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SPTE 240-J11 College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management Fall 2023


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College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management

SPTE 240-J11

Business Law

Fall 2023

General Information

100% Web Asynchronous

Credit Hours: 3

Instructor: Professor Mary Lunden, JD

Office Hours: Tuesdays 11:30 am – 1:30pm and Wednesdays 2:30-4:30pm via Blackboard Ultra. And by appointment.

E-mail: [email protected]  

Final Exam:      TBD

Course Description:

This course is designed to assist the student in acquiring basic knowledge of key concepts of business law as they relate to the hospitality, retail, sport management, and technology industries.  The student is not expected to become a lawyer but should be familiar with potential legal hazards in business and know when they should contact a legal advisor.  Topic areas will include, but are not limited to, torts, contracts, e-commerce and digital law, agency, business organizations, employment, and intellectual property.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

1. Identify laws, conditions, and regulations in national and international work environments.  

2. Describe the structure of the U.S. Court system and the roles of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches in creating legal rules.

3. Recognize basic legal issues in the areas of business contracts, torts, and business crimes, intellectual property and state the basic legal rules applicable thereto using appropriate legal terms.

4. Analyze legal problems commonly associated with contractual relations of commercial enterprises, identifying the legal issues that are presented and the legal rules that apply, and describing the factors a businessperson should consider in deciding upon a course of action in such circumstances.

Textbook in use:

Business Law, 10th Edition (ISBN-13: 978-0134728780)

By: Henry R. Cheeseman

You may purchase, rent, borrow, or download the 10th Edition

*Additional readings may be posted to blackboard*

Course Policies

Course Format: This is a fully online course. Online classes are not easier than face-to-face lecture classes. To succeed in an online class, you must be extremely motivated and well organized. You will need to purchase the required textbook listed above by the first day of the course. Other course materials are available via Blackboard (“Bb”). You are required to check Black Board often and engage with the instructional materials. Regular Internet access is essential for successful completion of the course.

The typical class structure will consist of learning modules, which include:

· Occasional Short Video/ Voice Recording/PowerPoint Lectures

· Readings

· Online Discussions

· Assignments

· Quizzes

· Exams

This is an entirely Web-based course. We have no face-to-face class meetings, and you will complete your work asynchronously - which simply means that you will be working on it at different times than your colleagues. You can log into the class to do your work at whatever time is convenient for you as long as you are meeting class deadlines.

It is important to understand that this is not a self-paced class or an independent study. You will have assigned deadlines, and work must be submitted on time. You may not save up your assignments to complete in the last weeks or days of the semester. One critical part of this class is regular engagement with the materials. Each assignment sequence must be completed on schedule – you can't work ahead or get behind and be successful.

.    Any recordings posted by the instructor are the intellectual property of the faculty and they may not be shared or reproduced in whole or part without the explicit written consent of the faculty member. Further, students may not share these sessions with those not in the class or upload them to any other online environment. Doing so would be a breach of the Code of Student Conduct.

Missed Assignment and Exam Policy: Missed quizzes and exams are marked as a zero. There are no make-ups for quizzes or exams. Exams are timed and will not be accepted after the deadline. To be clear- quizzes and exams must be completed by the deadline, not started. No exceptions.

In addition, late assignments (not quizzes or tests) will be penalized one letter grade for each day they are late up to 11:59 pm of the third day after the deadline. After that, assignments will not be accepted and will be marked a zero.

Do not wait until the last minute to submit anything online through Blackboard. Technical difficulties do arise, but they will not excuse a late submission.

**Please note, I do offer several opportunities for extra credit throughout the semester.**

Course Evaluations: At the end of the semester, you will have the opportunity to formally evaluate the course and the instructor. This process is very important, and we take your comments very seriously. The course evaluation will be online and open the last two and half weeks of the semester. You will receive daily e-mail reminders to complete a course’s evaluation.  Once you complete a course evaluation, e-mail reminders for the course will stop. All evaluations are anonymous. Results will be shared with the instructor after final grades are posted.  We also encourage you to provide feedback during the semester on your classes.”


