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MAT218: Business Analysis


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MAT218: Business Analysis

Sections 17876 & 18583 | Online Format | Fall 2023 | 4 Credit-hours


Instructor: Jan Pitts

Email: [email protected]

Ofce: RDM - S273

Phone: 480-654-7788

In-Person and Virtual Student Assistance Hours:

Monday and Tuesday: 9:30-10:30 am (S273 - RM campus or via WebEx)

Wednesday: 11:00 - 12:00 pm (Tutoring Center - RM campus)

Thursday: 11:00 - 12:00 pm (S273 - RM campus or via WebEx)

Or by appointment

Virtual Office Hours for Online Students:

Wednesday: 7:00-8:00 pm via WebEx

Or by appointment

Communication Policy:

You may email me directly at [email protected] or through Canvas. Please use your Maricopa student email. I will do my best to respond to emails within 24 hours on weekdays and within 48 hours on weekends. When messaging me please start your subject title with: "MAT218"


You are expected to read and abide by all the policies in this syllabus. These policies apply even if you do not read this syllabus or do not complete the Syllabus Acknowledgement Quiz in Canvas.


This is an Online (only) class. Instead of attending class, you will watch recorded videos and take notes, complete online homework and submit worksheets in Canvas for feedback. This course requires use of

MyLab Math (also called MyMathLab) for online homework and an online textbook (no physical textbook needed). There are 4 modules, and there will be a quiz for each module that can be taken online using LockDown Browser + Monitor under very strict requirements or in a testing center (if you prefer or cannot meet the strict online testing requirements). In addition, there will be a Midterm and a Final Exam that will be given in person. If you are not available on the scheduled dates, other arrangements can be made.

Class Time Requirements

This is a four (4) credit-hour course. Plan to spend about 12+ hours per week to be successful. Expect about four hours watching videos and taking notes and a MINIMUM of eight hours on homework weekly. This class uses staggered due dates (Wednesdays and Sundays) to reduce procrastination. Start working on assignments well before due dates so you don’t fall behind.

Deadline to Start Class

This class must be started in a timely manner or I must drop you to ensure you get a complete refund for the class. To meet this requirement, I will drop any student from the class who has not started the class by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, August 23 to meet the refund deadline.

Active, Meaningful Participation Requirement

It is MCCCD and Federal Government policy that any student not participating in an online class for a fourteen (14) consecutive day period must be dropped from the online class. To meet this policy, I will withdraw any student who has reached ten (10) consecutive days without participating in the class in a meaningful way and who has not submitted a withdrawal request (see below) in Canvas. Here, meaningful participation means completing at least one assignment with a minimum of a 25% grade each week.

Withdrawal Policy

You will be withdrawn from this class with a W if you fail to participate in the class for ten (10) consecutive days.  Active participation means completing at least one assignment each week with a minimum grade of 25%.

If you wish to be withdrawn from the class, you can do one of the following:

1.  Drop yourself in the student center by August 28th.  The course will not show up on your transcript.

2. Complete the withdrawal form in Canvas by December 10th. The course will show up on your transcript with a grade of W. This does not affect your GPA. Note: Withdrawal requests may take

up to two weeks to process and may not actually get processed until overall grades are posted.

If you must receive a letter grade - A, B, C, D or F - you must actively participate in the class weekly.


Grade of C or better in MAT 212/213 (Brief Calculus) or equivalent.


An  introduction  to  the  mathematics  required   for  the  study  of  business,  includes  multivariable optimization,  Lagrange  multipliers,  linear programming, linear algebra, probability, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions.



MCCCD Official Course Competencies

1. Solve linear systems with two and three equations using various methods, including matrices.

2. Use technology to solve application problems with 3+ variables.

3. Solve linear programming problems using the graphical method.

4. Solve multivariable optimization problems with and without constraints.

5. Solve counting problems using various counting techniques.

6. Define probability using sample spaces, and apply to real-world scenarios.

7. Define basic statistics (measure of central tendency and dispersion), and apply to real-world problems.  8. Describe properties of discrete and continuous probability distributions, and apply to solve real-world problems.

9. Describe the normal distribution and its characteristics.

10. Find probabilities for normal random variables by using the normal distribution.


Required Materials and Technologies

●   MyLab Math (also called MyMathLab) will be used as the online learning and homework system for this class. You will link to MyLab Math from Canvas, so NO COURSE ID IS REQUIRED. Access to a  computer or mobile device with internet connection. Note: If you took this class within the past

year, your code may still work and you may not need to purchase a new one. All students should create their MyLab account immediately using the free trial access so you can get started right away. You will be prompted to pay for MyLab once the 14-day trial period ends.

