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BSB131 - Assessment 1 – Problem-Solving Task 1


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BSB131 - Assessment 1 – Problem-Solving Task 1 - Due: 18th  of August (11:59:59 PM, Brisbane time)

Overall task description: Demonstrate factual understandings of currently available comparison tools that assist decision-making about superannuation funds and products in Australia.

Specific Task Description:

1. Examine the case study document.

2. Investigate at least three existing comparison tools that are currently and  publicly available on the

internet in addition to the APRA’s heat maps and KPMG’s Superannuation Insight dashboard.

3. Navigate to  the  APRA  website (https://www.apra.gov.au/ ), search for  publicly  available  data  or statistics releases on superannuation performance, and download at least three data sets on the APRA website that provides data on the performance of superannuation funds and products.

4. Provide summaries of your findings regarding the above tasks in the form of a video presentation. In your video presentation, you focus on the following points:

a) Summarise common  and  uncommon  key  performance  indicators  (KPIs)  (or  metrics)  used  among currently available comparison tools, heatmaps, and dashboards. These indicators should be related to the performance of the funds and/or their products.

b) Discuss the usefulness of these comparison tools, dashaboards, and heatmaps in assisting members to make better investment decisions.

c) Articulate how  APRA’s  data  are  being  used  in  constructing  KPIs  among  these  comparison  tools, dashboards, and heatmaps and how data could be used in a more comprehensive way (for example data can be used to construct new useful KPIs)

d) Report a bibliography of sources of data and information you used in your work. You are welcome to choose any citation style but be consistent.

Specific submission requirements

.    You will have a single submission opportunity for this piece.

.    Submit one video recording (length: maximum 3 minutes) together with an Excel file of your data (one file could contain multiple sheets) to the Canvas site.

.    You       can       record       using       Zoom       (optional:       together       with       PowerPoint       slidedeck (https://www.reed.edu/cis/teaching-with-technology/video-recording-zoom powerpoint.html)

.    Consider  using  either  a  screen  capture  of  yourself  navigating  these  websites,  or  PowerPoint  with screenshots  of  relevant  sections  of  these   pages  (Ex:  Screenshots  of  datasets  /  Screenshots  of superannuation comparison tool etc).

.    You must always show your face in the video. Not showing your face in the presentation will result in you receiving a mark of zero.

.    Other materials can be used as part of your presentation such as PowerPoint, video clips, or images. Ensure you have copyright approval (can be used for educational purposes) before using any materials.

.    The  files  should  be  named  using  your  student  number  followed  by  your  name,  that  is  Student Number_FirstName_LastName_PST1  (e.g.,  12345678_Joe_Biden_PST1).  This  will   be  the   common format for both files.

Marking criteria:

.     Knowledge  and Technological  Skills (KS)  1.1  Demonstrate and apply integrated discipline (including technical)  knowledge  across the  broad field  of  business with  depth  in one  or  more core  business disciplines (2 mark)

.     Knowledge and Technological Skills  (KS)  1.2 Apply technical and technological skills appropriate and effective for real-world business purposes and contexts. (2 marks)

.     Higher  Order  Thinking  (HO)  2.1  Investigate  real-world  business  issues  and  situations  through  the effective analysis, evaluation and synthesis of theory and practice. (1 marks)