University policy regarding academic responsibility (Student Affairs Policy STAF 6.25) states “It is the responsibility of every student at the University of South Carolina Columbia to adhere steadfastly to truthfulness and to avoid dishonesty, fraud, or deceit of any type in connection with any academic program. Any student who violates this rule or who knowingly assists another to violate this rule shall be subject to discipline.” Students who commit an act of academic dishonesty may receive a failing grade on the assignment or in the course. More information regarding this policy can be found in the Carolina Community: USC Student Handbook and Policy Guide at http://www.sc.edu/policies/staf625.pdf.

Honor Code: Every student has a role in maintaining the academic reputation of the university. It is imperative that you refrain from engaging in plagiarism, cheating, falsifying your work and/or assisting other students in violating the Honor Code. As a student of the University, you agree to comply with the University Honor Code, the Carolina Creed, and all other policies of the University of South Carolina.

Two important components of the Honor Code:

· Faculty members are required to report potential violations of the Honor Code to the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.

· When a student is uncertain as to whether conduct would violate the Honor Code, it is their responsibility to seek clarification from the appropriate faculty member.

· The Honor Code can be found here: http://www.sc.edu/policies/staf625.pdf.

To clarify your understanding of the Honor Code, use these resources:

· Academic Integrity Tutorial [video]

· Instructor’s office hours

· The Purdue Online Writing Lab

· Student Success Center

· The Writing Center

· University Libraries: Citation Basics

Your enrollment in this class signifies your willingness to accept these responsibilities and uphold the Honor Code of the University of South Carolina. Please review the Honor Code Policies. Any deviation from this expectation can result in an appropriate academic penalty and a referral to the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.

Carolinian Creed
The community of scholars at the University of South Carolina is dedicated to personal and academic excellence.  Choosing to join the community obligates each member to the Carolinian Creed. Academic and civil discourse are the cornerstones of the educational system and crucial to individual growth.

As a Carolinian:

· I will practice personal and academic integrity;

· I will respect the rights and dignity of all persons;

· I will respect the rights and property of others;

· I will discourage bigotry, while striving to learn from differences in people, ideas and opinions;

· I will demonstrate concern for others, their feelings and their need for conditions which support their work and development.


The University of South Carolina’s official course management system is Blackboard.  The course syllabus, all discussion board forums, assignments, quizzes and exams will be available on Blackboard.  Students must submit all course work in the Blackboard classroom.  Course content may be modified during the course at the discretion of the faculty in order to appropriately meet learning needs. Updates will be posted in the Announcements section of the course web site.  It is the student’s responsibility to check Blackboard for changes posted in the Announcements. If you have difficulty accessing the class website, please contact the IT Department.


All student’s written work must follow guidelines according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition. Please consult the Library for additional information.


The materials for the course, lectures, and discussion boards are located on Blackboard.   Blackboard Ultra will be used for any online lectures. Therefore, Internet access is necessary.  Assignments must be completed using Microsoft Word or PowerPoint.

 Minimal Technical Skills

Minimal technical skills are needed in this online course.  All work in this course must be submitted online through Blackboard. Email submissions will not be accepted. Therefore, you must have consistent and reliable access to a computer and the Internet.  Without computer and Internet access and minimal technology skills, it will be virtually impossible to succeed in this course.  Before starting this course, you must be comfortable doing the following.  You should have the ability to:

· Organize electronic files;

· Save electronic files;

· Use UofSC email account and attached files;

· Check UofSC email account and Blackboard daily;

· Download and upload documents in Blackboard;

· Locate information with a browser; and

· Use Microsoft WORD effectively.

Google Chrome is the recommended browser for Blackboard.  


