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INFS1020 Working in Digital Ecosystems Semester 2, 2023


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Individual Assignment: Social Media Strategy

INFS1020 Working in Digital Ecosystems

Semester 2, 2023

1. Overview

This assignment requires you to formulate a strategy for your usage of social media. You will need to prepare multiple deliverables (detailed below) reflecting comprehensive research, analysis and critical thinking in relation to strategy formulation and social media.

Please note:

1.   This assignment is worth 20% of your total mark for INFS1020 this Semester.

2.   This assignment is to betaken individually.

3.   This assignment consists of multiple deliverables, to be submitted using the University of Sydney’s “Canvas” system.

2. Key Dates

Please note: All times and dates are quoted for the Australia/Sydney timezone.



Deliverables 1-3

(Video, Document, Reference Library)

11:59pm on Monday of Week 6,

which is 4 September 2023.

Deliverable 4

(Peer Review)

11:59pm on Tuesday of Week 7,

which is 12 September 2023

3. Deliverables

Deliverable 1 – Video (MP4/OGV)

The first deliverable that you are required to produce is a video, of no more than 3 minutes in length, in which you cover the following topics:

a.    CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION – Very brief introduction (recommended length: no more than 1 minute) that covers:

i.       Your name, background, and life story so far.

ii.       Reflection on your past and current usage (or non-usage) of social media, demonstrating critical reflection and critical thinking.

iii.       Statement of where you would like to go (professionally) in the future, particularly after graduating from your University of Sydney studies.

b. PROPOSED STRATEGY Presenting a social media strategy that covers:

i.       Content consumption (viewing content created by others)

ii.       Content production (creating content that belongs to you)

iii.       How you will maintain social, cultural and network capital

The audience of the video are the other students and the teaching team of this unit. To respect everyone’s time, videos are required to be no longer than 3 minutes in length. Any video material in  excess of 3 minutes will be ignored for marking purposes (for example, if your video is 3 minutes and 15 seconds long, then the teaching team will not take the final 15 seconds into consideration when    marking your work).

You are not required, but encouraged, to actually implement your proposed strategy (the strategy should in any case be pragmatic and realistic). You are, however, required to justify your strategy based on logical reasoning and appropriate reliable sources of knowledge.

Additionally, please note the following technical requirements for the video:

a.    This video should feature you (speaking to the camera) for the majority (more than 50%) of the runtime. You can speak exclusively or have someone interview you.

b.    It is recommended that you support your presentation with slides or other graphical elements, presented elegantly and appropriately.

c.    The video should be provided in either the MP4 or OGV format; it needs to be playable on the University’s “Canvas” system.

d.   The video’s image quality should be clear, sharp and pleasant to watch (e.g., avoid flickering lights and sudden flashes); however, the video resolution must not exceed 720p. Video quality of current generation mobiles are typically sufficient but be advised to use a suitable (quiet) location for quality audio recording.

Deliverable 2 – Document (PDF)

The second deliverable that you are required to produce is a document, of no more than 2 pages in length (A4 sized pages), in which you provide:

a.    Any supporting information that you are not able to cover in Deliverable 1 (video).

a.    It is understandable that 3 minutes is a very limited amount of time, and you may not be able to provide all the details that you would like. Therefore, a common strategy is to use Deliverable 1 (video) to provide a persuasive overview and then substantiate your claims, logical reasoning, evidence and justification in this supporting information here in Deliverable 2 (document).

b.    It is recommended that you structure this supporting information according to appropriate headings.

b.   A reference list of the appropriate and reliable sources of knowledge that have supported your argumentation, including ALL such sources cited in Deliverable 1.

a.    Do not include references that you have not read or do not actually use in any meaningful way.

b.    Ensure that you use APA referencing. We recommend APA 7th, but will still accept APA 6th this semester. More information about APA referencing is available from   the University of Sydney Library website.

This document can be produced using any software that you like, though we would recommend a word processor like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice so that you can use the reference library (Deliverable 3) to automatically generate this reference list, via the appropriate reference manager software. For most students, the easiest combination is Microsoft Word + EndNote. Importantly, you must save Deliverable 2 as a PDF file so that the length of the document, in pages, is consistent between computers.

The audience of the document are the other students and the teaching team of this unit. To respect everyone’s time, documents are required to be no longer than 2 pages in length. Any document pages in excess of 2 pages will be ignored for marking purposes (for example, if your document is 5    pages long, then the teaching team will only take the first 2 pages as your submission for Deliverable 2). Again, to ensure that the page length is consistent between computers, please ensure that your    work is uploaded in the form of a PDF file and not some other file format such as DOCX. Failure to comply with this requirement would reflect poorly on your digital literacy skills.

For this assignment, you are permitted to adjust document settings (e.g., font size, margin size, use of columns) in order to fit more material onto the 2 pages. Competently performing such adjustments using a word processor reflects well on your digital literacy skills. Please do ensure that you have checked that your document is still readable once you have saved it as PDF.

