关键词 > Supplychainmapping

Supply chain mapping and analysis Assessment 1


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Assessment 1      Supply chain mapping and analysis

Due date 11.59 pm (AEST/AEDT), Sunday 27 August 2023 (Week 4)

Weighting 20%

Word count/length 900 words

(+/-10%; The reference list is not included in the word count but in-text citations are)


Critique an existing supply chain design with the intention of improving technology contributions (SILO 1).

Assess the potential effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency of a smart supply chain design (SILO 3).

Feedback Written feedback will be available within three weeks of the due date.


This assessment is about the supply chain mapping and geocoding modules of the Log hub add-in.

Task details

Students are required to submit their answers in a single MS word file using relevant headings for each question. Students are required to attach their output, including relevant dashboards and visualizations generated by Log-Hub as image files to their MS word file report to support their answers.


Problem Statement: Coolies Australia wants to gain a better understanding of the facilities in their Victorian network. They decide the first step is to visualize and analyze the locations of retail outlets and distribution centers in their supply chain within the Victoria state. Using the data set provided here run these modules and submit your answer to the following questions. You might be required to add to the data or rename certain columns to successfully run the model:

Question 1: To obtain the location of each facility with a high level of accuracy, first run the geocoding module. Convert each address to a coordinate and include the relevant visualization indicating the accuracy of this conversion as image files to your MS word report. Briefly explain your observations.

Question 2: Using the newly obtained coordinates for each location, run the supply chain mapping module. Clearly indicate which locations are DCs and which ones are retail outlets. Include the visualization of the map generated using these locations as image files to your MS word report. Briefly explain your observations.

Question 3: Based on the visualization obtained, which region's (North, East, etc.) retail store(s) do you think are most likely to experience the longest lead times between when they order inventory and when they receive it form the DCs in Victoria? To mitigate the risks associated with such long lead times, suggest a change of location for at least one of the existing DCs. Provide these suggestions as a textbox on the map visualization tab in your report and add it to your MS word report. Briefly explain your observations.