Blackboard Help (http://ondemand.blackboard.com/students.htm)

If you have problems with your computer or Blackboard, please contact University Technology Support (UTS) Help Desk at 803.777.1800 or [email protected].  The UTS Help Desk is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.  The Thomas Cooper Library at USC has computers for you to use and if you are not in Columbia, most public libraries have computers you may use if you find yourself facing computer problems.


You are required to use your UofSC email account throughout this course. I will be communicating with you regarding grades and assignments. I will reply to emails within 24 hours Sunday through Thursday and will provide feedback on assignments within 48 hours.

Netiquette: Etiquette for Communicating Online:

· Treat one another with respect.  We all hold different opinions, but we can all respect those opinions and communicate in a professional manner.

· Do not use all CAPITAL LETTERS in emails or Discussion Board postings.  This is considered “shouting” and is viewed as impolite or aggressive.

· Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.  Text messaging language is not acceptable.

· Use good taste when communicating.  Profanity is neither appropriate nor professional.

· Re-read, think, and edit your message before you click Send/Submit.

If you have personal questions pertaining to this course, please email me.  I do not consistently check Blackboard and email on Saturday and Sunday.  However, I will respond within 24 hours if contacted Sunday – Thursday unless there are unforeseen circumstances. When sending an email, please include a detailed subject line.  Additionally, make sure you reference the course – SPTE 240 - and sign the email with your name.  Begin these emails with a proper salutation (e.g., Dear Professor Lunden, Hello Professor Lunden, Good Afternoon Professor Lunden).  Starting an email without a salutation or a simple "Hey" is not professional or appropriate. If you are reading this section of the syllabus, send me an email that says “I read the syllabus” by September 1st (with the proper salutation!) for five extra credit points.


I will be contacting you via the email address you have in Blackboard. If you primarily use another email account, you should make sure that the Blackboard account is linked to that address. It is your responsibility to ensure that your email accounts work properly in order to receive mail. If you are having trouble with this course or its material, you should contact me via email to discuss the issues. As a student in this course you also can get help from:

· The Student Success Center: http://www.sa.sc.edu/ssc/

· The Academic Centers for Success: http://www.housing.sc.edu/ace/

· Support for Blackboard and Technology

· As a student in this course, you also have access to support from University Technology Services for Blackboard and computer issues.

· Blackboard Support: http://uts.sc.edu/academic/blackboard/support.shtml

· Technical Support from University Technology Services: http://uts.sc.edu/support/helpdesk.shtml or call 803-777- 1800


Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the instructor to discuss the logistics of any accommodations needed to fulfill course requirements. In order to receive reasonable accommodations from the instructor, students must be registered with the Student Disability Resource Center. Any student with a documented disability should contact the Student Disability Resource Center to make arrangements for appropriate accommodations at 777-6142 or https://sc.edu/about/offices_and_divisions/student_disability_resource_center/


In order to learn, we must be open to the views of people different that ourselves. In this time we share together over the semester, please honor the uniqueness of your fellow classmates and appreciate the opportunity we have to learn from one another. Please respect each other’s opinions and refrain from personal attacks or demeaning comments of any kind.

In scheduling exams, I have attempted to avoid conflicts with major religious holidays. If, however, I have inadvertently scheduled an exam or major deadline that creates a conflict with your religious observances, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can make other arrangements.


If stress is impacting you or getting in the way of your ability to do your schoolwork, maintain relationships, eat, sleep, or enjoy yourself, please reach out to any of our mental health resources. Counseling & Psychiatry offers individual and group counseling and psychiatric services. You can schedule an appointment at (803) 777-5223 or on MyHealthSpace. You can also call after-hours for crisis counseling. Wellness Coaching can help you improve in areas related to emotional and physical wellbeing, such as sleep, resiliency, balanced eating and more. Wellness Coaching appointments can be made by calling 803-777-6518. or on MyHealthSpace. Most of these services are offered at no cost as they are covered by the Student Health Services tuition fee. For all available mental health resources, check out University Health Services Mental Health.


