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Project Skills Task 4: Iterative Project Development


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Stage 2 Digital Technologies: Immanuel College

Project Skills Task 4: Iterative Project Development. School App


Use an iterative project development approach to create a Windows-based app for Immanuel College. eg:

•    to be used for an educational aid for teachers and/or students

o  could be a mixture of quiz and tutorial depending on complexity … .

•    to be used as a managerial app for teachers and/or students

•    to be used for the community/teachers/students at Immanuel College such as an

o  online ordering app for the Wings © Café

o  members benefit card for the Wings © Café

o  dynamic roll entry app …

Assessment description

For this assessment you will use an iterative project development approach to create an app for a nominated purpose which needs to be first approved by your teacher in the form of a briefing. This solution may be a

completed product, a prototype or a proof of concept. To maximise your marks your code needs:

•    to be efficient

•    to use

o  iteration

o selection

o  multi-formed with at least a splash screen and a help/instruction form/window

o appropriate use of variables and data types.

•    to use appropriate design techniques and tools

•    to use appropriate programming conventions

Assessment conditions

You will work individually and have 5 weeks to complete this task.

You will need to present your solution in multimodal form of a maximum of 5 minutes, it must include −    a brief description of what you will be creating and its main outcome/s

−    flowchart, pseudocode or similar, to show how you have broken down the problem

−    coded solution with comments

−    validation showing how the solution works, how effective the solution is, & highlight any innovative features

−    iterative development of ideas and concepts that lead to the final design

−    evaluation of the effectiveness of the final design.

Below is an actual email request from a teacher who would like an app made for her maths class.

Hi Rob

It would be great if someone could program a 3-colour circular spinner and a 6 sided die forme to use with a Yr 8 investigation. Graphic representations are really key.

The two events should be on the screen together and should happen simultaneously when a button is pressed.

The circular spinner is three sectors with equal areas of three colours: RED BLUE YELLOW and a needle that lands on acolour.

The die should be 6 sided : either with the dots arrangement or just the numbers 1-6 on the faces but should correctly reflect the setup of a die. Opposite sides add up to 7.

The program should be one that can easily be put into the files section of a class immi page so that it can be

accessed/installed by all students on or off campus.


Assessment conditions

You will work individually and have 5 weeks to complete this task.

You will need to present your solution in multimodal form of a maximum of 5 minutes and it must include the following:

-    a brief description of what you will be creating and its main outcome/s

-    flowchart, pseudocode or similar, to show how you have broken down the problem

-    coded solution with comments

-    a validation which shows how your solution works, how effective your solution  is, and highlights any innovative features

-    iterative development of ideas and concepts that lead to the final design

-    evaluation of the effectiveness of the final design.

Assessment design criteria


Computational Thinking

CT1  Application of computational thinking concepts and techniques to identify and deconstruct problems of interest.

CT4  Application of skills and processes to develop solutions to problems of interest.

Development and Evaluation

DE1   Design and creation of digital solutions or a prototype.

DE2  Application of iterative development, testing, modification, and documentation of a digital solution or prototype.

DE3   Evaluation of the effectiveness of a digital solution or prototype.

Performance standards

Research and Ethics


Astute and creative application of computational

thinking concepts and techniques to clearly identify and deconstruct problems of interest.

Insightful use of abstraction to identify core concepts and ideas.

In-depth analysis of relationships in datasets to draw

insightful conclusions and make well-justified predictions.

Highly purposeful application of skills and processes to develop highly efficient and logical solutions to

complex problems of interest.

Clear and consistent use of initiative in the design and creation of digital solution or prototype that    includes innovative features.

Highly purposeful and strategic application of

iterative development, testing, modification, and   documentation of an innovative digital solution or prototype.

Insightful evaluation of the effectiveness of a digital solution or prototype.

Insightful explanation, supported by clear and highly convincing evidence of own role in and contribution  to projects.

In-depth research and

discussion of the ethical

considerations in digital



Well-considered application of computational thinking concepts and techniques to identify and deconstruct   problems of interest.

Some insights in the use of abstraction to identify core concepts and ideas.

Some depth in analysis of relationships in datasets to

draw informed conclusions and make justified predictions.

Purposeful application of skills and processes to

develop efficient and mostly logical solutions to some complex problems of interest.

Mostly consistent use of initiative in the design and   creation of digital solution or prototype that includes one or more innovative features.

Mostly purposeful application of iterative

development, testing, modification, and

documentation of a digital solution or prototype, with some innovation.

Well-considered evaluation of the effectiveness of a digital solution or prototype.

Some depth in explanation, supported by clear and mostly convincing evidence of own role in and

contribution to projects.

Some depth in research and discussion of the ethical

considerations in digital



Application of computational thinking concepts and techniques to identify and deconstruct problems of  interest.

Some use of abstraction to identify core concepts and ideas.

Description, with some analysis, of relationships in

datasets to draw generally informed conclusions and make predictions, with some justification.

Application of skills and processes to develop

generally efficient and logical solutions to problems of interest.

Some use of initiative in the design and creation of  digital solution or prototype, which may include one or more innovative features.

Competent application of iterative development,

testing, modification, and documentation of a digital solution or prototype, with one or more innovative


Description of the effectiveness of a digital solution or prototype, with evaluation of some features.

Explanation, supported by generally clear evidence, of own role in and contribution to projects.

Considered research and discussion of the ethical  considerations in digital   technologies.


Partial application of basic computational thinking concepts and techniques to identify and describe  problems of interest.

Identification and description of some basic core concepts and/or ideas.

Identification and use of one or more simple

relationships in datasets to draw a partial conclusion and/or make a prediction based on limited evidence.

Partial application of skills and processes to develop solutions to simple problems of interest.

Partial design and creation of digital solution or prototype.

Basic application of some iterative development, testing, modification, and/or documentation of a digital solution or prototype.

Partial description of the effectiveness of a digital solution or prototype.

Basic explanation of own role in and/or contribution to projects, with limited supporting evidence.

Basic research and

discussion of one or more ethical considerations in    digital technologies.


Attempted application of a limited number of basic computational thinking concepts or techniques to   describe a problem of interest.

Attempted identification and description of a core concept or idea.

Attempted use of limited, simple datasets to draw a conclusion or make a prediction.

Attempted application of skills and processes to

develop partial solutions to some simple problems of interest.

Attempted design and creation of digital solution or prototype.

Attempted application of simple iterative

development, testing, modification, or

documentation of a digital solution or prototype.

Limited description of a digital solution or prototype.

Limited description of own participation in projects.

Attempted research and

discussion of ethical

considerations in digital
