关键词 > DigitalMediainBusiness

Website Critique


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Website Critique

Each student will choose an Australian brand's commercial website (i.e. customers must be able to buy a product/service via that site) and using the application of theory and research, critique the overall quality and communication of brand values, attractiveness and likely effectiveness of the site as a mechanism for the sale of their products online via that site, in relation to the 7Cs and overall website design.

Criteria for the assessment will include, but is not restricted to:

1. An appropriate introduction and conclusion (no executive summary is required);

2. 7Cs (Context, Content, Community, Customisation etc.., derived from the lecture);

3. Other aspects discussed in the lecture/found through research that provide useful analytical perspectives (Evaluation of website journey, UI, UX, etc.)

The maximum word count for this assignment is 2000 words (+/- 10%), including annotated captures of the website (screenshotted and inserted into the critique when making specific reference to website elements). Captures should be labelled as Figures (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc). Excluded from the wordcount is:

· In text references

· Reference List

· Appendices

· Annotations, figures and tables

· Introduction and conclusion

Students should aim to include at least 3 good-quality academic (i.e. peer-reviewed) references throughout their critique where relevant.

The critique must be submitted in one of the following formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx

Students must retain a copy of all assignments submitted.