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CSE 411 - Advanced Programing Techniques


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CSE 411 - Advanced Programing Techniques - Fall 2021

Course Description

Deeper study of programming and software engineering techniques. The majority of assignments involve programming in contemporary programming languages. Topics include memory management, GUI design, testing, refactoring, and writing secure code.

Course Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

-  Understand advanced features of programming languages, specifically Java and C++.

-  Understand programming techniques for modern computer architectures, such as multicore and NUMA architectures.

-  Use those features and techniques to implement code that is correct, fast, and maintainable.

-  Develop computational thinking abilities through in-class exercises.

-  Gain experience working in a team.


Lectures will be held in-person (in BC 115). Attendance (in-person) during all lectures is important for your participation grade. Students with accepted excuses like COVID accommodation will join lectures live via Zoom (the Zoom link will be available on CourseSite).

Class Webpages:

We will be using two websites: CourseSite and Piazza. CourseSite will be used for all lecture and homework materials. This includes submission of homework solutions. Piazza will be used for all class communication. This includes student Q&A and instructor announcements. It is your responsibility to check both websites regularly. Ignorance of these webpages will not excuse you from missing any deadlines/important updates/etc that are posted there.


Technical Lectures: no required textbook

Interview questions practice:

Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions, 6th Ed., Gayle Laakmann McDowell, CareerCup, 2015, ISBN-13: 978-0984782857.

Assignments and grading:

-  Non-graded assignments:

o  1 programming assignment (required – possible extra credit)

o  In-class problem solving/code review quizzes (possible extra credits)

-  Graded assignments

o  Class participations - 10 points (10%)

o  3 programming assignments (individuals) 5 points each (15%)

o  2 assigned projects (groups of 2 max) - 25 points each = 50 points (50%)

o  1 Final project (groups of 2 max) – 25 points (25%)

o  Final exam consists of a report (around 5 pages) of the final project and a presentation/discussion of the project design and the achieved results.

-  A final grade of 90% will guarantee an A-, 80% a B-, 70% a C-, and 60% a D-. Grades will be recorded on CourseSite, but be aware that any average course grade displayed on this site may not be accurate and the student should refer to the above breakdown when calculating their current average

Student Senate Statement on Academic Integrity

The work you do in this course must be your own. This means that you must be aware when you are building on someone else's ideas—including the ideas of your classmates, your professor, and the authors you read—and explicitly acknowledge that you are do so. Feel free to build on, react to, criticize, and analyze the ideas of others but, when you do, make it known whose ideas you are working with. If you ever have questions about drawing the line between others' work and your own, ask me and I will give you clear guidance or you may visit Lehigh Library’s ‘Proper Use of Information’ page at http://libraryguides.lehigh.edu/plagiarism

You should keep in mind that computer programs exhibit an individual's "style" just as much as other forms of authorship. Changing variable names, editing comments, or making other trivial updates in an attempt to hide plagiarism is rarely effective. If you have questions about this policy at any point throughout the semester, just ask.

Late Papers or Missed Exams

A reasonable amount of time will be given to submit assignments/projects. No late submission will be accepted, unless an extension is coordinated with the professor at least 48 hours before the assignment is due.

Honor System:

All assignments and tests submitted will be considered graded work and must be completed on an individual basis. No consultation is permitted on tests. Assignments may be discussed with other students as well as with the professor and graders. However, in writing up an assignment to be handed in, each student or group of students works alone and certifies that what is submitted accurately represents the student's own understanding of the material expressed in the student's own words. Students may not provide or consult partial or complete solutions of the problems that have been prepared by anyone else. The prohibited solutions include, but are not limited to, solutions by current or former teachers or students at Lehigh or elsewhere, whether these solutions are posted on the web or available from other sources. This includes our class Piazza page. The honor system applies to all graded work in this course.

Students enrolled in this course are responsible for abiding by this honor system. A student who has doubts about how this applies to any assignment or exam is responsible for obtaining specific guidance from the course professor before submitting the assignment for evaluation. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude students from the requirements and expectations of this honor system. More information can be found at: https://studentaffairs.lehigh.edu/content/academic-integrity-resources

Disability Statement:

If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting accommodations, please contact your professor and the Office of Academic Services, Room 212, University Center or call (610-758-4152) as early as possible in the semester. University policy states that you must notify your professor seven (7) days prior to the exam.

Diversity Statement:

Lehigh University endorses The Principles of Our Equitable Community. We expect each member of this class to acknowledge and practice these Principles. Respect for each other and for differing viewpoints is a vital component of the learning environment inside and outside the classroom. For more information, you may visit: http://www4.lehigh.edu/diversity/principles.

COVID-19 Statements:

Per Lehigh’s current masking policy, which took effect August 2, both vaccinated and unvaccinated people are required to wear masks when indoors in public spaces, including classrooms. This policy will be strictly applied during lectures for in-person attendance. Any violations may result in ending the class and reporting the case to the administration. More details about Lehigh’s masking policy can be found in the following link: https://www2.lehigh.edu/news/72921-new-mask-requirement-cdc-guidance

Students who will join remotely should respect the in-classroom privacy of their instructors and fellow students by not taking screenshots or recording class sessions. The instructor may record some live Zoom sessions; however, any recorded live sessions will be shared only with students in the class and will be deleted at the end of the semester.

The latest updates of Lehigh’s COVID policies are available on: Latest Updates | Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Center (lehigh.edu). Any changes in Lehigh’s policies will be reflected in this class’s policy. Important updates will be announced on CourseSite and/or Piazza