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EUB305 HASS Curriculum Studies 1: Geography and Civics Assessment 1 – Professional Plan


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EUB305 HASS Curriculum Studies 1: Geography and Civics

Assessment 1 – Professional Plan

This document provides you with information about the requirements for your assessment. Detailed instructions and resources are included for completing the task. The Criterion Reference Assessment (CRA) Rubric that markers use to grade the assessment task is included.

Task overview

Assessment name

Professional Plans

Task description

Consider the assessment data provided and develop a Geography sequence of lessons for a Primary or Early Childhood class. Drawing on your analysis of the assessment data, identify areas of weakness in relation to literacy and numeracy. Then, develop a Context Statement and Geography sequence of lessons (include fieldwork, ICTs) and differentiated pedagogies to cater to the weaknesses and diversity of your class. Your Geography lesson sequence may also include a Civics focus if appropriate.

This is an authentic assessment because teachers will develop targeted, short lesson sequences to address concerns in literacy and numeracy om designated learning areas.

Due Date

Wednesday, 6th September 2023 submitted via CANVAS site by 11.59pm.

Task snapshot


2000 words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list, appendices, curriculum descriptors and words in the lesson sequence template)



Individual or Group


Formative or Summative

Formative and Summative

How will I be assessed

Rubric (HD – LF)

Learning outcomes measured

1. Demonstrate theoretical/practical knowledge and understanding of the concepts, substance and structure for the effective teaching of geography and civics.

2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding about quality differentiated teaching practices that can be used in geography and civics classrooms to meet the full range of student abilities.

3. Embed ICTs, numeracy and literacy in designing effective geographical learning and teaching sequences using data from various assessment

4. Engage and communicate verbally and non-verbally effectively.

The assessment relates directly to APSTs

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 5.1, 5.4

Submission information

What you need to do

Consider the assessment data and develop a Context Statement and HASS (Geography/Civics) Sequence of Learning Activities for a Primary or Early Childhood class using the lesson sequence template. Follow these guidelines:

1. Select a year level and any topic from the Geography strand (HASS Prep – Year 6).  You may also include a Civics focus from the same year level if it can be linked well to Geography (this is your choice to do so). For e.g.,

- Prep: My special place

- Year 1: My local area

- Year 3 Geography: Australia’s neighbouring countries

- Year 5 Geography: Natural hazards.

2. Consider student assessment data provided. It refers to student achievement on a range of literacy, numeracy and ICT-related tasks from a previous Geography / Civics unit (student data applies to EC and Primary)

3. Analyse the data and determine the strengths and weaknesses of the student cohort (related to literacy and numeracy).

4. Context statement for a Geography/Civics sequence of lessons.

- State topic; explain scope of the topic and skills to be taught.

- Describe the class – who are your students and what are their strengths and weaknesses?

- Identify at least 2 students who may require additional classroom support (for example ASD, dyslexia, G&T, EALD etc.)

- Write a short analysis of the student assessment data.

- Indicate differentiated pedagogies to promote inclusion:

a) address strengths and weaknesses (literacy/numeracy) of the class

b) cater to student diversity (the 2 students already identified)

- Argue the significance of the topic/skills for this cohort.

5. Sequence of Learning Activities (approximately 5 hours of teaching) in the lesson sequence template.

- Must include a key inquiry question

- Sequence activities using a geographical inquiry approach (E.g., 5 Es)

- Include fieldwork and use of ICTs

- Fieldwork will account for at least 1 – 2 hours of on-site activities and teaching; include pre and post fieldwork activities in lesson sequence.

- Clearly describe each activity and key resources to be used.

- Include formative assessment (e.g., outcome of fieldwork).

6. One teaching resource (focus on literacy, numeracy or ICT and one CCP) to be used in an Appendix. (Resource can be ‘original’, ‘adapted’ or ‘adopted’. Please reference clearly.)

