarantine  or  self-isolation  related  to   illness   should  be   documented  by   a  health professional and communicated to the instructor as soon as possible by email.

Excused absences do not relieve students from responsibility for any part of the coursework required during the period of absence. Faculty will provide accommodations that may include participation in classes remotely, access to recordings of class activities, and make-up work.

If there is a disagreement as to whether an absence should be accommodated, the instructor and student should contact the academic unit chair immediately for resolution.

Policy regarding expected classroom behavior (e.g., use of pagers, cell phones, recording devices)

Students in this class are expected to acknowledge and embrace the FSE student professionalism expectation located at: https://engineering.asu.edu/professionalism/ Disruptive/distracting behavior (anything not related to EGR 219 that diverts your and/or your classmates’ attention away from class proceedings) during class meeting will not be allowed. Cell phones and pagers must be turned offor set on vibrate during class to avoid causing distractions. Cell phone use without instructor approval will not be allowed during class meetings. Any violent or threatening conduct by an ASU student in this class will be reported to the ASU Police Department and the Office of the Dean of Students.


All course content and materials, including lectures, are copyrighted materials and students may not share outside the class, upload to online websites not approved by the instructor, sell, or distribute course content or notes taken during the conduct of the course (seeACD 304–06, “Commercial Note Taking Services” and ABOR Policy5-308 F.14for more information).

You must refrain from uploading to any course shell, discussion board, or website used by the course instructor or other course forum, material that is not the student’s original work, unless the students first comply with all applicable copyright laws; faculty members reserve the right to delete materials on the grounds of suspected copyright infringement.

Academic Integrity

Students   in    this   class    must    adhere   to    ASU’s    academic   integrity    policy,   which    can    be   found at https://provost.asu.edu/academic-integrity/policy).  Students  are  responsible  for  reviewing  this  policy  and understanding each of the areas in which academic dishonesty can occur. In addition, all engineering students are  expected  to  adhere  to  both   the  ASU   Academic  Integrity Honor  Code  and  the  Fulton  Schools  of Engineering Honor  Code.  All   academic  integrity  violations  will  be  reported   to  the  Fulton  Schools  of Engineering Academic Integrity Office (AIO).   The AIO maintains record of all violations and has access to academic integrity violations committed in all other ASU college/schools.

Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. For students caught cheating or plagiarizing, including the use of Chegg or a similar website, recommended sanctions for these violations will be: receiving no credit for the assignment on which the cheating occurred, assigning the student a failing grade in the class, and/or referring the case for disciplinary action.

All work submitted for the course cannot have been submitted for any other course or any previous section of this  same  course.  Student  academic  integrity violations  are reported to  the Fulton  Schools  of Engineering Academic Integrity Office (AIO). Withdrawing from this course will not absolve you of responsibility for an academic integrity violation and any sanctions that are applied. The AIO maintains a record of all violations and has access to academic integrity violations committed in all other ASU college/schools.

Unless explicitly allowed by your instructor, the use of generative AI tools on any course assignment or exam will be  considered  academic  dishonesty  and  a  violation  of the ASU  Academic  Integrity  Policy.  Students confirmed to be engaging in non-allowable use of generative AI will be sanctioned according to the academic integrity policy and FSE sanctioning guidelines.

Policy against threatening behavior, per the Student Services Manual, SSM 104-02

Students, faculty, staff, and other individuals do not have an unqualified right of access to university grounds, property,  or  services.  Interfering  with  the  peaceful  conduct  of university-related  business  or  activities  or remaining on campus grounds after a request to leave may be considered a crime. All incidents and allegations of violent or threatening conduct by an ASU student (whether on- or off-campus) must be reported to the ASU Police Department (ASU PD) and the Office of the Dean of Students.

Disability Accommodations

Suitable accommodations will be made for students having disabilities. Students needing accommodations must register with the ASU Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services office and provide documentation of that registration to the instructor. Students should communicate the need for an accommodation in sufficient time for it to be properly arranged. See ACD 304-08Classroom and Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.

Harassment and Sexual Discrimination

Arizona  State University  is  committed to providing  an  environment  free  of discrimination, harassment,  or retaliation for the entire university community, including all students, faculty members, staff employees, and guests. ASU expressly prohibits discrimination, harassment, and retaliation by employees, students, contractors, or  agents  of the  university  based  on  any  protected  status:  race,  color,  religion,  sex,  national  origin,  age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and genetic information.

Title IX is a federal law that provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity.  Both Title IX and university policy make clear that sexual violence and harassment based on sex is prohibited.  An individual who believes they have been subjected to sexual violence or harassed on the basis of sex can seek support, including counseling and academic support, from the university.  If you or someone you know has been harassed on the basis      of     sex      or       sexually      assaulted,      you      can      find      information      and      resources      at https://sexualviolenceprevention.asu.edu/faqs.

As a mandated reporter, I am obligated to report any information I become aware of regarding alleged acts of sexual   discrimination,   including    sexual   violence    and   dating   violence.       ASU   Counseling    Services, https://eoss.asu.edu/counseling is available if you wish to discuss any concerns confidentially and privately. ASU    online    students    may    access    360    Life    Services,   https://goto.asuonline.asu.edu/success/online- resources.html.

Photo requirement

Arizona State University requires each enrolled student and university employee to have on file with ASU a current  photo  that  meets  ASU’s  requirements  (your  "Photo").  ASU  uses  your  Photo  to  identify  you,  as necessary, to provide you educational and related services as an enrolled student at ASU. If you do not have an acceptable Photo on file with ASU, or if you do not consent to the use of your Photo, your  access to ASU resources, including access to classes (online or in person) maybe negatively affected or denied.

Syllabus changes

Any information in this syllabus (other than grading and absence policies) may be subject to change with reasonable advance notice.