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ISYS3013 Business Process Management Assessment 01


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ISYS3013 Business Process Management

Assessment 01

Due: Friday 25th August 2023, 1700 (WST)


This assessment addresses the following Unit Learning Outcomes:

1. Analyse and evaluate a process architecture for the impact of technology on business models using the concepts of strategy, capabilities and value.

2. Apply and evaluate qualitative and quantitative process analysis in evaluating the impact of digital innovation.


Your consultancy has been hired by the Rudgate Community College. Senior management has received complaints from academics and students that finalising Academic Integrity investigations is taking too long. You have been asked to analyse the Academic Integrity Procedure. To do this:

1. Create a BPMN model of the Rudgate Community College Academic Integrity Procedure in Appendix 1.

2. Identify two places in your model that cause delays in finalising academic integrity investigations.


Please note that you are required to submit TWO documents. See the Assignment submission links in Blackboard.

1. A PDF document of your model, including any Linked sub processes of all levels.

2. A WORD document that includes the following:

- A cover page as supplied for this unit.

- An explanation of the two places in the model that may be causing delays and how the process could be changed to mitigate these delays (no more than 2 pages).

- A statement that explains any assumptions that have been made in creating the BPMN model.


1. BPMN Model (65%): the model will be assessed on the correct use of the BPMN syntax as well as the correspondence of the model to the description (see below for further detail)

2. Explanation of delays in the process (35%): will be assessed on the use of the model to explain the potential delays in the process.


- Events (5%): the model(s) should include at least a start and end event, but other events may also need to be included.

- Tasks (10%): the model(s) includes all tasks as described in the scenario.

- Decision Gateways (10%): the model(s) includes appropriate gateways at appropriate places in the process.

- Sequence flow (10%): these should be present such that all tasks are executed in the order described in the scenario.

- Sub-processes (5%): decomposition of the process into sub-processes should be completed where appropriate.

- Resources (5%): appropriately modelled.

- Message flows (10%): correctly used.

- Naming conventions (10%): all components of the model are named using correct grammar.

- Data objects (5%): correctly specified.

Other things to note:

- The Procedure is provided to you as-is. This is the procedure that is currently in place at the RCC.

o If you need clarification about some aspect of the procedure, please post that request to the Discussion forum on Blackboard.

§ Please check the Discussion Forum to see if your query has already been answered!

o If you find that you need to assume some aspect of it, that is fine, but please make sure that you state where and why you have made any assumptions.

- Out-of-scope:

o The Appeals process is out-of-scope and does not need to be modelled.

1. Purpose and Scope

1.1. Purpose

This procedure outlines the process for investigating a potential Academic Integrity Breach and, where an Academic Integrity Breach has been found to have occurred, the penalties and educative steps that should be applied.

1.2. Scope

The procedure applies to all enrolled and prospective students at Rudgate Community College.

The Tutors, Unit Coordinators, Discipline Leads, and Program Managers are responsible for implementing good academic integrity practices in their respective programs.

2. Procedure

2.1. The process following suspicion of an Academic Integrity Breach

2.1.1. In-Study-Period assessments

• Once a Rudgate Community College staff member, who may be the classroom teacher or the Unit Coordinator, becomes aware that a breach of academic integrity may have occurred, the staff member must investigate and verify the nature and extent of the Academic Integrity Breach.

• Before completing an Investigation of Potential Academic Integrity Breach Form, a Rudgate Community College staff member may wish to contact the student about the potential breach. This contact should be via an email sent through the student portal. Where a student is contacted at this stage, the student should be given at least five working days to respond before the matter is escalated via the Investigation of Potential Academic Integrity Breach Form.

• Where the Rudgate Community College staff member deems the student has likely breached academic integrity, the teacher must complete the Investigation of Potential Academic Integrity Breach Form to be forwarded to the Program Manager or nominee.

2.1.2. End of Study Period examination

• Where a student is suspected of involvement in an Academic Integrity Breach during a final examination, the Unit Coordinator or nominee or examination invigilator must complete the Investigation of Potential Academic Integrity Breach Form or Allegation of Exam Misconduct Reporting Form to be forwarded to Student and Academic Services. The latter form will be preferred for use by sessional/casual exam invigilators.

• Upon receiving a form detailing a potential academic breach, and in consultation with the College Academic Director or nominee, Student and Academic Services will place a grade of NS (Not Submitted) against the student’s unit result until the matter is resolved.

2.2. Evaluation of a Potential Academic Integrity Breach

• Staff will evaluate Academic Integrity Breaches at the direction of the Academic Director, either individually or as a panel. The evaluator of Academic Integrity Breaches will usually be the Program Manager. Sometimes, the evaluator will be the College Academic Director, particularly in end-of-study-period examinations.

• Upon receipt of a form detailing a potential breach of academic integrity, Student and Academic Services will be responsible for investigating and informing the evaluator of any prior Academic Integrity Breaches by the student.

• Upon receipt of a form detailing a potential breach of academic integrity and within a reasonable timeframe, the evaluator must assess the case considering the evidence, including any response from the student.