7. Reference List (APA style; must include a reference to the curriculum + minimum 4 – 5 other references used in Context Statement, lesson sequence and resources.

If Civics is included, ensure it is a strong fit and can be integrated well into the Geography unit.

Word count:

a) Context Statement: 300 - 400 words approx. text; + in-text references to curriculum, subject matter, geography teaching strategies, differentiation. Ensure you make specific reference to the student data.

b) Lesson Sequence: 1500 – 1600words approx. description of learning activities; + in-text references to any adopted/adapted activities.

Resources available to complete task

· Student Assessment Data

· Lesson Sequence Template

· QUT cite|write – APA guide

· How to submit an assignment with Turnitin

What you need to submit

One Adobe PDF document or Microsoft Word document that contains the following items:

1. Assignment Cover Sheet – must include:

· unit code, unit name, semester and year, assignment title, student name, student number, word count (if applicable)

· the following statement of authorship:

In submitting this work, I declare that, unless otherwise acknowledged, this work is wholly my own. I understand that my work may be submitted to Turnitin and consent to this taking place.

2. Lesson Sequence (incorporating selected curriculum descriptors; Context Statement; description of Learning activities)

3. One teaching resource (Appendix)

4. Reference List

Submission requirements

This assessment task must:

1. use QUT APA referencing for citing academic literature

2. be submitted in electronic format as an Adobe PDF document or Microsoft Word document via CANVAS by following these steps:

a. Access the Turnitin Submission link >>View/Complete

b. Click on the Submit button

c. Give the submission a title, select the correct file and click Upload

d. Click Confirm

e. Click Return to Assignment list

f. To check successful submission, you will receive a text match %, and you are able to resubmit, view or download your paper

g. ALWAYS check your student email for the submission receipt


All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised.

Academic Integrity

As a student of the QUT academic community, you are asked to work to uphold the principles of academic integrity during your course of study. QUT sets expectations and responsibilities of students, more specifically it states that students “adopt an ethical approach to academic work and assessment in accordance with this policy and the Student Code of Conduct. E/2.1 (MOPP C/5.3 Academic Integrity).

At university, students are expected to demonstrate their own understanding and thinking using the ideas provided by ‘others’ to support and inform their work, always making due acknowledgement to the source. While we encourage peer learning, it is not appropriate to share assignments with other students unless your assessment piece has been stated as being a group assignment. If you do share your assignment with another student, and they copy part of or all of your assignment for their submission, this is considered collusion and you may also be reported for academic misconduct.  If you are unsure and need further information you can find this at http://www.mopp.qut.edu.au/C/C_05_03.jsp#C_05_03.03.mdoc.

EUB305 | EUB305 HASS Curriculum Studies 1: Geography and Civics| Professional Plan| Assessment 1 | Rubric

Possible marks:  60


High Distinction

100 – 85%


84 – 75%


74 – 65%


64 – 50%

Marginal Fail

49 – 40%


39 – 25%

Low Fail

0 – 24%

Context Statement (15)

-Theoretical/practical knowledge of geo/civics topic, concepts, HASS skills suited to Year level

Exceptional understanding of theoretical/practical knowledge of geography/civics topic, relevant concepts and HASS skills suited to Year level / class

Very high understanding of theoretical/practical knowledge of geography/civics topic, relevant concepts and HASS skills suited to Year level / class

High understanding of theoretical/practical knowledge of geography/civics topic, relevant concepts and HASS skills suited to Year level / class

Acceptable understanding of theoretical/practical knowledge of geography/civics topic, relevant concepts and HASS skills suited to Year level / class

Limited understanding of theoretical/practical knowledge of geography/civics topic, concepts & HASS skills

Minimal understanding in relation to unit outcomes

No understanding in relation to unit outcomes

-Analysis of student data & differentiated pedagogy to promote inclusion in identified class

Thorough and critical analysis of student data informs insightful application of differentiated pedagogy for inclusion in the described class

Critical analysis of student data informs effective application of differentiated pedagogy for inclusion in the described class.

