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Excel Spreadsheet practice Introduction #1


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Excel Spreadsheet practice

Introduction #1

Not compulsory. This has been designed to assist students who are unfamiliar with excel to become familiar with using spreadsheets.

Step 1

1. Open a blank excel spreadsheet.

2. In sheet 1, cell 1A (Rows are numbered, Columns are lettered, Cells are a combination of both) type in the title of the spreadsheet “Your name” and “Property Portfolio Analysis”

3. In Row 2 Type in the column headings starting at 2A with “Investor”, 2B “Property”, 2C “Purchase Price”, D “Date of Purchase”.

4. In Row 3, under “Investor” type in a name starting with the letter “A” and continue this down the column with a name starting with “B”, “C” and “D”.

5. In Row 3 under “Property” type in a city or suburb starting with “A” then continue down the column with a city starting with B, C and D. i.e. the spreadsheet should start to look something like:









Don’t copy my names, come up with your own.

6. Under “Purchase Price” type in a realistic property purchase price number against each entry and format the number into $ with no decimal places.

7. Under Date put in a date of purchase between 2020 and 2022 including day and month.

Set this spreadsheet up and save it.

Send me a copy and I will have a look at it. Then I will send the next exercise. They will get progressively more difficult, but this exercise has been designed to increase your familiarity and confidence using the different aspects within excel.