●   A TI-84 graphing calculator is required.  Mobile phone emulators are not allowed on quizzes or exams. TI-84 graphing calculators are available to check out for free from an MCC Library for the semester. Note: A TI-89, TI-NSpire CAS, or any other calculator that can do symbolic

manipulation (CAS) may not be used on quizzes or exams.  Other electronic devices (cell phones, iPads, laptops, etc.) may not be used as calculators on exams.

●   Maricopa student email account.  It is important to use your @maricopa.edu email account for school activity, including MyLab Math.

●   A three-ring notebook and paper for the guided lesson notes, your MyLab Math assignments, and written worksheets.

●   Lockdown Browser + Monitor is required for all quizzes. There are very specific requirements for Lockdown Browser + Monitor that you must adhere to to use this option. A testing center option  is also available if you cannot meet these requirements. These will be described later in the syllabus.

●   An Apple or Windows PC with a functioning webcam and microphone that supports Lockdown Browser + Monitor and its video/audio recording. Caution: Lockdown Browser is supposed to

work with Chromebooks and iPads, but students have reported significantissues with these

devices that interfere with their quiz taking ability.  I do not recommend them and you should not rely on them for taking quizzes.  Use these devices at your own risk.

●   A stable, reliable, and fast internet connection is essential to complete the required assignments and quizzes (if you use the Remote Testing Option) in this class. This is especially important for  recording your quiz videos using Lockdown Browser.

●   The ability to create a PDF of worksheets and quiz work and upload them to Canvas (such as a smartphone, tablet, or scanner).  If you use your phone or tablet, I recommend Adobe Scan to avoid malware.  It is free and easy to use.

CAUTION: Do not remain enrolled in this class if you cannot meet the above requirements,

especially the Lockdown Browser requirement if you choose to use the Online Testing Option for quizzes.

Grading Standards

Important: Any student in an online math class at MCC must score a 60% or higher on the combined midterm and final exam average to receive an A, B, or Cin this class. A student whose combined

midterm and final average is lower than a 60% will receive a Dor an F, no matter what your overall grade is.  Please see the letter grade table below. This is an MCC Mathematics Department policy.

Leter Grade


(Midterm&FinalExam Average 60%)


(Midterm&FinalExam Average<60%)


89.5 – 100%

Not Possible


79.5 – 89.49%

Not Possible


69.5 –  79.49%

Not Possible


59.5 69.49%

59.5 – 100%


Below 59.5%

Below 59.5%


Any student who does not meet the participation requirement for this class or

requests to be withdrawn.

Additional Grading Expectations

Assignment Grading Details:

Video Notes


Online MyLab Math Homework


Written Homework (Worksheets)




Midterm and Final Exams


Video Notes:

There are several videos for each section of notes. These videos will introduce you to the basic concepts of each section. Students are required to watch the videos and take notes before completing homework assignments.

Video notes will be submitted in Canvas in PDF format.

Note: No late Video Notes will be accepted unless you have an excused absence.

The lowest 2 Video Note scores will be dropped at the end of the semester.

Online MyLab Math Homework:

Online homework will be completed using MyLab Math (also called MyMathLab).  Instructions for accessing MyLab Math will be provided in Canvas..

●   You have 3 attempts on each problem. After the third attempt you may request a new version of the problem.

Note: MyLab homework may be submitted late but 20% will be deducted from the score. However, the 20% deduction will only apply to problems completed after the due date.

●   Be aware that MyLab scores may not automatically update in Canvas. They should be updated each night, but occasionally I have to do a forced grade sync. Also, if you begin working on an assignment but don’t complete it, the current grade will be recorded. When you go back to complete the assignment the grade will be updated.

The lowest 2 MyLab homework scores will be dropped at the end of the semester.

Best Practice: As you complete the online homework, keep the worked out solutions in a notebook so you can use it to study. Additionally, it is easy to take a picture of your notebook and ask questions about any problems you are struggling with.

Written Homework (Worksheets):

Written homework (worksheets) will be assigned for each section of the textbook.  The written

homework will be due at 11:59 pm as scheduled on the calendar.

Written homework (worksheets) will be graded on completion.

●   Answer keys are provided in Canvas. You are responsible to check your answers before submitting the assignment and circle any problems with incorrect answers so that I may comment on them.

Note: No late written homework (worksheets) will be accepted unless you have an excused absence.

The lowest 2 written homework (worksheet) scores will be dropped at the end of the semester.

