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System Development Techniques Instruction for CA3 Group Assignment 2023


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Diploma in Information Technology

System Development Techniques

Instruction for CA3 Group Assignment

July 2023 Semester


100 Marks. (This assignment constitutes 30% while the class presentation constitutes another 10% of the overall assessment. Total marks for this assessment is 100 marks.)

Rationale of Group Project

The rationale of the group project is to enable collaborative learning with your peers and learning to work as a team, which is commonplace in workplace environment. Students learn to apply theories taught in class and textbooks to real world situations.

In line with this objective, students are not allowed to reuse old assignments, or submit projects from  previous semesters or copy  largely from sources,  particularly from the internet.

Forming Group

Students are to form groups of 4-5 students per group. As this a group project, each member is expected to put in his/her fair share of the effort into the project. It is essential that groups manage their group effectively to complete this project.

Students should resolve group dynamics issue and may seek the mediation through the lecturer as early as possible. Last minute mediation will not be entertained. Students may request for peer evaluation as a final resort if all mediation fails.

Finally, the lecturer reserves the right to assign a mark to an individual student different from the rest of the group if that student is deemed not to have put in his/her fair share of effort into the project.

Case Study:

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new — or modify  existing  —  business  processes,  culture,  and  customer  experiences  to  meet changing business and market requirements. This reimagining of business in the digital age is digital transformation.

In fact, digital transformation is changing the way business gets done and, in some cases, creating entirely new classes of businesses. With digital transformation, companies are taking a step back and revisiting everything they do, from internal systems to customer interactions both online and in person. They’re asking big questions like “Can we change our  processes  in  a  way  that  will  enable  better  decision-making,  game-changing efficiencies, or a better customer experience with more personalisation?”

Now we’re firmly entrenched in the digital age, and businesses of all sorts are creating clever, effective, and disruptive ways of leveraging technology. Netflix is a great example. It started out as a mail order service and disrupted the brick-and-mortar video rental business. Then digital innovations made wide-scale streaming video possible. Today, Netflix takes on traditional broadcast and cable television networks and production studios all at once by offering a growing library of on-demand content at ultracompetitive prices.

Digitisation gave Netflix the ability not only to stream video content directly to customers, but also to gain unprecedented insight into viewing habits and preferences. It uses that data to inform everything from the design of its user experience to the development of first-run shows and movies at in-house studios. That’s digital transformation in action: taking advantage of available technologies to inform how a business runs.

Read more in full details at https://www.salesforce.com/ap/products/platform/what-is- digital-transformation/.

The group task:

"The  Digital  Transformation  Journey  of  a  Retail  Company:  Enhancing  Customer Experiences and Driving Sales."

Pick a retail or food & beverage company as the case study for your group project. Your objective is to explore how a traditional brick-and-mortar retail company can successfully transformed its operations to thrive in the digital landscape.

The scope could explore the challenges they faced, such as changing consumer behavior and  increasing  competition  from  online  retailers.  The  research  project  would  then document down the various process and procedures that the team learnt in the System Development  Technique   module  to   highlight  the  strategies   and  technologies  they implemented, such as leveraging data analytics to understand customer preferences, adopting e-commerce platforms, and integrating omnichannel experiences. The research project could showcase how this transformation led to improved customer experiences, increased sales, and sustained growth in the digital era.

Your group  is to write a  research  report with words  not  exceeding 6000 words and generate any kinds of illustrations/diagrams/prototypes where necessary. The group is to satisfy the following pointers:

1.  Referring to the case study, pick a retail or food & beverage company as your target research company. Explore how the traditional brick-and-mortar retail company can  successfully transformed its operations to thrive in the digital landscape.

Research and if possible, approach similar companies to conduct simple interview to understand the business needs.

Based on the interviews, capture the vision, and produce a System Vision Document.

2.  Based on the interview and the System Vision Document produced, identify the

System Requirements of the new system to be developed. The system requirements should include all the activities the new system must perform or support and the constraints that the new system must meet. Do take note to include both the functional and non-functional requirements.

List the functional requirements in form of User Stories. Each team should have at least TEN(10) possible User Stories.

3.  Deriving from Question 2, develop and submit the following UML

diagrams/documents based on the User Stories created

a)  Use case diagram

b)  Use case description table based on the listed use case

c)  Sequence diagram (Interaction Diagram)

4.  In addition,  provide the following diagrams/documents to  illustrate  how  the entire

system is being designed and developed

a)  Design Class diagram

b)  Package diagram

c)  CRUD table that shows the connection between use cases, users and data

5.  Discuss and elaborate the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach that you will adopt in developing this system.

