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MKTG2509 Services and Relationship Marketing Assignment 2: Service Blueprint


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MKTG2509 Services and Relationship Marketing |

A2 Template | Service Blueprint

Assignment 2: Service Blueprint

Each student should provide a blueprint (graphical portion/ visual part) and a paper with a discussion of the blueprint elements.

Service Blueprint - Clarifications regarding format.

.     All separation” lines clearly labelled. As you can see in the figure below, there is a clear distinction of what is physical evidence versus user/customer actions versus staff actions. Your blueprint needs to have that clear distinction between lines.

.     arrows to indicate the order of activities and how they are connected to each other. As you    can clearly see in the example below, it is possible to understand the flow of the process and

what actions come first in the customer journey and how each line of the blueprint is connected. You need to indicate the flow of the process by using arrow.

.     at least four potential bottlenecks or fail points in the service delivery process. You can do this by simply highlighting it with a different colour or using a * to mark the fail point.

Whatever you use to identify fail points, you need to include a note at the bottom of the Figure to explain what different colours mean or what a * would mean. See an example below.

Figure 5. Service blueprint, Version 2. Sticky notes outlined in bold represent ideas for service improvement

.     at least one decision (or option) by either a customer or an employee (depicted by a

“diamond”). Below we have two examples of blueprints with decisions made either by customers or by staff.

1. Skin cancer service system with service system navigation and storyboarding

2. Football-watching service system with service system navigation and storyboarding.

Storyboarding helps one understand consumer actions and what consumers are actually doing in that    situation. It also helps to show the physical evidence for tech-based services. In your blueprint you are required to visually capture the different steps (customer or employee actions) of the service. The way you can do this on a Blueprint is by creating a hyperlink in the blueprint that connects to a specific

picture. See example below.

Service Blueprint

Figure 1

Figure 1. The Library’s lobby.


Figure 2

Figure 2. Monitors dark (off).


Written Assignment Template.

1. Organisation Background

Describe what service(s) of this organization you will be blueprinting and why you selected it;

Service Blueprint

Include the service blueprint here as a Figure. If service blueprint is too big, you can use a different page layout, or present it by parts.

Service Blueprint

2. Customer actions

Describe what you believe to be the three key customer actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why they are so critical to a successful service experience;

3. Employee actions

Describe what you believe to be the three key employee actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why they are so critical to a successful service experience;

4. Physical Evidence

Describe three key elements of physical evidence revealed in the blueprint and discuss how they

influence the customer’s experience. Include visuals of the physical evidence that you discuss in this  section here, as Figures. All other evidence you can add as an Appendix. Remember that you need to link / label all figures/pictures to the Blueprint regardless if you are adding the figure here or at the     appendix.

Figure 1

Figure 1. The Library’s lobby.

5. Fail points and Recommendations

Identify, number, and describe three potential fail-points (points in the process where problems may occur) and/or bottlenecks (points in the process where backups or slow delivery may occur); You     need to state here why do you think these are potential fail points.

6. Recommendations

As you discuss each fail point, provide possible solutions/alternatives to address these (potential) problem areas;

7. Conclusions

Discuss how such a service blueprint might be used in each of the following areas in this organization: marketing, human resource management, and operations;

Discuss what was learned in doing this assignment and how it could be applied in the business world.

9. References

Aslam, M. M. (2006). Are you selling the right colour? A cross‐cultural review of colour as a marketing cue. Journal of marketing communications, 12(1), 15-30.

Bagchi, R., & Cheema, A. (2013). The effect of red background color on willingness-to-pay: The moderating role of selling mechanism. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(5),


Barrett, W. (2006). Luck and decision. Journal of applied philosophy, 23(1), 73-87.

Bazley, W. J., Cronqvist, H., & Mormann, M. M. (2019). In the red: The effects of color on investment behavior. Swedish House of Finance Research Paper. Retrieved from


Benbasat, I., & Dexter, A. S. (1985). An experimental evaluation of graphical and color- enhanced information presentation. Management science, 31(11), 1348- 1364.

Bertrams, A., Baumeister, R. F., Englert, C., & Furley, P. (2015). Ego depletion in color

priming research: Self-control strength moderates the detrimental effect of red on     cognitive test performance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(3), 311- 322.

Birney, R. C., Burdick, H., & Teevan, R. C. (1969). Fear of failure: Van Nostrand-Reinhold Company.

10. Appendix

Add here other figures you will link to the Blueprint. Please use 1 page per figure.

Figure 1

Figure 1. The Library’s lobby.