Testing Policy & Exam Information


There will be 4 quizzes given during the semester - one for each module.  To promote academic integrity and minimize cheating, there are two ways to complete the quizzes:

1. Remote Testing  Option using Lockdown Browser + Monitor with a Video/Audio Recording - Strict Requirements Apply! Each quiz can be taken remotely with LockDown Browser + Monitor while it records you using your webcam and microphone. We are not, however, using LockDown Browser in the same way you may use it in other classes.   Instead, you must clearly show your head, hands and immediate work area.  See detailed instructions below.

2. In Person Testing Option. You can take the exam in the MCC Testing Center (or  the testing center of another college/university near you if approved by the instructor).  To complete the exam at a non-MCC Testing Center, you must notify me by email at least one week prior to the exam to let me know when and where you will be taking the exam.  If a non-MCC Testing Center is used, a fee for which you are responsible may be charged.

Midterm and Final Exams:

The midterm and final exams must be taken in person so that the integrity of the exam is verified and

your instructor gets an accurate assessment of what you learned. I will hold two exam sessions for each    exam that you may attend at the MCC Southern and Dobson. If you are unable to attend these instructor   exam sessions, you can complete the exam on the same days as the instructor sessions in an MCC Testing Center or a testing center at a college/university near your location.

CAUTION: As per the MCC Mathematics Department policy, a student’s combined midterm and final exam average must be at least 60% to receive an A, B, or C overall grade for this class.

Remote Testing Requirements Using LockDown Browser + Monitor

These requirements are designed so that you can complete quizzes in a remote session while still

reasonably maintaining academic integrity. These requirements will be repeated in the quiz instructions and you will have a bonus question on the quiz stating that you carefully read them and will abide by

them or face the penalties described below.

So I can assure you are using only permitted devices/resources, you MUST clearly show your

head/face, hands, and immediate work area at all times during the exam in the LockDown

Browser video. Yes. The LockDown Browser instructions may tell you to show only your face, but we are not using LockDown Browser + Monitor in this way. Here are some pictures to help you

guide your remote testing session using LockDown Browser. Use the table and images to help guide your setup. Tips for helping you achieve this setup are found in Canvas.

●   You will  have a practice LockDown Browser assignment in Canvas so you can test LockDown Browser + Monitor and your remote testing setup. This must be completed at least once if you plan on using the Remote Testing Option. You can take it as many times as you would like. If you want me to review your exam video to make sure it meets the requirements, please email me and request  that  I  do  this.  Below  are  examples  of good  and  bad  Remote  Testing Option setups. Suggestions on how to achieve this setup can be found in Canvas. Any opportunities for extra credit will be given to the whole class.



Good - not great!

Unacceptable. I can’t see your

hands or work


Unacceptable. I can’t see your

hands or work


You should complete the quizin a quiet area free of distractions (people, children, pets, etc.).

Talking from you or others will cause LockDown Browser to flag you for potential cheating. You also need a quiet area to focus on the exam.

●   Photo identification (like a drivers license, student identification card, or passport) is required for each quiz

●   Lockdown Browser will require you to pan your webcam around your testing environment. If you are unable to do this, the use of a large hand mirror can be used to reflect your environment to

the webcam by holding the reflected side toward the webcam and tilting the mirror up, down, left, and right slightly until it shows your environment on the reflected surface.

●   Only an allowable calculator, pencil (or erasable pen), and six sheets of blank notebook paper is   allowed in your testing area during the exam. Any formula sheet will be provided for you on the  quizitself. Nothing else is allowed without prior permission. You may be asked to show each side of the paper you use to the webcam.

●   Eyes should remain on your screen or work paper at all times. Do not look around your area excessively.

●   Do not wear earbuds or headphones. You may be asked during the exam to show both ears in a question on the quiz! Hearing aids are fine.

Do not read questions aloud (out loud) while completing the quiz.

Do not wear hats. These obscure your face.

●   Dress appropriately as if you were completing this quiz in a classroom at the college. Everyone should wear shirts.

●   Work is required for each quiz you complete, and I use it to give partial credit (often substantial partial credit) for incorrect answers.  Here are the requirements for quiz work.

Detailed work is required for most questions on each quiz. Some questions may not

require much work and I understand that there will be little to no work for these

questions. My general rule of thumb is if I would (reasonably) need to do work for a

question, you should too. If graphing calculator functions are used, you should write out these graphing calculator functions in your work.

○   An example of quality work is shown at the end of the syllabus with suggestions of things to do and not to do.

