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ELEC 210



1.    a)    Explain what is meant by the following terms in electromagnetics:

i)      Electrical potential

ii)     Supercapacitor

iii)    Streamlines

b) A charge 30 nC is situated at the point (x, y, z) = (0, 1, 0) m and a charge of - 30 nC at the point (0, - 1, 0) m. Both charges are in free space. Determine:

i)      The electric field at the point P (2, - 1, 2) m

ii)     The electric flux density at the point P (2, - 1, 2) m

iii)   The electric force on a +10 nC charge at the point P (2, - 1, 2) m

c)    i)      State Gauss’s law for electric fields. Give the corresponding equation in differential or integral form explaining the significance and the units of each term used.

ii)     Using  Gauss’s  law  show  how  the  relationship  known  as  Laplace’s equation for charge free regions may be derived.

Total 32

2.    a)    Explain what is meant by the following terms in electromagnetics:

i)      Relative permeability

ii)     Voltage standing wave ratio

iii)   Drift velocity

b)   Starting with Maxwell’s equations in vacuum (no materials, no currents, no charges) derive the wave equation for the magnetic field.

c)    i)      Show that including the effect of the displacement current, the curl of B may be written as

ii)     Outline, briefly, how the introduction of the displacement current leads to the possibility of electromagnetic waves .

Total 32

3.    a)    i)      Explain the term Transmission Line in electromagnetics .

b)   i)      The force on a charged particle moving in an electric and magnetic field can be represented by the equation:

F = qE + q(v × B)

What are the physical quantities on the right-hand side of the above equation and what are the units in which they are measured

ii)     Give two examples of instrument or device in which the above equation finds practical applications .

c)            A coaxial cable has a characteristics impedance of 120 Ω. You are asked to redesign this cable to reduce the characteristic impedance of the cable to 70  Ω .  Describe two different  solutions to  achieve this. You may assume both the inner and outer conductors have negligible resistance .

d)   i)      The Poynting vector S is defined (in free space) to be

What physical property does the Poynting vector represent?

ii)     A TEM wave has an average Poynting vector of 250 µW/m2. If  µr   =4 9

and εr  = 1.7, determine

the peak Poynting vector (3 marks)

the peak value of the magnetic field (6 marks) .

Total 36