• Before determining any penalty or action, the evaluator must advise the student in writing and provide the student with an opportunity to respond to the complaint of breaching academic integrity. The notification must be sent via email and provide the student with 5 working days in which to respond.

• A student suspected of breaching academic integrity must be provided with an opportunity to respond to the allegation in a formal meeting with the evaluator. The meeting will be scheduled within 10 working days from notification via email.

• After the student has provided a response and after any meeting has occurred, the evaluator, within a reasonable timeframe, will determine an outcome based on Schedule A (attached).

• Where a student does not respond or attend a scheduled meeting, the evaluator may proceed to adjudicate the case and decide to either dismiss the case or recommend an outcome (Schedule A, attached), given the evidence provided.

• Irrespective of the outcome, the evaluator must complete the Investigation of Potential Academic Integrity Breach Form and forward it to Student and Academic Services. Student and Academic Services will update the Academic Integrity Breaches Register, and the Program Manager (or as otherwise nominated by the College Academic Director) will confirm the decision of outcome made by the evaluator.

• A student must be notified of the outcome in writing within 5 working days after an outcome has been decided. The Unit Coordinator and Program Manager must be notified of the final penalty (if any) to be applied to the student’s work. Student Academic Services will be responsible for making these notifications.

2.3. Accidental Plagiarism Diversion and Education

2.3.1. Accidental Plagiarism

• “Accidental plagiarism” is defined as “Plagiarism that occurred only as a result of an unintentional failure to reference appropriately”.

• Upon receipt of a form detailing a potential Academic Integrity Breach, a Discipline Lead, Program Manager, or College Academic Director or nominee, in communication with the reporting teacher, may determine the cause of the breach as “accidental plagiarism”, short-circuiting the “Evaluation of a potential Academic Integrity Breach” and instead following the “Accidental Plagiarism Process”.

• A student can only be diverted through the Accidental Plagiarism Process on one occasion.

• If “Accidental plagiarism” is found for additional pieces of work submitted by a student before a previously activated Accidental Plagiarism Process has been completed for that student, the additional instances of “accidental plagiarism” may be treated as a single instance.

2.3.2. Accidental Plagiarism Process

• The Unit Coordinator or nominee must contact the student to inform of a determination of “accidental plagiarism”.

• Within 15 working days or other prescribed timeframe, the student must complete any required outstanding Academic Integrity Units, as directed. Further, the student may be directed to, within the prescribed timeframe:

i. Attend one or more compulsory academic integrity workshops.

ii. Meet with a Student Learning Advisor or Program Manager, or Discipline Lead, or nominee to discuss referencing or other issues around the breach; and/or

iii. Resubmit their assignment with correct referencing to remedy the academic integrity breach.

• Where a student fails to comply with a direction as part of this Accidental Plagiarism Process within the prescribed timeframe, the academic integrity breach will be treated as if the Accidental Plagiarism Process was never invoked. The breach will instead be addressed via the application of penalties as per Section A of this procedure.

3. Review

• Upon completing this process, no academic integrity breach will be recorded against the student, although a record of diversion through this process will be kept.

• This Procedure will be reviewed every two years by the College Academic Director in line with the continuous improvement schedule and any changes to the regulatory compliance requirements, legislation, regulation and guidelines.

4. Records Management

All records in relation to this document will be managed as follows:

Record type






College Academic Director

Policy HUB


Archived once updated or reviewed

Schedule A: Outcomes for Rudgate Community College Student Breaches of Academic Integrity

This schedule is pursuant to the Rudgate Community College Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure.

The Program Manager, Academic Director, and/or nominee will determine the outcome for the Academic Integrity Breach by:

a. Calculating the points for the conduct of the student,

b. Calculating the points for the context of the Academic Integrity Breach,

c. Adding the points together from the conduct and context, and

d. Deciding on the appropriate penalty based on these factors.

Example Calculations Table

Points for Conduct

X points

Points for Context

Y points

Total Penalty (Points for Conduct + Points for Context)

X+Y Points

Conduct by the Student

Choose the appropriate conduct penalty by selecting one of the following:

Points applied depending on seriousness

Less serious More serious


Plagiarism that occurred only as a result of an unintentional failure to reference appropriately


Up to two plagiarised passages or components constituting up to 5% of the assessment task


As above but with critical aspects* plagiarised, OR up to four plagiarised passages or components constituting up to 20% of the assessment task


As above but with critical aspects* plagiarised, OR between 20% and 50% of the assessment task


As above but with critical aspects* plagiarised, OR more than 50% of the assessment task


Submitting work previously submitted for

assessment in any unit or course without permission of the Unit Coordinator



Up to two passages or components constituting up to 5% of the assessment task


As above but with collusion in critical aspects*, OR up to four passages or components constituting up to 20% of the assessment task


As above but with collusion in critical aspects*, OR between 20% and 50% of the assessment task


As above but with collusion in critical aspects*, OR more than 50% of the assessment task