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ECON5004: Communication in Economics Semester 2, 2023


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ECON5004: Communication in Economics

Semester 2, 2023

Assignment: Quizzes

Assignment Outline

An important part of the course is a set of required readings that reinforce and build on the lecture material and other assessments. It is critical that students complete the assigned readings each week.

The required readings that are “fair game” for the quizzes, and additional optional readings that are not eligible for the quizzes, will be posted each week on Canvas. Students will be assessed on the readings through weekly quizzes (some weeks may be randomly selected to not have a quiz, but students should be prepared in each week there is a required reading).

The quizzes will be designed to be short (3 questions), and relatively straightforward, focusing on the major concepts in the readings. The quizzes will be run with a time limit of 3-5 minutes.

The quizzes can be implemented at any time during the regular lecture period (6-9 pm Friday), both

.    Online  (recommended).  Students can take the quiz online through any device (phone, laptop, tablet, etc).

.    Hard copy. A few hard copies of the quiz will be available to take “pen and paper.”

Due Date

Any week with a required reading from week 3- 10, during lecture (Friday 6-9 pm).  Simple Extensions will not be granted under any circumstance for this assessment.

Grading Weight

6% of the course grade, with each student’s top 3 quizzes counting for their grade, at 2% each. There will be at least 5 quizzes throughout the semester.