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MIS604 Requirement Engineering


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Subject Code and Title

MIS604 Requirement Engineering


Agile Requirements Analysis and Management Report




2000 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes

The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:

b)    Demonstrate methods for eliciting, analysing, documenting, and maintaining requirements in an organisational context.

c)     Synthesise key principles of requirements management and communicate to stakeholders in order to solve problems.

d)    Evaluate organisational requirements to maximise effectiveness and promote sustainable business practices.


By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Week 11/Module 6.1

For Intensive class: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Week 6/Module 6.1



Total Marks

100 marks

Assessment Task

This final assessment requires you to respond to the given case study used in Assessment 1 and 2, so that you can develop insights into the different facets of Requirements Analysis and management in agile approach of software development. In this assessment you are required to produce an individual report of 2000 words (+/ -10%) detailing the following:

a) Product vision for the project

b) Product Roadmap

c) Product Backlog containing Epics and User stories

d) Story Mapping for the project

e) Personas who typifies the future system end user

f)     Identification of Epics and User stories for the first release

g) Decomposition of Epics into User stories for the first release

h)    Story elaboration and Acceptance Criteria of User stories for the first release to ensure the ‘definition of done .

i) A paragraph detailing how the mindset and role of a Business Analyst (BA) need to be changed while

transitioning from ‘Waterfall’ to ‘Agile’ requirement engineering practice.

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.


In  the  second  assessment  you  would  have  developed capability in  the areas of requirements analysis and requirements lifecycle management, which are well recognised Business Analysis skills and capabilities. However, Agile has become a recognised software development approach which is both adaptive and iterative in nature. This has necessitated the development of new and differentiated requirements analysis and management skills, techniques, and capabilities. This assessment aims to assist you in developing well-rounded skills as a Business Analyst who uses a spectrum tools and techniques. In doing so, you can draw irrespective of the approach your future employer may take to software development.

Task Instructions

1.     Please read the given case study and make assumption wherever needed

2. Based on the given case study, you are required to write a 2000 (+/- 10%) words Agile Requirements Analysis & Management Report.

3. Review your subject notes to establish the relevant area of investigation that applies to the case. Re-read any relevant readings. Perform additional research and investigation to add depth to your understanding.

4.     Plan how you will structure your ideas for your report and write a report plan before you start writing.

5.    The report DOES NOT require an executive summary or abstract.

6. Structure of the Report

A professional custom title page with the subject code and subject name, assignment title, student’s name, student number and lecturer’s name

Table of contents

An introduction (100-150 words)

which will also serve as your statement of purpose for the report. This means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your report. You will need to inform the reader of:

o Overview of the problem you’ve been asked to research

o The key concepts you will be addressing,

o What the reader can expect to find in the body of the report

The body of the report (1700-1800 words) will need to cover two specific areas reflecting the