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CIV2702 Municipal Services


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Faculty of Health, Engineering & Sciences

Course Number: CIV2702 Course Name: Municipal Services

Internal «


Assessment No:

This Assessment carries 300 of the 1000


External «

marks total for this course.

Examiner: Dr Hannah Seligmann



Assignment: Assignment 1


Date Due: 4 September 2023

Penalty for Late Submission:

A reduction by 5% of the maximum Mark applicable for the Assignment, for each University Business Day or part Business Day that the Assignment is late.

Special Instructions:

Assignments are to be submitted electronically, using the link provided on Study Desk. Marked assignments will be returned via the Study Desk grades and feedback system. Please use *.pdf format only to submit your assignment report.

It is unacceptable for students to share solutions for assessable work on the Study Desk site, or in any other manner. It is also unacceptable to seek the assistance of an external

party. Violations of this principle are regarded as Academic Misconduct and will be dealt with under the USQ Academic Regulations.

You should be familiar with the following USQ policies: Academic Integrity Policy, Assessment Procedure, Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedure,

and Students with a Disability Policy and Procedure.

Assignment Disclaime

rThis assignment has been developed for educational purposes and does not necessarily reflect all aspects of a real-world practical problem. This approach has been purposely chosen to ensure that no students are disadvantaged based on their area of study or background knowledge. The information, models and data provided in the assignment material should be taken “at face value” such that the student can focus on the key learning objectives of the assessment item. If you have any concerns about the material presented, please contact the course examiner.

Access to Information

Students should not contact any external agency or organisation requesting information or data. For the purpose of this assignment you are restricted to information that is provided by the examiner, or that is readily available online, in textbooks or scientific literature.

Note: This is an Individual assignment. It will be assessed individually. By submitting this assignment you agree to the following Student Declaration:

I hereby certify that no part of this assignment has been copied from any other student’s work of from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment. No part of this assignment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the Examiner concerned.

Assignment Task

In the first few weeks of this course you have been learning the basic principles flexible pavement design.  In this assignment you are required to prepare a Concept Level Pavement Design report for a Client.  The data provided has been based on an Industry Project and is indicative of the type of data you may receive for a real-world application.

Preliminary Pavement Design Report

You are required to provide a preliminary pavement design and report for Council for a 5 km section of a two-lane municipal road (one lane each direction).  The council has provided some preliminary information about the scope of the design.  Including the design life, traffic loading, directional split and DCP test data.

Your report should take the form of a technical report and should have the following structure:

· A title page, listing the assignment title, student name and ID

· An Executive Summary

· A Table of Contents

· Introduction

· 2.0 Design traffic loading

· 3.0 Subgrade Characterization

· 4.0 Preliminary Pavement Design Options

· 5.0 Costing Analysis

· 5.0 Recommended Pavement Design

Part A: Design Traffic Loading (20 marks)

Using the below information (provided by Council), calculate the design ESA per lane.  Document all your calculations.

· Design life: 20 years

· Traffic loading: 150,000 ESAs (both directions) over 20 years

· Directional split: (60/40)

· Heavy vehicle speed: (60 km/h)

· Design pavement temperature: 33oC

Part B: Subgrade Characterization (60 marks)

The Council has also collected some preliminary DCP data across four (4) locations through the road alignment (Appendix A).

· Using the provided DCP logs, identify the soil layers likely to be present in each location, mark these on the logs and show in your report. (20 marks)

· Using the Harison (1989) equation calculate the corresponding CBR value and show on the DCP test logs.  Calculate an average CBR for each test log. (20 marks) 

 Harison (1989):

Where: DCPI = DCP penetration index in units of mm per blow

CBR = California Bearing Ratio

· Recommend a design subgrade CBR for your preliminary pavement designs. (20 marks)

Part C: Preliminary Pavement Design Options (100 marks, 20 marks per correct design)

Using your calculated traffic loading and subgrade CBR provide 5 possible pavement combinations using a combination of materials. At lease one of these options should include a lime stabilized subgrade and one option should be a flexible asphalt pavement (using Austroads mechanistic -empirical design charts for lightly-trafficked pavements – provided on studydesk).  Provide sketches for each of your proposed pavement designs.

Part D: Costing Analysis (50 marks)

The available pavement materials and their assumed costs per cubic meter (including transporting and placing with all construction activities) are given below.

Provide a costing analysis comparing the overall cost for eachof your proposed pavement designs.


Cost rate

Crushed rock base course (CBR 90)


Crushed river gravel (CBR 30)

$35 / m3

Select fill (CBR 15)

$ 15 / m3

Lime stabilized subgrade (CBR 15)

$100 / m3

Prime and spray bitumen sealing (2 coats)

$24 / m2

DG20 Asphalt

$ 689 / m3

DG14 Asphalt

$600 / m3

Part E: Recommended Pavement Design (30 marks)

Provide a recommended pavement design to your client, taking into account cost, and likely maintenance requirements.

Part F: Written communication, spelling, and grammar (40 marks)

40 marks will be allocated for written communication, spelling and grammar of your report.

Submission Requirements

Submit this assignment via the provided link on studydesk in one (1) pdf file.

Further support on writing and referencing

Further information on how to research, prepare and write an essay is available at the USQ study support link:


Further information on how to use the Harvard style of referencing is available from the following USQ referencing guide:



Your assignment will be marked using the provided assignment rubric and your feedback for the assignment will be via the Grademark tool on Turn It In. To receive your feedback it is essential that you submit your assignment in PDF form through Turn it in. The rubric will form the main feedback for this assignment with other comments entered by the markers directly onto your PDF submission. To access your grade and your assignment with comments:

1. Log in to the studydesk and click on the Assignment submission link. This will take you to the My Submissions page where you submitted assignment appears. When your assignment grade and feedback have been posted you will notice that a grade will appear in the grade column.

2. To view your feedback for the assignment click on the pencil icon next to you grade. This will take you to the GradeMark view. You will notice that your paper appears on the left and

your grade appears in the top right hand corner. You may also notice that there are labels and text comments on your paper, and there may be general comments provided to the right of the paper.