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Math 103-02 Linear Algebra


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Math 103-02 Linear Algebra (084651) Syllabus

Course description:

This 3-unit course includes an introduction to linear algebra including vector spaces, matrices, determinants, linear transformations, eigenvectors, techniques of solving systems of equations, and applications.


Math 101B (Calculus with Analytic Geometry) with “C” or higher or equivalent.

Class meetings:

Class meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:10am to 12:10pm via ConferZoom. Students are required to join the zoom meetings to complete interactive learning activities, discussion, and assessments.

Student/instructor communication:

Please contact Professor Chan via Canvas email (from Canvas Inbox tool) or send email directly to [email protected]. A response is expected within 24 hours. Student should check their school provided Outlook email regularly.

Office hour:

Students are welcome to join Kwai Chan’s office hours to ask questions on course material, share any concern you have or just to chat. Hours are Tuesday 12:30-1:30pm via ConferZoom. You can also join from “K Chan office hour” canvas course. If the time does not fit your schedule, please email to arrange an alternate time.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, student will be able to:

1. Manipulate matrices, determinants, and vectors at the mastery level.

2. Use matrix and determinant methods to solve linear systems at the mastery level.

3. Extend knowledge of linear systems to working with abstract vector spaces at the intermediate level.

4. Demonstrate the ability to both comprehend and create mathematical proofs at the intermediate level.

5. Use technology to apply linear systems to applications at the mastery level


Required textbook: Linear Algebra and its Applications Fifth Edition. A free softcopy is available from Canvas.

Technology and Calculator:

Access to a graphing calculator is optional. Access to other free online calculators will be discussed in class. One of the calculators is the free Desmos Matrix calculator.

Online homework:

Free access to online test/exam platform via (MyopenMath) is available from Canvas.

Grading Policy:

Final grade will be based on total points obtained from class participation, tests, quizzes, homework, and comprehensive final exam.

  Online Quizzes:
  60 points (4 quizzes, 20 pts each, drop lowest one)
  Class work:
  100 points (25 class works, 5 pts each, drop lowest five.)
  30 points
  Online practice exams:
  60 points
  Online Chapter exams:
  300 points (3 tests, 100 pts each)
  Final Exam:
  140 points
  Total points:
  720 points

Grading scale: 90% or over (A), 80 – 89% (B), 70 – 79% (C), 60 – 69% (D) below 59% (F)


Please join our Tu/Thu Zoom meeting on time from 11:10am to 12:10am and ready to learn. Class participation is mandatory and will be rewarded. If you cannot come to a meeting, please watch the recording (if available) and/or contact your classmates to find out what is missed.

Exams and Quizzes:

Quizzes and Exam will be conducted at the beginning of a class meeting. One quiz will be dropped. If you are sick or absent on a test day, that will be the one being dropped. Final exam will be held on Tuesday Dec 14 11:00am to 1:00pm. A two-week advance notice is required if you need to reschedule.

Make up and Late work policy:

In case of emergency or other life demands that prevent you from taking exams or quizzes on the appointed date, please notify me as soon as possible to make arrangement for a makeup.

Due dates for assignment are set to allow students to keep pace of the learning requirement. Please contact me for extension if needed.

Academic Integrity Policy:

We commit to the principal of Academic integrity that all works submitted by you should be your own work. While all tests and exams are open book open notes, please respect the value of academic integrity by not receiving outside help during assessment. Refer to Ohlone’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Homework helps and tutoring:

Free tutoring is available in Ohlone’s Math Learning Center (MLC); The MLC will open in this fall semester remotely via ConferZoom from Canvas. from 9 to 8 M to Th and 9 to 5 on Fri.

Accessibility Need:

Students who require alternative formats for course materials or adaptive equipment because of a specific disability can request them through the Disability Support Services. For information related to Ohlone’s Student Accessibility Services, call 510-896-5183 or visit SAS web page.

Other needs:

●  Contact Math Learning Center for free remote tutoring via Zoom. Zoom link is accessible from Canvas Math learning Center course shell.

●  Contact Canvas hot-line at 1-844-303-5586 or IT-Helpdesk for Technical help. Help on online learning are available from eCampus link.

●  If you need help with accessing your online classes, technology is available. The Ohlone IT department can support your learning by offering Chromebooks, laptops, hot spots or web cameras to assist you. Request assistance by submitting the Technology request form.

●  Refer to Student Service FAQS and ECampus Frequently Asked Question link for all other student needs.

Course Content:

1. Solving Linear Systems using Matrix Operations

2. Matrix Algebra

3. Properties and Use of Determinants with Linear Systems

4. Definitions and Properties of Vector Spaces

5. Use Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors for Diagonalization

6. Use Appropriate Technology for Applications