Assessment is a critical part of learning to determine whether you are meeting course objectives.   I will assess your understanding of the subject matter and award assessment points accordingly; the better you understand the material; the more points you will earn.  You will have the opportunity throughout the semester to earn 1000 assessment points as specified below.

**We are on a point, not percentage system, please keep that in mind as you check your grades.**

     Assessment Points Earned Grade Equivalent

                                900-1000 A

        880-899 B+

        800-879 B

        780-799 C+

        700-779 C

        680-699 D+

        600-679    D

               <600 F

The maximum number of points per assignment or requirement is as follows:



Tests             2 @ 150


Discussion Board or Assignments 5 @ 50


On-line Quizzes   8 @ 25


Final exam    1@ 250


TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS              1000 points




Legal Environment of Business

Chapters 1 - 4

Week One Plus

August 24th-September 1st

Note: This is an extended week- use the extra days to secure your textbook and get familiar with the course.

Review Introduction Module

Review Week 1 Module

Syllabus Quiz 1 due 9/1 @5 PM

Assignment 1: Discussion Board Post due 9/1 @ 5 PM

Read Chapter 1 (1.1, 1.4-1.6) and all of Chapter 2


Week Two

September 3rd- September 8th


Read Chapter 3 & 4

Online Quiz 2 Ch. 1-4 due 9.8.23 @ 5:00 PM EST



Torts, Crimes, and Intellectual Property

Chapters 5-7, parts of 8

Week 3

Sept 10th-15th

Read Chapters 5

Week 4

Sept 17th-22nd


Read Chapter 6

Online Quiz 3 Ch. 5-6

Assignment 2: Warning Labels due 9/22 @ 5:00 PM EST



Week 5

September 24th-29th


Read Chapter 7 and 8.5 and 8.6


Week 6


EXAM 1 Chapters 5-8



Contracts including Sales and Leases

Chapters 9-12, 16-19

Week 7

October 8th-13th


Read Chapters 9-10

Watch videos related to Chapters 11 and 12

Online Quiz 4 Ch. 9-12 due 10.13.23 @ 5:00 PM EST


Week 8


Note: This is a short week due to Fall Break- feel free to get a jump start on the assignment and reading for next week.


Read Chapters 16-17

Assignment 3 (Contract Law in the News) Posted- Deadline 10.27


Week 9

Oct 22nd-27th

Read Chapters 18-19

*Chapter 20 is optional reading

Online Quiz 5 Ch 16-19 due 10.27.23 @ 5:00 PM EST

Assignment 3 Due 10.27 @5:00 PM

Week 10

October 29th-November 3rd

EXAM 2 Chapters 9-12, 16-19

Exam opens at 12:00 PM EST (NOON) Thursday November 2nd and closes at 5:00 PM Friday November 3rd.


Agency, Employment and Labor Law

Chapters 29-33

Week 11

November 5th-10th

Read Chapters 29 & 30

Assignment 4: Discussion Board Post “Gig Workers” assigned.

Online Quiz 6 Ch 29 & 30

Week 12

November 12th-17th

Read Chapter 31-33

Online Quiz 7 Ch 31-33

Assignment 4 due 11/17/23 @ 5:00 PM.

Week 13

Nov 19th-24th 


You may want to watch the movie The Founder (Michael Keaton as Ray Kroc of McDonald’s). Assignment 5 is based on this movie.



Business Organizations



Chapters 34, 35, 39, 40 and 42

Week 14

Nov 26TH-Dec 1st

Read Chapter 34-35

Online Quiz 8 Ch 34 & 35

Week 15

December 3rd-8th

Read Ch 39 &40 and parts of 42.

Watch: The Founder

Assignment 5 Discussion Board Post: The Founder




Week 16

Dec. 8th Reading Day

Dec. 10th Final Exams begin

Exam Review

Final Exam TBD