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CS1C - Introduction to Computer Science III


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CS1C - Introduction to Computer Science III

Fall 2021

Course Overview: The third and final course in the Introduction to Computer Science series. Designed for computer science majors and interested professionals. Topics include lexical conventions, data types, classes, constructors, destructors, overloading, conversions, inheritance, exceptions, and I/O. Solutions will be implemented using a high-level language-currently C++.

Required Reading:

1. C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures [8th Edition] by D. S. Malik

2. Other resources may be identified throughout the course and made available through Canvas

Prerequisites & Recommendations & Materials: CS1B is an official prerequisite. Studentstaking this course should have a basic understanding of how to program in another programming language (usually C++). It is highly recommended that you have completed CS1A and CS1B with good grades and have some knowledge of object-oriented programming prior to taking this course.

Attendance & Cell Phones & Synchronous Online-All Live Stream: Although this is an online class, it is conducted in a Synchronous Online-All Live Stream mode. This means that participation and live attendance are imperative. All students are expected to attend each class meeting online. If you miss class for any reason or cannot make the lecture, you are responsible for getting the class notes from another student. It is your responsibility to officially withdraw from the course (failing to do so might result in a non-passing grade since you will receive 0 points for missed exams and assignments). student may be droppeddue to excessive absencesOne of the advantages of the Synchronous Online-All Live Stream mode is that lectures will be recorded for later viewing. Turn off your cell phones and/or other electronic devices when you are on Zoom and/or keep your mic muted so that the class is not disturbed when you are not speaking. It is highly encouraged that you have your webcam active during the class to create a more interactive and live atmosphere.

Accommodated Testing: All students who have been authorized for academic adjustments/accommo-dations for examinations/tests/quizzes should submit the proper authorizations forms within the first two weeks of the course.

Audio/Video Recording: Other than Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) directed auxiliary aids and academic accommodations, the use of any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom is prohibited without the explicit prior written consent of the instructor (CA Ed Code Sec. 78907). It is in violation of South Orange County Community College District (SOCCCD) policies (BP 5401 and AR 5401), which address student conduct. It is also a crime to record any private communication, such as a classroom lecture, without the consent of all parties to the conversation (Cal. Penal Code 632). Violation of such rules may result in disciplinary action. Additional information is available in the Student Handbook and College Catalog under Student Conduct.

Grading Structure: Course grades will be determined using weighted categories listed below. No make- ups will be allowed for exams and no late assignments will be accepted. If a student needs totake an exam on a different day or needsto turn an assignmentin late, special permissionmust be grantedby the instructor before the day of the exam or assignment due date. Exceptions will only be granted for extreme circumstances, such as medical situations with a doctor’s note. Daily quizzes will be administered at the start of lecture each day on Canvas for the first 5 – 10 minutes, so it is important that students arrive to class on time. Please remember to complete the required reading before class starts.

Exam Format: Exam and quiz questions may appear in a variety of forms, including (but not limited to)multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, short essay (free-response), hand-written code, or live programming. Detailed instructions will be provided for each exam / quiz.

Individual Assignments: Individual assignments will be announced in class and then posted on Canvas. You are expected to work on these assignments individually without collaborating with other students. The point of individual assignments is to assess your ability to problem solve and implement solutions in C++; this cannot be done if the solutions you submit are not your own. Give yourself enough time towork on the problem sets.

Group Assignments: Group assignments will be announced in class and then posted on Canvas. You are expected to work on these assignments as a team. The point of group assignments is to learn from your peers and also to facilitate knowledge retention by helping your peers.

Daily Quizzes: There will be a quiz at the start of each lecture to make sure you have read the material before the actual lecture starts. When students stay on top of their reading assignments, lecture flows much more smoothly. Students also learn better because they will be revisiting the material for the second time. It is not required (nor expected) that students understand everything perfectly the first time when they read the material. The best approach is to read through the material and try to understand the key concepts behind the readings. Daily quizzes will not contain any questions that require a deep understanding of the material that was read prior to it being discussed in lecture.

Cumulative Project: By the end of this class, you will be able to write basic programs in C++. The cumulative project is a several-week project in which students demonstrate their ability to synthesize all the concepts learned and build a piece of software that does something useful. Upon successfully completing this project, you will gain tremendous confidence in your ability to continue your Computer Science education along with a desire to learn more to build more advanced programs in your ongoing education.

Course Access: Class will start at the time identified in the Course Schedule and on this syllabus. To access the live stream, please visit https://cccconfer.zoom.us/my/hbodhanwala

Office Hours: I take your success in Computer Science very seriously. My official office hours for Fall 2021 are Monday / Wednesday from 5:15 pm – 7:15 pm and Friday from 8:00 am – 9:00 am. Office Hours will be conducted via Zoom. Please email me to schedule an appointment so that multiple students are not booked at the same time. The office hours listed are my formal office hours. However, if you need to meet outside these times, email me with some options that work for you, and we will get an appointment scheduled at a different time.

Academic Honesty: Saddleback College students are responsible for regulating their own conduct in accordance with the Code of Conduct set by the District Board of Trustees. The Code of Conduct is outlined in the Student Handbook. Cheating will not be tolerated! I strongly recommend that each student read and understand the Students Rights and Responsibilities as outlined in your Student Handbook. Lack of knowledge of the academic honesty policy is not a reasonable explanation for a violation.

CS1C - Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students who successfully complete CS1A will be able to:

1. Use recursion to solve problems.

2. Use inheritance and polymorphism to design solutions that separate behavior and implementation.

3. Explain the importance of encapsulation and information-hiding in software applications.

Keys To Success

1. Be persistent : Some concepts might be hard to grasp at first. However, make a commitment to yourself that you are going to do the necessary work and put in the necessary time to succeed.

2. Focus On Concepts First, Language Syntax Second : Remember, this is an ”Introduction to Computer Science” course, not just a ”Learn C++ Syntax in 30 Days” topic. It is certainly importantto learn the C++ syntax to pass the course. However, just trying to memorize the syntax is not an effective strategy. Even if you know how to write C++ code that does not mean that you are a good programmer. Stay focused on learning how to solve the problem in front of you. With enough practice, the C++ syntax will come naturally.

3. Give Yourself Enough Time: This course can be fairly rigorous. Students must give themselves enough time to complete the assignments. Manage your time commitments for other classes and work, etc. wisely.