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DESE50001 – Data Science Assignment 2


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DESE50001 – Data Science

Assignment 2 - Description

Assessment name & weighting Assignment 2: Final Group Report – 50%

Date Summer Term – W9

Summary Description and Objectives

Report describing the result of a group project where the students perform together an original predictive analysis using the relevant techniques seen in class using publicly available datasets.

The report will be submitted on BlackBoard, as guidance maximum 1000 words per team member + 500 words for group components incl. intro, background, relevant questions/claims, and conclusion (e.g., 4500 words max for teams of four), with additional appendix not included in the page count as one PDF.

Appendix can only contain code (commands used and the output of sklearn or statsmodel), additional figures, not analysis. Important figures should be included in the main text.

Time will be made available during the exercise sessions to work on the project but most of the work is to be performed outside of the time assigned for lectures and exercise sessions.


The main objective for this assignment is to validate whether students can support original claims using predictive analysis. The project will be assessed partly as a group (40%), partly as individuals (60%).

The group mark will focus on assessing the quality of the dataset and overall conclusions of the report, discussions, and limitation as described below. The individual mark will focus on an individual demonstration and application of a particular technique seen in class.

Learning Outcomes

Be able to use statistical analysis and machine learning methods, and to evaluate in which situations and conditions these are best applied

Assessment Criteria

Appropriateness of the techniques used to support the claims:

• Is the technique used appropriate for the goals of the analysis?

• Are the techniques used appropriately to support the claims (including robustness of the analysis, etc.)?

Correctness of the techniques used:

• Are the techniques used correctly?

• Are the results of the techniques