Analysis of student data informs differentiated pedagogy for inclusion in the described class.

Examination of student data informs differentiated pedagogy for inclusion in the described class.

Limited use of student data to inform differentiated pedagogy for inclusion in the described class.

Limited use of student data to inform pedagogy in the class.

No use of student data to inform pedagogy.

-Researched significance of topic/big idea in geo/civics and relevant field work, supported by references

Thorough research on significance of topic/big idea in geo/civics and relevant field work; excellent, relevant refs.

Detailed research on significance of topic/big idea in geo/civics and relevant field work; very good, relevant refs.

Effective research on   significance of topic/big idea in geo/civics and relevant field work, supported by refs.

Satisfactory research on   significance of topic/big idea in geo/civics and relevant field work, supported by refs.

Some research on   significance of topic/big idea in geo/civics and relevant field work.

Limited research on topic.

No research on topic.

Curriculum (15)

-Identifies Geo and Civics K & U, Skills, CCPs and GCs

Excellent choice of Geography and Civics K & U, Skills, CCPs and GCs which are directly related to the unit topic and fieldwork.

Very good choice of Geography and Civics K & U, Skills, CCPs and GCs which are directly related to the unit topic and fieldwork.

Good choice of Geography and Civics K & U, Skills, CCPs and GCs which relate to the unit topic and fieldwork.

Sound choice of Geography and Civics K & U, Skills, CCPs and GCs which relate to the unit topic and fieldwork.

Notes some Geography and Civics K & U, Skills, CCPs and GCs; poorly related to fieldwork.

Minimal understanding of curriculum descriptors.

No understanding of curriculum descriptors.

-Formative assessment identifies evidence of learning from fieldwork relevant to Achievement Standard

Creative, well developed formative assessment identifies evidence from fieldwork relevant to Achievement Standard

Well-developed formative assessment identifies evidence from fieldwork relevant to Achievement Standard

Effective formative assessment identifies evidence from fieldwork relevant to Achievement Standard

Satisfactory formative assessment identifies evidence from fieldwork relevant to Achievement Standard

Assessment identifies limited evidence from fieldwork and relevance to Achievement Standard

Limited understanding of assessment and A. Std

No understanding of assessment

Sequence of Learning (15)

-Inquiry-based geographical sequence of learning embedding ICTs, numeracy and literacy through fieldwork and resources

Comprehensive, well-developed, and practical inquiry-based geographical sequence of learning embedding excellent use ICTs, numeracy and literacy through identified fieldwork-related tasks and resources

A well-developed and practical inquiry-based geographical sequence of learning embedding very good use ICTs, numeracy and literacy through identified fieldwork-related tasks and resources

An effective and practical inquiry-based geographical sequence of learning embedding good use ICTs, numeracy and literacy through identified fieldwork-related tasks and resources

A satisfactory inquiry-based geographical sequence of learning embedding ICTs, numeracy and literacy through identified fieldwork-related tasks and resources

A limited geographical sequence of learning including some fieldwork-related tasks and resources

A sequence of learning vaguely related to geographical inquiry

No sequence of learning submitted

-Fieldwork activities and formative assessment related to fieldwork

Excellent range of fieldwork (incl. pre- and post-activities); creative, well developed formative assessment relates to fieldwork

Very good range of fieldwork (incl. pre- and post-activities); well- developed formative assessment relates to fieldwork

Good range of fieldwork (incl. pre- and post-activities); effective formative assessment relates to fieldwork

Adequate range of fieldwork (incl. pre- and post-activities); satisfactory formative assessment relates to fieldwork

Poor understanding of fieldwork and related formative assessment

Limited field work and assessment

No fieldwork

Teaching resource (5)

-A prepared key resource focusing on literacy, numeracy or ICT and one CCP, clearly referenced

A creative, well developed learning resource which will engage students. Excellent preparation and presentation; great instructions; ready for use and clearly referenced