Quiz work must be uploaded as a SINGLE PDF. JPEG or other image files are NOT

acceptable and Canvas will not allow them since I sometimes cannot open them. An

assignment allowing you to practice creating a SINGLE PDF from multiple pages is available in Canvas and you can practice as often as you like.

Work must be uploaded within 15 minutes of submitting your exam.

IMPORTANT: You may lose points for correct answers if quality work supporting your answer is not provided when it is reasonably necessary.

●   If the quiz session (and video recording) is interrupted, please log back in immediately and resume the quiz. It will allow you to do this as long as you resume it immediately.

●   Your exam video in LockDown Browser must be complete and present (not missing). This can happen with slow/unstable internet connections or done intentionally.

You usually have a minimum of one (1) hour to complete a quiz.

Additional requirements may be required if necessary.

These requirements / instructions apply even if you do not read them.

A 40% penalty will be applied to an exam score if any part of these requirements is not met. You maybe offered an in-person exam to reverse this penalty. In addition, if cheating is

detected, you will be subject to the Academic Misconduct policy below.

Extra Credit

Any opportunities for extra credit will be given to the whole class.  There will be no special extra credit assignments for certain individuals to raise their grades.

Eƴective Learning Strategy

Study the material first by reading the textbook section and completing the video notes.

●   Work each homework problem until you get the solution right.  Check the answer.  If the answer is not correct, figure out where the mistake was made and why.  Analyze your thought processes that led to these mistakes and how you can avoid this in future questions.  Similarly, for correct answers, reflect on (think about and write down) the process you did to get the correct answer.

●   Complete  each homework assignment as if you were completing an  exam and without using outside  resources  or  math  “help” websites  (yes,  I’m  aware  of them!).   Ironically,  math “help” websites do the exact opposite of helping you:  they prevent you from learning the material at the  proper level to be successful in this class.   In addition, using them to complete assignments is technically cheating.

●   Use metacognitive strategies to develop your own study guide for exams that reflect on the skills and concepts you know and do not know.   Remediate the skills and concepts you do not know before taking the exam.

●   This       video       will      help       you       apply       Metacognitive      Strategies       to       learning: https://youtu.be/elZFL4FLVLE.

Excused Absences

Excused absences are defined as an official activity of the college, jury duty and subpoenas, military commitments, death of an immediate family member, or observation of a major religious holiday.  You can make up assignments, quizzes and exams for excused absences without a penalty.  Please email me and include any necessary documentation.


It is your responsibility to understand the policies listed in this syllabus as these are the guidelines that your  instructor  will  follow  for  grading,  attendance,  etc.    It  is  also  your  responsibility  to  read  and understand the college policies included in the student handbook as they may apply to you in the case of an incomplete grade, withdrawal for failure to attend, etc.

MCC Student Handbook (https://www.mesacc.edu/student-life/services-campus-resources)

MCC College Catalog (https://www.mesacc.edu/catalog)

MCCCD Administrative Regulations (https://district.maricopa.edu/regulations/admin-regs/section-2/2-3)

Academic Integrity

The work completed in this course must be done by you.  Students must present their own original work and may not copy from other people or outside resources such as websites or phone apps.

No credit will be given for nonexistent or incoherent work, regardless of the answer presented.

If the written work for a question on an exam is not provided, doesn't support the correct answer, or appears to be from an unauthorized source (such as WolframAlpha), the instructor may require an oral exam and will follow policies set forth in the college catalog/student handbook.

Students displaying acts of academic dishonesty are subject to grade adjustment (0%), course failure, probation, suspension, or expulsion from the class/college. See the student handbook or the college catalog for more information regarding cases of academic misconduct.

Academic Misconduct Policy

Code of Conduct


Learning Enhancement Center

Student  success  is  important at MCC, and we encourage students to use all available resources.   In addition to meeting with their instructor, students are encouraged to seek FREE tutoring and other on campus support services to reinforce their understanding of course concepts and improve performance in their course(s)

Live Help - Receive instant support for various subjects

Writing Lab - Have written assignments reviewed by a tutor

Offline Questions - Send a tutor an academic question

And More!

There are nine on-campus (7 at the Southern and Dobson campus, 2 at the Red Mountain campus) and a virtual option for accessing MCC Tutoring Services.  For more information:


Hours at SD (in-person and virtual):  Monday - Thursday from 9 am - 7 pm; Friday from 9 am - 3 pm

Hours at RM (in-person):  Monday - Thursday from 9 am - 6 pm

Online Tutoring by Brainfuse

All MCC students have access to 10 (ten) hours of free online tutoring by Brainfuse in multiple sessions throughout the semester.