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Math 210: Calculus with Analytic Geometry III Fall 2023


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Fall 2023

Math 210:  Calculus with Analytic Geometry III

Communication Plan:  Please contact me using the email system in Canvas for a prompt reply.  I communicate more

effectively in real-time, so request to meet with me before or after class in Zoom.

My “Why” Statement:  I genuinely and passionately believe in your capacity to learn mathematics. As a product of Rio

Hondo College, UCLA and CSULA, I answer the Call-to-Action to share with you the beauty of learning Mathematics.

The HowStatement:   You are ready, able and possess the desire to succeed!

The “What” Statement:   Impress yourself with the amount of time and effort you are investing towards your success!

Days/Times of Class:      Monday and Wednesday  11:40 a.m. – 12:55 p.m.                          Class Location: Citrus Zoom

Days/Times of Student Hours in Zoom:    Monday and Wednesday 12:55 – 1:55 p.m.

Required Materials:    Calculus, 8th  OR  7th Edition (OR California Ed.) by James Stewart.  For chapter 12, when graphing vectors in R2 use grid paper and for vectors in R3  use isometric paper (found in the module) with either a parallel glider or any straight edge. Please see the Calculus 3 – Fall 2023 module in canvas for the required materials.

Optional Materials:     Casio CLASSWIZ calculatorfx -991 CW is an excellent weapon of math destruction! Use the QR and the Access Code US0579CE1018 to purchase the calculator for $19.99 plus typical charges.

Course Prerequisites:  A minimum grade of a C in math 191, or placement based on multiple assessment measures.

Course Description:     Vectors, calculus of vector-valued functions, calculus of functions of more than one independent variable, partial derivatives, multiple integration, vector calculus, Green's, Stokes' and Divergence Theorems.

Course Topics:

Student Learning Outcomes:  Throughout this course, students will be able to do the following:

1.    Communication (personal expression and information acquisition)

OUTCOME:  Students will demonstrate proficiency in writing and interpreting standard mathematical notation.

RATIONALE:  Mathematical notation allows one to communicate mathematical principles in an efficient manner.

2.    Computation

OUTCOME:  Students will demonstrate the ability to use partial derivatives and multiple integrals to compute rates of

change, maximum and minimum values, surface areas, volumes, and other multivariable applications of calculus.

RATIONALE:  Calculus-based computations are relevant in every branch of science.

3.    Creative, Critical, and Analytical Thinking

OUTCOME:  Derive and prove formulas related to differentiation and integration and demonstrate the ability to identify

optimal problem-solving techniques for any single application.

RATIONALE:  The ability to identify optimal problem-solving techniques is essential for innovation.

ASSESSMENT: as demonstrated on homework assignments, quizzes, and exams.

Exams:     You will complete the 1.5 - hour exam during class on 9/20, 10/25, and 11/29.

Lecture Quizzes:     One-question with no time restriction, but due before 7 pm on 9/6, 10/11, and 11/15.

Final:        The two-hour comprehensive final starts at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, December 13, 2023.

Attendance and Engagement:       You are required to attend our class meeting and engage in all aspects of the learning

process. The previous video recordings for all the content will be made available to you. I am going to assume that you

viewed the topics or sections we are meeting on, so our class meeting will be dedicated to problem solving. Your task is  to identify the specific concept or problem you would like to review during our meeting. Every class meeting will start with    you submitting in the chat publicly the specific problems or general concepts that you want to go over during our meeting.  If there a no request, I may go over particular problems that illustrate the concept to the sections for that specific meeting or I will move on to the next section.  Your engagement will be measured by a combination of submitting homework, completing assessments, participating in the discussion board, viewing any of my previous video recordings, and attending our meetings. Before the withdraw deadline, you will be dropped if you disengage or if your absences exceed 3 class meetings. Afterwards, you will receive a failure to withdraw letter grade if your absences are at least four meetings.

Homework:  Homework is EXTREMELY and I mean, EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!  I use the assigned homework to  help you learn the concepts of Calculus III.  To receive credit, you must show all work leading to the problem’s solution.  A valuable learning moment will be missed if you copy the solution from any source. It is understood that at some point you    will meet some form of “resistance,” so please take note of what was said or done that helped you conquer that resistance.    Moreover, if a mistake or learning moment occurs, check with any external source to analyze your solution, and take credit for finishing the problem. I am convinced you will take the time to analyze your learning.

The homework is posted and submitted through Canvas.  In the comment section or on the first page of your homework package, please provide a homework report when you upload your homework as ONE pdf file.  The half a point HW report   will list which specific problems you completed.  You will be given a certain amount of credit for doing the homework neatly and using the proper mathematical notation.  The rest of your score will be based on certain amount problems that I will grade.  No late homework will be accepted since I take the highest number of homework sets.

Discussion Board:   You are highly encouraged to ask and answer questions about the homework or concepts in the DB.

Grading System:     Your grade will be determined in the following manner:

Lecture Quizzes               5%              3 Lecture quizzes (one question) each worth 10 points

Homework                      10%             Highest 12 homework packages each worth 5 points

Exams                             70%             3 exams each worth 140 points

Final Exam                     15%             Cumulative final exam worth 90 points

Grade:  A:= 100% – 90%, B:= 89.9% – 80%, C:= 79.9% – 70%, D:= 69.9% – 60%, F:= 59.9% or less, and Pass  ≥ 70%. The Pass/No Pass grading option is filed with Admissions and Records Office by the fourth Friday of the semester.

Students with Accommodations:  Understanding how you learn is the first step towards success. Please e-mail me your

Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP). Your success is this course is important to me!

Important Dates to Remember for this class:

. Labor Day Holiday – September 4th – No Class Meeting.

. September 8th is the last day for a refund.

. September 10th is the withdraw without “W” deadline.

. October 30th is the last day to withdraw with a “W” .

. Excused Withdraw – contact Admissions and Records.