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DESA1004 Designing with Surfaces and Light Assignment 1


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DESA1004 Designing with Surfaces and Light

Assignment 1 (40%): Evaluation of a Visual Environment.

Please read all instructions before commencing this assignment.

Due: Friday 25th of August at 11:59 pm

For this assignment, you will focus on light interactions and their relationship to the interior environment.

Select an interior space that you would like to analyse. This could be anything as simple as your bedroom to something as grand as the foyer of an exclusive hotel. Ideally, you should  be able to visit the space. If you cannot visit a space, please email your lecturer Jo Elliott

joelene.elliott@sydney.edu.auto make alternative arrangements.

[Hint: Ensure the space that you are selecting will enable you to maximise your capacity to respond to the assignment instructions]

Write a 750-word essay that includes the following information:

•   A brief description of the space that you have selected. This description is to provide the reader with the general information that is relevant to your particular evaluation.

[Hint: You may like to include the name of the space, purpose, demographics of the users, size, something unusual about your space, overall feel, colour scheme, and unique or familiar surfaces. Double hint: Consider including animage, particularly if it helps to reduce your descriptive writing. All images in your assignment should be referenced as figures. Seehttps://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/tables-figures/figures https://libraryhome.witt.ac.nz/apahome/images]

Consider the interactions between light and surface that are visible within your space.

[Hint: Reflection, transmission, absorption, refraction, dispersion]

•   Select one interaction (that is visible within your space). Without formulas, explain scientifically how your selected interaction behaves with your interior's surfaces,    materials, and/or colours.

•    Use supportive scholarly/credible research and one comparative example to argue if your interaction enhances or hinders your selected interior.

[Hint: Here is an example scenario:

The selected space is the foyer of a high-end hotel.

The interaction chosen is a semi-specular reflection on the floor surface.

An argument maybe; that the semi-specular reflections enhance the prestige of the interior design.

Research materials could include lighting design handbooks and industry articles.    A comparative example could be The David H. Kotch Theatre at the Lincoln Centre.

Double hint: Look for research that requires a citation rather than accepted knowledge of the physics of light.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9if-c-8LHNk]

Assessment Rubric


1 to 2

3 to 4

5 to 6

7 to 8

9 to 10

No serious attempt

Writing skills* require

significant improvement

Writing skills* require improvement

Good writing skills*

Excellent writing skills*

Exceptional writing



1 to 2

3 to 4

5 to 6

7 to 8

9 to 10

No serious attempt

Little demonstration of pertinent research

Further demonstration  of pertinent research is required

A good demonstration of pertinent research

Demonstration of an in-   depth study of pertinent reference material

Demonstration of an in- depth study of

complicated pertinent reference material


1 to 2

3 to 4

5 to 6

7 to 8

9 to 10

No serious attempt

Little understanding of unit modules

Improve knowledge of unit modules

Good understanding of unit modules

Excellent understanding

of unit modules

achieved by self-

directed exploration of topics

An in-depth

understanding of unit topics that

demonstrated a high

degree of knowledge

beyond the expectations of the unit


1 to 2

3 to 4

5 to 6

7 to 8

9 to 10

No serious attempt

Analysis approach was very common

Consider how you could present an original


An appropriate analysis.

An original and or

creative analysis

A highly original,

observant, and or highly creative analysis

* Writing skills include (but are not limited to) within word count criterion, accurate information, referencing format, ability to write concisely, organisational structure, and appropriate grammar and spelling.

Assignment guidelines, hints and tips:

•    Ensure citations are in a scholarly format. APA is preferred. If you would like to use another format, please note (on your reference list page) your style.

•    Details of all works cited within the assignment should be included on a reference page.

•   Wherever possible, your writing should be analytical rather than descriptive.


•    Be as concise in your writing as possible.https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and- tools/conciseness-handout/

•   Word limits do not include references, citations or quotations. Plus or minus 10% of the word count (for each section) will not be penalised.

•    Use double line spacing and size 14 Aerial or Times font.

•    Ensure the file size does not exceed 40 MB.

•    Upload your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (If you are concerned about the formatting, upload a .pdf).

•   TIP: If you haven't already, join our weekly discussions. Use these forums to ask questions, present ideas and engage with other students.

•   Visit the websites of the links included. They are there to help you.

This assignment is an individual assessment. Site location and personal research should be kept from other students in this unit.

If you have made a genuine attempt to submit your assignment on our Canvas site but have had technical issues or are in doubt about whether it was correctly submitted, email your

lecturer Jo Elliottjoelene.elliott@sydney.edu.auimmediately. Explain the situation and

attach a copy of your assignment.  Failure to submit due to uploading errors and faulty

internet connections will receive a late penalty of 5% per day.  Please see the following link

for information about submitting a Turnitin assignment.
