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MGMT2000 Organisational Behaviour


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MGMT2000 Organisational Behaviour

Assessment Two Brief | Essay

The theme for the Essay is ‘what’s in the news’. You will be given a news article covering a topical issue in

business. You are required to critically analyse that article using relevant organisational behaviour theory and concepts.  You will critically discuss the implications of the topical issue for individuals and organisations from an organisational behaviour perspective.

The word length is 1500 words.

This assessment requires you to critically analyse ‘what’s in the news’

For the purpose of this essay, a critical analysis is an evaluation of a news article. You are required to breakdown and study the parts of the news article using organisational behaviour theory and concepts. You will demonstrate your critical thinking skills and make judgements about the topical issue and come up with a clear opinion and conclusions. Critical analysis allows you to have a greater understanding of, and more clarity, on the issues and information you process.

When reading the article, think about:

.     Where has the article been published? Why is this important?

.     Who is likely to read this type of article? Who is the intended audience? Why is this important?

.     Is it based on fact or opinion?

.     What are the stated and unstated assumptions?

.     Is there evidence to support the ideas presented in the article? What is this evidence? Is it biased?

.     What strategies have been used to present the idea/argument/evidence?

.     Is it convincing and relevant?

.     What organisational behaviour theories/concepts are relevant and applicable?

When writing the essay:

.     Provide a brief summary of the article. How does it relate to organisational behaviour? How is it relevant to the study of organisational behaviour? What organisational behaviour theory or concept does it relate to?

.     What is the main point of the article? What is the main message the author is trying to convey? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article? Does the author provide evidence? Is it reliable?

.     Critically  analyse  the  article  using  relevant  organisational  theories/concepts.  Explain  why  you  are focusing on the particular theory or concept. Explain how they are relevant to your analysis

.     What do you like, and what do you not like, about the article and the author’s position? Explain why

.     How well does the article advance your knowledge or understanding of the issue?

Important points to remember:

1.    This task involves critically analysing a news article using organisational behaviour theory and concepts

2.     It involves deconstructing what you read in an article and using your knowledge and understanding of organisational behaviour to evaluate and form an opinion

3.    Take a look at the Marking Rubric for information on how the Essay will be assessed