关键词 > ELEC211



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Section A

1.      a)    Find the minimum sum of products expression for the function f, given by the

circuit shown in Figure Q1a, which uses a 4-to- 16 line decoder and an OR gate. (The most significant bit is a and the least significant bit is d.) Show working- out for your simplification.

b)   Design a circuit to implement the same function f from Question 1(a), using an 8-to- 1 multiplexer. Use a, band c as the select inputs, and das a data input.

You can still assume that a is themsband d is the lsb.

Hint: you may find it easiest to start with the un-simplified form off (sum of minterms).

c)    The  Quine-McCluskey method is used to minimise the following Boolean

expression: f(a, b, C, d, e) = ∑ m(9, 16, 18,23) + ∑ d(1, 17, 19) where m represents the minterms  for which f must be true  and the  terms following dare “don’tcare”.  The lsb is e.

Column II of the method is given to you correctly below in Figure Q1c. Use this, with suitable working out or explanations, to write down:

i)        Column III

ii)        the Prime Implicant(s) of f

iii)       the Essential Prime Implicant(s).

(Note: you are not required to determine the final minimum sum of products, or to write out Column II again with annotations.)

d)   A Prime Implicant chart is shown correctly for a different function, g, in

Figure Q1d. Based on this chart, it is claimed that the minimum sum of products expression is g = b’ . C. d. e + a . C′ . d′ . Is this correct? If so, explain why. If not, explain why not, and suggest a correct expression.

e)    Find the minimum sum of products expression for the function G given by the following Karnaugh map (Figure Q1e) with map entered variables E and F.

Total 25

2.    a)     A state transition table for a finite state machine is shown in Figure Q2a, along with a key to the state names.

i)         Is this a Moore or a Mealy machine? Explain how you could tell from the state transition table.

ii)        Does  the  table  use  ‘One-Hot’  or  ‘Encoded’  state  representation? Explain how you could tell from the table or key.

b)    Construct an ASM  chart for the finite  state machine described in Figure Q2a. Include the code for each state above the top-right of the state box, and its name above the top-left.

c)    For the state machine described in Figure Q2a, design two simplified Boolean

equations for the output CMD2, and the next state of flipflop A, assuming DFFs are used. A circuit diagram is not required. You can work from the state transition table or directly from your ASM chart.

As examples to help, you are given:

CMD1 = A + B. X

DB  = A

DC  = B. X

DD  = C. X

d)   A 4-bit adder is to be designed for a microprocessor. The clock frequency is 50 MHz, and the logic gates used each have a propagation delay of 3 ns and a fan-in of 5.

i) Explain why a serial adder cannot perform 4-bit addition in one clock cycle.

A 4-bit Carry Look-Ahead (CLA) adder design is proposed (Figure Q2d):

ii) Sketch a simple Generate/Propagate logic circuit for finding C1  from inputs a0 , b0  and C0 . Then, by writing down equations for C1−4  involving G and P, and doing some calculations, demonstrate that it will take the CLA less than one clock cycle to determine the carry-out from the fourth bit (c4).

iii) It is proposed to allow 8 bits of addition by simply extending the circuit in Figure Q2d to the left, with 4 more bits of addition and look-ahead carry logic. Briefly explain why the fan-in of the gates would cause a problem with this.

Total 25

Section B



Explain what each of the following parts of the CPU does:

i) instruction register,

ii) instruction decoder, and

iii) address register.


Assume that the following registers initially hold the values given:

r5: 0x0001048D

r6: 0x3C2A0919

r7: 0xE0F27D62

r15: 0x00001010

Find the values held in registers r3, r4, r5, r7 and r15 (PC) after the following

ARM Cortex M0 instructions are executed sequentially.

i) MOV r4, r5

ii) ORR r5, r6

iii) ADDS r3, r6, r7

iv) RORS r7, r7, r4


Find the 32 bit two's complement format for the decimal numbers:

i) -5710

ii)         -575,757,57510.    (Note   that   0x22515D07    is   the    hexadecimal

equivalent of +575,757,57510.)


i)          -5.7510

ii)         +75.410.

Total 25

4.      a)      What advantages does the two’s complement method have compared to the sign magnitude method?

b)     Find the decimal number represented by 0xFFFFF5E6 using the 32 bit two’s complement format.

c)     The ARM Cortex M0 microprocessor has four flags, namely N (negative), Z (zero), C (carry) and V (overflow).

Find the value held in register r5 and determine the state of the flags after the execution of the instruction:

ADDS r5, r5, #0x9E               ; add 15810 tor5 and put sum in r5

i)         when the value held by r5 is 0xFFFFFF62

ii)        when the value held by r5 is 0x7FFFFF6F

iii)       when the value held by r5 is 0xFFFFFF61

d)     This question assumes that the value held in register r7 is 0x00400000 and that the following memory locations hold the following values:

Memory address Contents

0x00400000              0x01

0x00400001              0x02

0x00400002              0x03

0x00400003              0x04

0x00400004              0x05

0x00400005              0x06

Assuming that the computer memory is little endian, determine the contents of registers r0, r1 and r2 after the following ‘load register’ instructions are

executed sequentially.

i)         LDRB r2, [r7, #1]                   ; load byte

ii)        LDRSH r1, [r7, r2]                 ; load signed half word

iii)       LDR r0, [r7]                           ; load word

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