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EC 370: Economics of Sports Summer 2023 Project 4: Simple Regression


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EC 370: Economics of Sports

Summer 2023

Project 4: Simple Regression

Due date: August 20th (11:59 PM EST)

Please, see the Project 4 example (Excel Spreadsheet) file.

1.  Gather at least 30 data points of data on some sports related activity that has two halves, such as a game or a season.  Enter the source of the data.

a.  If your data is an average, e.g., Earned run average or batting average, do not double.

b.  If your data is a count: e.g. first half score or home runs in the first half of the season, double the first half number (not the final one).

2.  Enter the data in the first two columns of a spreadsheet (Sheet1) and produce a scatter plot.

3.  Run a simple regression with the first half variable as the independent variable.

(Note: If you run a regression in Excel, you will get the result like Sheet 2 in the Project 4 file.)

4.  Paste your results on the assignment sheet.

5.  Enter the coefficient, standard error and z-statistic.

6.  Show where your estimate falls on the normal distribution provided.

7.  Is the coefficient sufficiently different from zero?  Explain.

8.  Is the coefficient sufficiently different from one?  Explain.

Assignment Sheet 

Project 4. Simple Regression 



1.  Variables:


2.  Source of data:


3. Regression results:


4. Coefficient:


5. Standard error:


6. z-statistic:


7.  Show where zero and one fall on the normal distribution provided.  Your estimate is µ, the expected value of the coefficient.


8.  Is the coefficient sufficiently different from zero?  Explain.


9.  Is the coefficient sufficiently different from one?  Explain.