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COMM 1077: Global Film & TV Assignment 1


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COMM 1077: Global Film & TV Assignment 1 (35%)

Due: Fri 1st September 5pm via Learn Online (end of Week 6).

Submit all files along with a marked-off copy of the Assignment 1 Checklist

Assignment 1 consists of a 5min Audio-Visual Essay (including a

researched and written script) that responds to the Topic.

Topic: How does Metropolis (1927), Bicycle Thieves (1948) or The 400  Blows (1959) reflect the characteristics of European art cinema?  Your  response may focus on art cinema character types, settings, the historic context of your chosen film, narrative themes and/or uses of style.

In response to the Topic, you will research, write and make a 5min Audio-Visual

Essay (including an accompanying script) that demonstrates an understanding of what European art cinema involves in terms of your chosen film and film movement   (German Expressionism, Italian Neo-Realism or the French New Wave).  Digital copies of the set films and sample AV Essays will be provided to help you craft your   response (see the Assignment 1 Tab). Week 5 of the course will focus on the making of Audio-Visual essays.

NOTE: The use of generative AI (Chat GPT) is permitted for preparation and

planning only. Any unacknowledged uses of generative AI (Chat GPT) in Assignment 1 (AV Essay/Script) may be treated as a case of academic misconduct and referred   to Academic Integrity processes.

Assignment 1: Research and Formatting Requirements

.    All AV Essays must be submitted with a script (your script will be run through Turnitin). Your script does not have to be formatted as a screenplay – it is strongly recommended that you plan what visual materials (film clips, images) you will use at the same time as you write your script.  See the “AV Essay Planning” resources on the course site (Assignment 1 tab).

.    Choose one film and one European movement to focus on (you cannot do a  comparison between them).  You should aim to provide a close analysis of at least two key scenes from the film in your response.

.    Avoid comparisons between European art cinema with Hollywood (classical or contemporary Hollywood) - instead, focus on demonstrating what art cinema    involves through your chosen film and film movement.

.    You must use 3 different academic references in your script to respond to     the Topic .  Your 3 references must be taken from the course e-readings or the Further Readings list (Weeks 1-4 only).  One of the references used must be  the Ndalianis e-reading on art cinema (see Week 1).

.    AV Essays that do not meet the set research requirements will result in grade deductions or a possible Fail.

.    Your AV Essay script must use appropriate academic citation (UniSA     Harvard) and provide a complete and properly formatted Reference List

.    Include in-text citations (with page numbers) for any references you directly   quote or paraphrase.  Any non-academic source material used (in addition to your 3 academic references) must also be acknowledged as an in-text citation and included in the Reference List.

.    Use the “Basics of UniSA Harvard Referencing” link to check referencing:


.    A 5% grade deduction will apply for missing citation details (e.g. missing  pages in the in-text citations or missing details in the Reference List).  The 5% grade deduction will be applied for each missing requirement.

Assignment 1: AV Essay Production Requirements

.    Your AV Essay can be delivered by voice-over, text inter-titles, as an on- screen presence or you can combine these modes.

.     No Text-to-Speech Applications. If you are uncomfortable with recording

your voice, ask a friend to voice your script or make an AV Essay using text    inter-titles (you will still need to submit a script, with in-text citations as well as a Reference List).  Text-to Speech AV Essays will not be passed.

.    All film excerpts must be identified by a title (in italics), the director and year of production when they first appear on-screen.

.    You can include other film clips but only if these clips shot a clear relevance to the Topic and they support your analysis of either Metropolis, Bicycle Thieves  or The 400 Blows.  All film clips need to be properly identified (see above).

.    Stick to the time limit.  The set duration of the AV Essay is 5 min: the   minimum you can deliver is 3min (excluding credits).  You can go up to 7min if you wish.  Opening titles and closing credits do not count in your set time limit.  AV Essays that do not meet the set time limit will not pass.

.     Remember: an AV Essay is not the same as a written essay

.    Your script, your voice-over and your use of film clips, onscreen text or other images need to be clear and well coordinated.

.    Find a quiet place to record. Speak slowly.  When constructing your script, you need to write for the 'ear' not for the page!

.    Text inter-titles need to be clear, readable and held on-screen long enough for the marker/viewer to read.  Avoid hard-to-read fonts and distracting colours.

Assignment 1: Delivery Requirements

.    Submit your AV Essay/script with a marked-off copy of the Checklist.

.    All AV Essay files are to be submitted in .mp4, .mkv or .avi formats only.

.    All script files are to be submitted in Word or PDF. No zipped files.

.    Standard UniSA Creative late penalties apply for late submissions.

.    There will be no Assignment 1 re-submissions - requests for a re-submission must made directly to the Course Coordinator and must be accompanied by proof of exceptional or extenuating circumstances.