Deliverable 3 – Reference Library (ZIP)

The third deliverable that you are required to produce is a file generated by a reference manager of your choice (from the 3 options: EndNote, Zotero or BibTeX), demonstrating your research and search efforts for this assignment. Please note that, at a minimum, your submission for Deliverable 3 must include ALL references that you cite in Deliverable 2.

To produce Deliverable 3, use one of the reference managers listed as follows:

a. EndNote. The EndNote software is available from the University of Sydney as you have been advised earlier in the semester. Please ensure that you use EndNote version 20 and not

“X9”. If your computer is too outdated to run EndNote version 20, please consider a different option.

b. Zotero. The Zotero software is available from www.zotero.org as you have been advised  earlier in the semester. Zotero is the recommended option for international students on   exchange from other universities, whose access to EndNote may be limited at their home university.

c.    BibTeX. Technically, BibTeX is a plaintext-based file format for which there are many

software options available (e.g., www.jabref.org). BibTeX is the recommended option for    students who are concurrently studying subjects that involve computer programming (e.g., computer science students).

You are required to compress your reference library from your reference manager (EndNote, Zotero or Bibtex) into a ZIP file. If you are unsure about how to create a ZIP file, you are advised to leverage your digital literacy and research/search skills to discover how to create a ZIP file based on the operating system of your computer.

Deliverable 4 – Peer Review

Peer review is a process in which peers (students) review assignments of other peers/students. In    this unit, peer reviews are conducted using the unit coordinator’s marking scheme. You will have to provide reviews for the assignments of your peers. In return, you will receive peer reviews of your    assignment. The purpose of the peer review is to help you “change hats” (from writer to reader), to improve your meta-cognitive skills, to train your abilities for critical reflection and to make the assessment process more transparent and comprehensible. Note that the peer ratings will be considered as suggested evaluations by the teaching team. The final marks are mediated by the teaching team and the unit coordinator. The final authority in regard to all marks rests with the unit coordinator. The peer review process will be explained in detail in the lecture.

4. Indicative Marking Criteria

Please note that marks might be informed by peer review but are discretionary to the teaching team. Percentages are purely indicative only (there is no breakdown provided – the assignment will be given an overall mark based on the assessment of deliverable(s) as a whole).







1, 2

Overall Logical Reasoning: The argumentation follows clear conceptual connections from premises to conclusions,

based on appropriate reliable sources of knowledge.



1, 2

Contextual Information: The details provided are well- explained, relevant to the proposed strategy, and

demonstrate critical reflection / critical thinking.



1, 2

Proposed Strategy: The suggestions for the future are well-

explained, feasible, creative, and demonstrate critical thinking as well as understanding of INFS1020 study   materials.



1, 2, 3

References: The chosen references and their use in the

logical reasoning (M1) demonstrates ability for independent research, command of identifying quality references.




Video Quality: The video is of high quality, entailing

competent use of audio, camera video feed, slides and/or graphical elements, and correct file format and resolution.



2, 3

Documentation: The document and reference library are of high quality, entailing professionalism in the formatting of

the document (Deliverable 2) and use of correct file formats (Deliverables 2 and 3). Consistency between the reference library (Deliverable 3) and the reference list in the

document (Deliverable 2), indicative of correct use of a reference manager, is looked upon favourably for this criterion.




Peer Review: The peer review is constructive (actionable for future improvement), balanced (i.e., pointing out both

strengths and opportunities for improvement), specific

(e.g., by relating feedback to actual examples/quotes directly from the reviewed work), and respectful.


5. Rules and Regulations

Proper Academic Conduct

While the University is aware that the vast majority of students and staff act ethically and honestly, it is opposed to and will not tolerate academic dishonesty or plagiarism and will treat all allegations of dishonesty seriously.

Further information on academic honesty, academic dishonesty, and the resources available to all students can be found on the academic integrity pages on the current students’ website: https://sydney.edu.au/students/academic-integrity.html.

Compliance Statement

In submitting this work, I acknowledge I have understood the following:

. I have read and understood the University of Sydney's Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy


. The work is substantially my own and where any parts of this work are not my own I have

indicated this by acknowledging the source of those parts of the work and enclosed any quoted

text in quotation marks.

. The work has not previously been submitted in part or in full for assessment in another unit unless I have been given permission by my unit of study coordinator to do so.

. The work will be submitted to similarity detection software (Turnitin) and a copy of the work will be retained in Turnitin's paper repository for future similarity checking.

. Engaging in plagiarism or academic dishonesty will, if detected, lead to the University   commencing proceedings under the Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015 and

the Academic Honesty Procedures 2016.

. Engaging another person to complete part or all of the submitted work will, if detected, lead to the University commencing proceedings against me for potential student misconduct under

the University of Sydney (Student Discipline) Rule 2016.


This assignment is made available to you for your learning in INFS1020 as a student at The University of Sydney. Copyright of this assignment is with the unit coordinator or the respective right holders.

All rights reserved. Do not post online or make otherwise make available assignments or corresponding solutions without permission.