关键词 > ELEC211



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Section A

1.    a)    Find sum of products expressions for the functions f1 and f2 given by the circuit

shown in Figure Q1a using a BCD to decimal decoder, where w is themsb and z

is the lsb. (You are not required to simplify the resultant expressions.)

b)   Design a circuit to implement the following function using an 8-to- 1 multiplexer:

c)    The Quine-McCluskey method is used to minimise the following Boolean expression:

Where m represents theminterms for which f must be true, and the terms following dare “don’t care”. Themsb is A.

Note: you are not required to perform the whole minimisation procedure; you only need to answer the following questions.

i)  Identify and explain three mistakes in the Prime Implicant chart for the above problem, shown in Figure Q1ci. (Note: the first column of the chart is correct.)

ii)  Write down your corrected Prime Implicant chart. Use it to find the Essential Prime Implicant(s), and the final minimum sum of products expression. Explain any decision(s) you have to make for the minimum sum of products.

d)   Find the minimum sum of products expression for the function G given by the following Karnaugh map with map entered variables E and F.

Total 25

2.   a)   An ASM chart for a finite state machine is shown in Figure Q2a.

i) Design a PLA table to implement the logic of the present outputs and next states, for the ASM chart shown in Figure Q2a. Use the letters P, R and S as flipflop state variables, so that e.g. SRP = 001 represents state A. Table headings are given below to help you begin:

ii)  For the ASM chart shown in Figure Q2a, design simplified Boolean equations for the present outputs and next-state logic, assuming DFFs are used. A circuit diagram is not required.

b)   You are asked to design a 16-bit adder circuit for a microprocessor, with the following design constraints (note that compound gates are not used):

•   The result (that is, the final sum) should be stable within one clock cycle

•   The clock frequency is 40 MHz

•   The logic gates used each have a propagation delay of 2 ns

•   The design is based around the 1-bit adder circuit shown in Figure Q2b.

i) Explain, including calculations, why neither a serial adder, nor a parallel ‘ripple carry’ adder, could satisfy the constraints above.

ii) Explain how a ‘carry look-ahead adder’ (CLA) design using four 4-bit CLA blocks could satisfy the specific constraints above. Include relevant equations and calculations; you may also include a circuit diagram(s) to support your explanation.

Hints: Start by calculating the maximum delay from C0 to Sum (where C0 is the carry-into the whole circuit) across a 4-bit adder block using propagate/generate and carry look- ahead logic. This should come to 8 ns (you will need to explain why). Secondly, extend your design to 16-bit addition using group propagate/generate and a further layer of CLA logic.

Assume that all gates, including XOR, have a delay of 2 ns.

Total 25

Section B



Given the following Assembly language program for the ARM Cortex M0 using a

little endian configuration:



EXPORT start

start                       PROC  ; Start of the program

0x00004004    LDR r0, =0x00010000

0x00004006    LDR r1, =0x5CB6B32F

0x00004008    LDR r2, =0x3D2D7B4B

0x0000400A   LDR r3, =0xF100F100

0x0000400C   LDR r4, =0x88011022

i) 0x00004014    ADDS r1, r1, r2

ii) 0x00004016    BICS r2, r3

iii)       0x00004018    ASRS r3, r0, #0x04

iv) 0x0000401A   STRH r4, [r0]


END                                 ; End of the program

Assuming that register r15 initially holds the value 0x00004004, find the values held in registers r1, r2, r3 and in the memory after the instructions (i) to (iv) are executed.

For each executed instruction you are required to provide:

the procedure to calculate the result value after the instruction is executed.

the status of the modified register(s) after the execution of the instruction.

the status of the memory, only if it changes.

b)     The 32-bit two's complement number 0xFFFFF81B is  stored in one of the ARM Cortex M0 registers. What is its decimal representation?

c)      Find the IEEE 754 floating point format (single precision) for the decimal numbers:

i)      -415.510

ii)     +41.310.

d)     Find the decimal number that is equivalent to 0xC4610000 in the IEEE 754 floating point format.

i)       - 1910

ii)      - 1,919,191,91910. (Note that 0x72648B6F is the hexadecimal

equivalent of +1,919,191,91910.)

Total 25

4.      a)      You have been asked to design an Assembly language program for the ARM

Cortex M0 to add the two positive integers greater than 4.3 根109.

i)    Write  the  Assembly  language  program  to perform  51010   +  51011

(0xB A43B7400 + 0x74 6A528800).

ii)   Show step by step working of the program you wrote in Q4.a)i) above, including contents of each relevant register, and how the final value is


b)     The ARM Cortex M0 microprocessor has four flags, namely N (negative),

Z (zero), C (carry) and V (overflow).

Find the value held in register r4 and determine the state of the flags after the

execution of the instruction:

ADDS r4, r1, #0xE3 ; add 22710 tor1, put sum in r4

i)    when the value held by r1 is 0xFFFFFF1D

ii)   when the value held by r1 is 0x00C18000

iii)  when the value held by r1 is 0xFFFFFF00

c)     Considering a microprocessor with a cache memory:

i)    Draw a graph of the mean memory access time (tave) against the hit ratio

(h), which is within the range 0 and 1, when:

•   Main memory access time tm = 50 ns;

•   Cache access time tc = 25 ns;

•   Extra time delay due to cache control and routing circuits a = 30 ns.

ii)   What is the mean memory access time when h = 0.95?
