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DJF100 Joinery and Finishes


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Subject Code and Title

DJF100 Joinery and Finishes


Produce Final Joinery Scheme and Documentation Package



Learning Outcomes

The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by the successful completion of the task below include:

a) Ability to effectively research and select finishes in accordance with the requirements of a design brief;

b) Demonstrate knowledge of joinery construction terminology and its application in accordance with the requirements of a design


c) Produce a basic joinery documentation package in accordance with a given brief;

d) Produce written documentation that accompanies a joinery drawing documentation package; and

e) Demonstrate knowledge of applicable Australian Standards, regulations and codes.


Due by 11.55 pm AEST/AEDT on the Sunday at the end of Module 11



Total Marks

100 marks

Please Note

All assessments for this subject are formative (i.e., the work completed in one assessment task contributes to the work required for the next and soon). Please read ALL the assessment briefs to contextualise the tasks before commencing work on this assessment.


Incorporating  feedback  from  the  work  submitted   in  Assessment   2  and  with  a  greater understanding of the site and the client, you will now develop and document your ideas via a technical documentation package and three-dimensional (3D) modelling document. You will also prepare a client presentation package and communicate your finalised design.

A fundamental skill for a designer is the ability to communicate a proposed design clearly and efficiently to aclient and all related tradespeople, including builders, cabinetmakers, joiners, electricians and plumbers. This is typically done via a design documentation package that contains  technical  construction  drawings,   presentation   boards,  3D   models  and  written documentation and specifications.

Additionally, an interior designer must have an in-depth understanding of the processes that led to this final design package and be able to ensure that the appropriate documentation has been prepared. The ability to accurately establish the required scale, number, type and detail of technical drawings required for each specific project type and client is essential.

An interior designer must be able to effectively verbally present their designs and adapt their communication style to best address the client and ensure the proposed scheme is clearly understood. Whether face to face or online, being able to explain and justify your design decisions to  clients  and  all  key  stakeholders  is  an  essential  tool  to  complete  the  design process.

Assessment Task

To complete this assessment task, follow the instructions (below).


Part A

Create a digital presentation board of your proposed design and a verbal presentation.

Complete a digital presentation board featuring the final kitchen design for your client(s).

Your presentation board must contain the following:

i)           A rendered floor plan of your kitchen design;

ii)          A minimum of three (3) images of materials used;

iii)         A minimum of one (1) 3D view of your design; and

iv)         Details   of   your  client’s   name,  your  concept  and  your  student   name   in  a

presentation title block.

You may also include any other images or graphics that will showcase your scheme.

Prepare a verbal presentation of your scheme (length to be confirmed by your lecturer) and communicate the key conceptual, planning, material and construction ideas of your proposed design.

Part B

Create a final kitchen joinery documentation package.

You must develop the space planning you submitted in Assessment 2 to produce a final joinery documentation package. This package should include:

a)   A cover page

Containing details of the project name, your client’s name, your student name, the date and a contents list of all documents.

b)   A presentation board

Include a copy of the final presentation board in this part of the assessment.

c)   A general floor plan

A plan drawn at scale 1:50 indicating the finalised layout of the dining/living/kitchen areas with reference to the kitchen floor plan drawings.

d)   A kitchen floor plan

A   minimum   of   one   (1)   detailed   kitchen   plan   drawn   at   1:20   showing   design construction,  equipment  and  appliance  installation,  dimensions,  notes,  hatches, symbols and codes referenced in your Fixtures, Fittings and Equipment (FFE) Schedule.

Note: The number of required drawings will depend on the complexity of your kitchen design.

e)   Elevations

A  minimum  of  two  (2)  detailed  kitchen  elevations  drawn  at  1:20  showing  design construction,  equipment  and  appliance  installation,  dimensions,  notes,  hatches, symbols and codes referenced in your FFE Schedule. Note: The number of required drawings will depend on the complexity of your kitchen design.

f)    A reflected ceiling plan (RCP)

A minimum of one (1) RCP drawn at 1:20 showing the layout of selected light fittings, equipment,  design  features  and  indicating  switching  for  lighting,  appliances  and power. You should use a symbol/code and legend system and include dimensions, notes, hatches, symbols and codes referenced in your FFE Schedule. Note: The number of required drawings will depend on the complexity of your kitchen design.

g)   Section

A minimum of one (1) joinery section drawn at 1:10 showing design construction, equipment and appliance installation, dimensions, notes, hatches, symbols and codes referenced in your FFE Schedule. It must reference your chosen kitchen joinery details.

h)   Details

A minimum of two (2) joinery details drawn at 1:5 (or at another appropriate scale) showing design construction, material details and fixings, dimensions, notes, hatches, symbols and codes referenced in your FFE Schedule

i)    Final sketch-up model of your design

Develop the basic sketch-up massing model of your proposed kitchen design into a finalised version ready for presentation. Include authentic materiality and details that accurately  reflect  your  design  and  documentation,  all  appliances  and  equipment, adjacent  materiality and furniture, entourage for scale, and  realistic accessorising. Also  consider  lighting  and  shadows  when   rendering  your  final  model.  Submit  a minimum of two (2) views of your model from eyeline perspective as a part of your submission.

j)    A final FFE Schedule

Adding  to  your  existing  FFE  schedule,  your  final  document  should  include,  at  a minimum, all  materials, finishes,  equipment,  appliances,  lighting, furniture  and  all design elements that feature in your proposed design to an industry standard.

Formatting Parameters

Part A

Your work should be presented to your lecturer in an agreed upon way. This may be digitally or in class.

If you are delivering your presentation as a recording, please name your file/presentation as set out below in the ‘Submission Instructions’ .

Part B

Combine all elements of Part B into one (1) PDF ready for submission.

Submission Instructions

If you are submitting Part A as a recorded presentation, please name your file/presentation as follows:


Save and submit Part B as follows:

SubjectNumber_LastNameFirstName_Assess3_Part B

It is essential that you follow the above  naming conventions.  Files with different  naming conventions  may  be  misplaced  or  unable  to  be  opened  by  your  lecturer.  The  learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

The  submission  must  not be  emailed directly  to the lecturer. If you are late with your submission, you need to follow the late assessment procedure.

Key Texts and Referencing

The  lecturer  may  provide  further  key  texts  and  references  associated  with  this  specific assessment.

It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. For more information on referencing, visithttps://library.torrens.edu.au/academicskills/apa/tool.

Academic Integrity Declaration

I declare that except where referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own. I have read and am aware of the Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure, viewable online athttp://www.torrens.edu.au/policies-and-forms.

I am also aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I

agree to do so.