关键词 > BFC/F3999



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Assessment  task purpose

To apply your knowledge of the examined/visited component of environment/

society/ governance/Tech within a finance setting to a series of case studies and create a plan of action based on a SWOT analysis OR as Instructed by the    workshop leader




You will prepare and individually submit a total of four reports recommending a

course of action based on a SWOT analysis OR as Instructed by the workshop leader that you will complete in groups, but it revised and tailored individually(no   matched similarity within group)


3 x 10% = 30%

4 submissions in total - Best 3 results contribute to overall mark

Word Limit

Maximum 900 words (±10%) per case study excluding references - excluding any spreadsheet (if required) OR as Instructed by the workshop leader

Due Date

Report for Topic 1 - Week 4 Wednesday- 11:55 pm

Report for Topic 2 - Week 7 Wednesday - 11:55 pm

Report for Topic 3 - Week 10 Wednesday - 11:55 pm

Report for Topic 4 - SWOTVAC Wednesday - 11:55 pm


●    Via Moodle Assignment Submission.

●    Turnitin will be used for similarity checking of all submissions.




By completing this assessment, you will:

●    evaluate the role of finance in shaping society

●    hypothesise concepts surrounding finance and apply these to a variety of domestic and international situations

●    demonstrate skills in teamwork, oral and written communication

●    evaluate complex problems relating to business and finance based on evidence based best practice and ethics

Late Penalties

●    5% deduction per calendar day or part thereof for up to two days.

●    Submissions more than 2 calendar days after the due date will receive a  mark of zero (0) and may not receive assessment feedback(except those with approved SC)


Feedback will be provided on student work via:

general cohort performance, rubric, specific student feedback

ten working days post submission


This assessment task will present you with several real world examples of case studies throughout

each of the four topics that this unit will cover. There are two steps for each of your submissions in this assessment.

Step 1: You will analyse each case study and work together in groups to unpack knowledge and    understanding while developing a SWOT analysis OR as Instructed by the workshop leader for each case study.

Step 2: After you have developed this SWOT analysis with your peers, you will then develop an

individual action plan that addresses the problems each company is facing and aim to provide a

theoretical solution for the company addressed in each case study OR as Instructed by the workshop leader.


You will submit an individual action plan OR as Instructed by the workshop leader for one case study in each of the four topics that you cover throughout the course.

There are eight (8) case studies covered, two (2) in each topic. You must submit at least one case study per topic. Refer to the table below

Your best three submissions across the four topics will be used to award your final grade for this assessment.

Group work

You will study in groups that will have a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) members.

You will work with your peers in preparation for this report by completing a SWOT analysis OR as

Instructed by the workshop leader for each case study. You will then use the SWOT analysis OR as Instructed by the workshop leader when you submit your individual report for each topic.

Your contribution and feedback to your peers' work during your group discussions in each topic will be counted towards the grade for each submission. You will use the tool Feedback Fruits to provide feedback on your peers' contributions to the SWOT analysis.

Example :

You have received a peer score of 1.5(out of 3) and your submission has received 8(out of 10). You final mark for this submission would be : (1.5/3) * 8= 4 marks.

General SWOT Guidelines - (Group Task)

You must tailor this for each specific examined/assessed component out of E/S/G/T.

A SWOT analysis is a framework that can be used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats of a company or organisation. When applied to a case study in the context of Environmental, Social, Governance, and Tech (ESGT), a SWOT analysis can help to identify the risks  and opportunities related to the company's ESGT performance.

Here is a step-by-step approach to conducting a SWOT analysis of an ESGT case study:

●   Identify the company's strengths related to ESGT:

Consider the ESGT policies, practices, and achievements of the company, such as strong   corporate governance, environmentally sustainable practices, and social responsibility. This analysis should highlight the areas where the company excels in ESGT performance.

●   Identify the company's weaknesses related to ESGT:

Consider areas where the company's ESGT performance could be improved, such as a lack of diversity and inclusion in the workforce, a high carbon footprint, or a history of regulatory non-   compliance. This analysis should highlight the areas where the company needs to focus its

efforts to improve its ESGT performance.

●   Identify the opportunities related to ESGT:

Consider the emerging trends and opportunities related to ESGT, such as the increasing

demand for sustainable products and services, regulatory changes, and the growth of impact investing. This analysis should highlight areas where the company could take advantage of   ESGT-related opportunities to improve its business and reputation.

●   Identify the threats related to ESGT:

Consider the risks and threats related to ESGT, such as reputational damage due to poor ESG performance, legal and regulatory penalties, and the risk of losing customers or investors due   to poor ESGT performance. This analysis should highlight areas where the company needs to  be vigilant and take steps to mitigate risks related to ESGT.

Prioritiseand develop an action plan - Individual submission (800 words):

Once the SWOT analysis is complete, prioritise the key areas that need attention and develop an action plan to address them. This could include steps such as:

●   establishing ESGT goals,

●    implementing sustainable business practices,

●    enhancing transparency and reporting, and

●    engaging with stakeholders to improve the company's ESGT performance.

Higher quality submissions will include a minimum of two scholarly references in the action plan to support best practices suggested in the plan.

Below is asuggested outline for your individual action plan

I. Introduction (100 words)

●     Briefly explain the purpose of the action plan.

●     Provide an overview of the company's current situation as informed by the SWOT analysis. II. Key Priorities Identification (200 words)

●     Highlight the key areas of concern derived from the SWOT analysis.

●     Rank these areas in terms of priority and provide justification for your rankings. III. Action Plan Development (500 words)

For each identified priority, provide:

1.   ESGT Goals

●     Define specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that address the priority area and align with Environmental, Social, and Governance

(ESGT) principles.

●    Cite scholarly sources to support the relevance and viability of the set goals.

2.   Sustainable Business Practices

●     Describe the practical steps the company should take to achieve these goals.

●     Discuss how these steps will contribute to the company's sustainability.

●     Include scholarly sources that support the effectiveness of these steps.

3.   Transparency and Reporting Enhancement

●     Recommend strategies for improving transparency and reporting relating to the ESGT goals and practices.

●     Use scholarly references to explain why these strategies are necessary and how they can be implemented.

4.   Stakeholder Engagement

●     Discuss how the company can engage its stakeholders (e.g., employees, customers, investors) to improve ESGT performance.

●     Use scholarly sources to validate your strategies for stakeholder engagement. IV. Conclusion (100 words)

●     Recap the action plan's key points and describe the expected outcomes if the plan is executed effectively.