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Research Methods: Design, Implementation and Analysis - (JRMK14)


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Research Methods: Design, Implementation and Analysis - (JRMK14)


Assignment 3: Quantitative analysis

In this assignment you will design, implement and analyze quantitative research. You will

work with a data file called “INSURANCE_2023.SAV”. The data contains descriptive

information about 474 employees of an insurance company. While the data are real, they are also pretty old. So, don’t draw any conclusions about today’s situation from the data.

All the information you need for successfully solving the questions in this assignment you get from attending the quantitative Module and the Lab as well as from chapters 11 and 12 in the  course book.

If you feel you need extra information, you find several good books in the library and online, of which we in particular recommend “Bryman, A., & Cramer, D. (2012). Quantitative data   analysis with IBM SPSS 17, 18 & 19: A guide for social scientists: Routledge.” This book

can be downloaded from the library (https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781136588907).

How to submit your answers

1.   Submit your answers in a Word document

2.   Save you output window from SPSS and have it available to hand it in on request.

Please keep in mind that SPSS remembers your last analysis. Therefore, clear any selected variable before doing new analysis.

Hand in by August 20, 2023 on canvas.

Using the datafile “INSURANCE_2023.SAV”, you will look into explanations for salary differences in an insurance company. In particular we will examine the issue of gender


Salnowis measured in dollars per year (well, the data file isnt exactly new!).

“Edlevel” is measured in number of years.

Please write in whole sentences. It is not enough to just copy plain SPSS outputs / tables / graphs.  For  each  question  write  a  short  paragraph,  in  which  you  shortly  explain  your considerations and your analytic procedure, and then interpret the outcomes of your SPSS analysis. Each paragraph should end with one sentence that clearly answers the referring question. Use clear language and statistical terms (correctly).

In the role of a quantitative researcher, you want to answer the following research questions:

1)  Does gender have an effect on the current salary of the employees?

2)  If so, how much is it?


First, you want to give your reader an overview over the variables you are working with.

1.   Which is the dependent variable in this analysis and what measurement type does it have? (1 p)

2.   What is the average salary the employees receive currently? Is the distribution of variable skewed (if yes, how?) or symmetrical? Motivate your answer in your own words and copy the tables with the measures and the histogram in to your Word file(2 p)

In the next step you want to answer research question 1. To answer your research question, look at the variables “Current salary [salnow]” and “Gender of employee [gender]” .

3.   Is there a DIFFERENCE between the mean salaries of men and women in this firm? Motivate your answer and copy the relevant tables in to your Word file. (2,5 p)

In order to address research question 2, you want to find out how exactly the gender of the employees influences their salary.

4.   Define a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis for the relationship between current salary and gender of the employee. (1 p)

5.   Do a linear regression to test your hypothesis. Look at the output. What can you say about the hypothesis? Interpret all output tables. Don’t forget the coefficient and the constant in  the box labeled Coefficient”. Copy the tables in to your Word file (4 p)

[Hint: For interpreting the coefficient, you may look how the variable “Gender of employee [gender]” is coded.]

You are not satisfied with your results yet, and you are wondering, what else features of an

employee might influence their salary. Accordingly, you have a look on the employee’s level of education.

6.   Conduct the linear regression with the two independent variables in SPSS. Does this model do a worse or better job in explaining wage differences than the model you

estimated for Q5? Copy the relevant tables into your Word file. (2 p)

7.   Compared to the results of the analysis you did for Q5, the coefficient for “Gender of employee” has decreased. How much? And why? Add relevant tables to support your answer. (2,5 p)

[Hint: Look at possible correlations between variables.]