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EC 370: Economics of Sports Summer 2023 Project 5: Hot Hand


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EC 370: Economics of Sports

Summer 2023

Project 5: Hot Hand

Due date: August 20th ( 11:59 PM EST )

1. Enter the data on a spreadsheet (Sheet1 in Project 5 example excel file). Put your name in cell A1 and enter the 1’s and 0’s across the row from B2 to CW2. (You should have done this already in Project 1)z

2. Find your shooting percentage. (Just sum the data and divide it by 100).

3. Find the correlation coefficient.

[Step.1] Paste the data to the second row from A3 to CV3.

[Step.2] Type (= CORREL (B2:CV2, B3:CV3) in an empty cell.

4. Find the conditional probabilities for a make following 3 misses, 2 misses, 1 miss, 1 make, 2 makes, 3 makes. You can use Sheet2 in Project 5 example excel file. Just paste your data over mine in the top row.

5. Enter the statistics in the Assignment Sheet.

6. Interpret your results in the space provided.

7.  Next, count the number of runs in your series. For example, the series 1100111000 has 4 runs.

8. Go to http://www.quantitativeskills.com/sisa/statistics/ordinal.htm 

a. Enter the data and do the WW runs test.

b. Find the expected number of runs and the z-statistic. The z-statistic is the number of standard deviations that your outcome lies from the mean of the distribution of runs.

9. Enter the statistics and interpret your results in Assignment Sheet

Assignment Sheet 

Project 5.   Hot Hand



1. Fill in the following:

p(hit | 3 misses)

p(hit | 2 misses)

p(hit | 1 miss)


p(hit | 1 hit)

p(hit | 2 hit)

p(hit | 3 hit)


2. Do your conditional probabilities show evidence of the hot hand? Explain.

3. Does your correlation coefficient ρ show evidence of the hot hand? Explain.

4. Fill in the following.




expected runs







5. Show where your runs number falls on the distribution.

6. Is this evidence of the hot hand? Explain.