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Assignment 1 - Feature Extraction


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Assignment 1 - Feature Extraction

IMAGES. All images may be found in the TEST IMAGES folder.

1.  Please read Chs. 3 and 4 from Szeliski’s book.

2.  You must create a jupyter notebook named Problem2.ipynb.  The notebook must have two func- tions implemented, namely edge detector and Hough transform .  The code must perform the following functions:

•  On the house.tif image, performedge detection using the Laplacian of the Gaussian. This must be implemented inside the edge detector function.  Display the edges alongside the original image. Report the results, especially the choice of parameters in computing the edges.  Comment on how the performance varies as you change the width of the Gaussian filter.

•  Using the output of the edge detector, implement a Hough transform, to detect the lines in the house.tif image.  This must be implemented inside the Hough transform function.  Use binning to identify the number of lines and then use RANSAC to fit a line to the edges in each bin. Plot the lines alongside the original image.

You must implement the two functions on your own and are not allowed to use any pre-defined edge detection or Hough transform or RANSAC libraries provided in OpenCV or python in general.

3.  lena  gray 256  noisy.png is a noisy version of the image lena  gray 256.tif . Using an im- age pyramid with Gaussian filtering, create a multi-resolution decomposition of the noisy image (at least two levels). De-noise the image by reconstructing from the multi-resolution decomposition by deempha- sizing some of the high-frequency components.  You are allowed to hand-pick the filter parameters for this problem, but explain clearly the reason behind the choice of filter and its parameters.  Also explain how you reduced the impact of the high frequency components.

4.  Feature Extraction. In this problem, you are required to extract the Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) features for CIFAR10 dataset.  The dataset is available in PyTorch (using Torchvision), Tensor- Flow and Keras. This dataset is for object recognition with 10 categories.  The PyTorch starter code for this problem is extract features.py provided in the Problem4 folder. Some portions of the code are already filled in for convenience. Fill in the missing portion of the code for the following:

(a)  Use the pre-trained AlexNet and VGG-16 architecture available in models folder to extract features for the train data and test data provided in the started code. These models will output the features of penultimate layer of the model.

This code will save features and their labels in ‘vgg16 train.mat’ and ‘vgg16 test.mat’ for VGG- 16 features and ‘alex  train.mat’ and ‘alex  test.mat’ for AlexNet features. This train file for VGG16 should contain ‘feature’ of dimension 50000×4096, where 50000 is the number of images and 4096 is the feature dimension obtained using VGG-16. Similarly the ‘feature’ in train file for AlexNet is of size 50000 × 256.

Verify that you can extract the features properly. Analyze the outputs from the few initial and final layers of the network and describe your observations qualitatively.

5.  Feature Matching. We will now consider how to match features, but use classical approaches to provide an intuitive understanding. You have to complete the featurematching.ipynb notebook provided in the Problem5 folder. The starter code is in cell 5 of the notebook. You must adhere to the instructions related to the different functions provided in the notebook.   This code can be broken down into the following steps:

  The code loads the blocks.png, blocks  tform1.png and blocks  tform12.png im-

ages. The last two images are affine transformations of blocks.png. Then, it calls the getCorners function to obtain the corner points. You have to implement this function using off-the-shelf corner

detectors in OpenCV as shown in https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d4/d8c/tutorial py shi tomasi.html. In your notebook you must explain how the detector works.

•  The images along with their corresponding corners are used as inputs to the getFeatures func- tion. Details about i/pando/p to this function maybe obtained inside it. This function should extract the Histogram of Gradient (HoG) features for 8 × 8 patches around each of the corner points. Use 16 bins to obtain the HoG features.  You should not use any built-in function of HoG features in Python and have to implement this function on your own.

•  The matches between the feature points of the original and transformed images are obtained using the getMatches function, which needs to be completed, and its i/pando/p details may be found inside the function.  For each feature point, choose the nearest (according to HoG feature) as its match if the distance measure is greater than a certain threshold (handpicked). Use the normalized cross-correlation as a distance measure. The matches are then displayed.

The notebook must display the original and transformed images along with their detected corners as well as matches. Details regarding the plotting are already provided in the notebook.

Submission Protocol. You must submit codes written in Python for every problem. Unless otherwise specified, the code for each problem must be a Jupyter notebook i.e.  .ipynb file. You can use Colab if you want. You should add comments to your codes to make them reader friendly.  All codes must be uploaded in separate folders named after the problem number. Keep all the images necessary to run a code in the same folder as the code while you are submitting.  You must provide explanations in your notebooks related to each problem (if required).