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MCD4290 23-T2 Assignment Two Narrative


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MCD4290 23-T2

Assignment Two Narrative

Due Week 11 Friday 11:55PM

Project Case

BigBuilds is a road infrastructure company that specialises in the designing and building of cycling and walking/running tracks alongside road and train tracks. Currently, the company must travel to the locations of the land to begin planning where the track will go and how much it may cost, and they would like to create a browser-based web app that will help speed this process up.

A company representative has asked your team to create a prototype of this app for them that would allow them to plan their tracks remotely using an app.

The app should be user friendly and have a clear interface design with seamless navigation. The company has emphasized that they don’t want to use tabs and instead want a menu

that navigates between the various pages of the app. They also want to avoid users having to scroll up and down on pages, and have all information and controls visible to the user

within the constraints of the window, with the exception of viewing all saved plots of land.

The user should be able to view the app on a desktop browser. In addition, the app interface should be responsive when viewing from a mobile device. (eg. content reflows and resizes

appropriately, no overlapping elements). The company expects the customer to either use a 10.5 inch tablet in landscape mode or 6 inch mobile phone in portrait mode.

Based on the initial discussion with the client, BigBuilds, the following key requirements have been identified.

●    The user should be able to select a location for the track by either typing in the name of the location, or by getting the user’s current location.

●    The user should be able to click on the map to place a track post.

●    The app should show lines between track posts, and estimate the total distance of the track.

●     Estimate the cost of building the track.

●    The user should be able to see all previously saved tracks.

●    The user should be able to see detailed information about the track.