6.  Describe how you will perform the User Acceptance Test.

7.  Generate a well-design presentation slide that summaries point 1 to 6.

Side note: The presentation slide will be used for the actual presentation.

For all pointers, you are required to relate and reference to the case study. Also, it is recommended that your explanation/illustration are as detailed as possible.

An assessment marks allocation for this research report can be found in the appendix of this assignment. Do note that the appendix is a guideline on how the group’s research report will be evaluated.

Assessment Marks Allocation

Component Assessed

Marks Allocation

Point 1 (System Vision Document)

Point 2 (Requirements & User Stories)

Point 3 (UML Documents)

Point 4 (UML Documents)

Point 5 (SDLC Approach)

Point 6 (UAT)

Point 7 (Group Presentation Slides)










Assessment Topics

Topics 1 to 16


Report Format

1.  All assignment files are to be submitted separately with file name, institution name, the module name, the semester and year and date of submission.

2.  The report should have a cover page, content page, introduction, write-up on the task, conclusion, references and appendices

3.  The cover page should include:

i.         Institution name (and institution logo) the programme

ii.        Module name, semester and year

iii.       Date of submission

iv.       Student’s name and student ID numbers

4.  Each question should be a separate section

5.  The  references should  be  presented  in  Harvard  format and should  have at  least THREE (3) references.

6.  Students should keep a copy of assignment submitted.

Report Word Limit

Not exceeding 6000 words

Report Font and Spacing

Font: Arial or Calibri, black coloured

Font size: 12 and 1 ½ or double spacing.

Penalty Marks for Late Submission

By one day: 20% to be deducted from total marks.

More than one day: submission will NOT be graded.

Important Dates of CA3 Assignment

CA3 Individual Assignment Deadline: 14 August 2023, 11.59 am

Zip all assignment files. Submit your assignment via Canvas. All assignment files must be submitted in order to be graded.

Lecturer Contact

You should contact your lecturer via your SIM email whenever you have any issue about your project.

Plagiarism and Collusion

The submitted report must show evidence that this is students’ own work. No marks will be awarded if there are no workings or reasonable explanations. Please be reminded that plagiarism  and  collusion  is  a  serious  offence,  and  all  cases  will  be  referred  to  the administration. Grades will be withheld if the submission is suspected for plagiarism or collusion till investigations are completed.

Submitting Assignment

All assignment files are to be uploaded with your team number, institution name, the module name and CA3. Example “team_no_sim_sdt_ca3” .

Students should keep a copy of assignment submitted.





Very good




Research Report (100 marks)


Marking rubric for System Vision


(10 marks)

All the elements

required for the

System Vision

Document is





Capabilities and Business Benefits are well analyzed and presented

accurately to

showcase the

main functions of the system that the team envisioned.

All the elements

required for the

System Vision

Document is





Capabilities and Business Benefits

are analyzed and presented briefly to showcase the

main functions of the system that the team envisioned.

Most the elements

required for the

System Vision

Document is





Capabilities and Business Benefits

are analyzed and presented briefly to showcase the

main functions of the system that the team envisioned.

Most the elements

required for the

System Vision

Document is





Capabilities and Business Benefits are presented to showcase the

main functions of the system that the team envisioned.

No System Vision Document is



Marking rubric for User Stories

(20 marks)

Marking rubric for Use case diagram & sequence


(30 marks)

All 10 Use cases are included.

Both the use case diagram and

description are


The use cases


represent the main functions of the

system including the appropriate

actors. Use cases are clear and easy to understand with

very few syntactic




Up to 10 Use

cases are

included. Both the use case diagram and the description are present.

The use cases

represent most of

the system

functionality with only a few missing pieces. The use

have a few minor logical problems

contributing to

some small lack of understanding.

The use cases

contain a few

syntactic errors


errors) but these do not cause any lack of clarity for the reader.

Up to Use cases are included, but

the textual

description is

missing or does

not accurately

describe the use

case. Some use

cases are missing.

The use cases are generally unclear. The use cases

contain many


errors that slow

down the reader.

Up to Use cases are included, but

many core

functions are

missing from the use cases. The


descriptions are