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Math 003/103 Syllabus


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Math 003/103 Syllabus

Fall 2021

MATH 003 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLOs): Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:

1. Explore functions and their properties.

2. Analyze polynomial and rational functions.

3. Analyze logarithmic and exponential functions.

4. Investigate equations and inequalities.

5. Investigate conic sections.

6. Examine properties of sequences and series.

MATH 103 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLOs): Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:

1. Select and apply appropriate learning strategies to the content of College Algebra.

2. Analyze and utilize information given in problems to arrive at accurate solutions in the context of college algebra.

Textbook: Precalculus, Mathematics for Calculus, by Stewart, Redlin, Watson, Cengage publishing

Purchasing Instructions:

1. Log onto Canvas using your PCC username and password.

2. Click on our Math 003/103 Canvas shell.

3. Read everything on the homepage.

4. To purchase the Precalculus book, click on the link provided on the homepage.

5. Clicking on that link takes you to the Cengage website and there you have two options:

A. You can purchase online access code.

B. You can purchase the printed textbook in addition to online access code.

C. If you purchased an access code via the PCC bookstore, you can redeem it to the right of your screen.

6. After making your choice, you will be asked to create a Cengage WebAssign. When asking for an email address, you need to use your PCC email address. The account password does not have to be the same. Continue creating your account and you will be asked to provide payment information.

Note: This is a synchronous Online course which means that all lectures are live and begin at 9: 45 am TThF. To ensure your success and understanding of the material, you must log in Canvas to listen lectures, ask questions, and engage in discussions. All announcements or changes will be posted in Canvas. Please make sure you check your PCC student email at least once a day. If you need to contact me, please email me at [email protected]

Course Content: Lectures, assignments, and assessments will be based on most of chapters 1 to 4, 10.2, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, and 12.6.

Required Materials: Pencils, eraser(s), lined paper, graphed paper, a binder with dividers.

Calculators: Only scientific calculators are allowed for use in this class. All other electronic devices, including graphing calculators or cell phones, are not permitted. Any student found using such a device will be given a zero for that assignment including activities, quizzes, and exams.

Lecture Format: Some material will be taught using videos to be watched outside of class; some material will be taught in class. As such, you will need regular access to a computer with an internet connection.

Attendance: Your attendance affords you learning opportunities in class in the form of class assignments: quizzes, tests, discussions and group activities. Your attendance starts the path to success, so please be on time and prepared for class. Let me know if there are circumstances to unexpected absences since 10 or more missed hours of instructions may lead to a drop from the class.

Expectations: For every hour you are in class, you are expected to spend two hours outside of class studying for this class. That includes doing HW, studying for exams and quizzes, preparing yourself for each class meeting by reading the in the book beforehand, etc. 

Reading Assignments: Reading Assignments will be assigned for every section covered in class. You can submit reading assignments on Canvas by the deadline one of two ways:

a. Type answers in text box

b. Write your answers on paper scan your document and upload it on Canvas

c. Write your answers on paper take a picture of your paper and upload it on Canvas

The purpose of the assignments is to help prepare you for class every day. In addition, it gives us more time to practice the topics as a class. I will not be accepting late reading assignments.

Homework: Homework is extremely important in this class. Doing your homework regularly helps you study and understand the material for this class. This course can be difficult if you don’t keep up with the material so make sure study every day. As a student, you are capable of deciding what material you need more practice on. You are required to do at least 15 problems from each section. You can find homework assignments in Canvas under assignments tab.

CLASSWORK: Classwork assignments for each section will consist of odd numbered problems from the book. Each assignment can be located on Canvas under Modules. Instructions to how classwork assignments should be formatted are located in Canvas Modules. Classwork Assignments submitted in the format not described in the instructions will lose 50% of points earned so read the directions on Canvas before submitting anything on Canvas. All of the classwork problems must be completed when submitted. Classwork problems are due on the day of each exam. I usually give you some class time to work on the classwork problems. There may be some days where we don’t have time to work on classwork in class. Most of the learning occurs when working on the classwork so please take advantage of the time and do not get distracted in class. No late classwork submissions accepted. The lowest CW assignment score will be dropped.

Quizzes / Group work: There will be short in-class quizzes/group work almost every week based on homework problems and in class lectures. The purpose of these quizzes is to prompt you to stay current in reviewing your notes, doing the homework, and studying assigned material before coming to class. You must attend class to take the quiz. Quizzes cannot be made up. If you miss a quiz you will receive a zero for that assignment. No open books or notes are allowed on either tests or quizzes.

Exams: There will be given five chapter exams on assigned dates. They will be similar to the assigned homework problems. All tests are closed books and close notes. There are no make-up exams for any reason. If you miss the exam, you will receive a score of zero on that exam. Calculators may be allowed on exams; however, they may be needed during certain class discussions. Your lowest exam score may be dropped or replaced by the final exam score to improve your final grade.

Final Exam: A comprehensive final exam will be given in class on Tuesday, December 7, 10:15 am – 12:15 am. Final exam is a course requirement, and all students must take it to pass the course.

Grading: All exams and quizzes will be taken on Canvas and will require the use of Proctorio, a webcam, a microphone, and your picture ID card. Your final course grade will be determined by calculating the percentage of all points earned from chapter tests, quizzes, HW, and the final exam. You must receive 70% or above on all the exams (including the final exam), in order to pass the course. However, you can check your grades any time in Canvas.

Course Grades: Your grade is based on a weighted average of categories described below.

Exams:                            50%

Final Exam:                      30%

Homework:                      10%

Quizzes /GW                    10%

Total:                              100%

Letter grade on tests, quizzes, and the final exam will be assigned according to the following scale: A = 90 - 100%, B = 80 - 89%, C = 70 - 79%, D = 60 - 69%, F = 59% and below Class participation, attendance and homework will affect the decision on borderline grade. Note that borderline is defined to be 1.0% or less below the desired grade; i.e., 89%, 79%, etc.

Classroom Expectations & Etiquette: We all want a safe learning environment, free from conflict and distraction. Our words and actions will count in every way. Profanity, obscene language, threats, disruptive talking or willful disobedience in a classroom have no place in a learning environment and will be dealt with according to PCC’s Student Conduct Policy.


While phones are wonderful for staying connected to family and friends, they distract attention away from classroom learning. If you need to use your phone, respect your classmates’ learning by quietly walking outside before responding to a call/text. Other distracting sounds emanating from devices such as earbuds, or headsets should be removed from your ear(s) during class.

Academic Dishonesty: Cheating constitutes academic dishonesty and includes unauthorized cooperation on any graded assignments. Incidents are reported to the Dean of Students and documented on permanent school records. Penalty may range from no (zero) credit for the assignment up to and including exclusion, expulsion and/or an “F” grade for the course.

Accommodations: If you are a student with special needs and require accommodations for this course, please let me know and be sure to contact the department of Disabled Student Program and Services, in D-209.

Any change to the syllabus is under my discretion if I deem it necessary and will be announced in class and/or posted on canvas.

General Exam Instructions:

■ Monitoring the exams are being handled by application program, trusted by CA Community Colleges, named Proctorio. You should use Google Chrome Browser and be prepared with the Proctorio extension installed, a web camera and a microphone. This proctoring service will record you, your room, and your screen while taking a test, which will be available for me to review. Any issues with Proctorio may be directed to proctorio.com/support, including requests for exam access codes, which are set by Proctorio and not the instructor. Once successfully downloaded, a symbol of a shield will appear to the right side of the URL when using a Chrome browser.

■ Proctorio will prompt you to show a photo ID before each exam.

■ Treat online exams or quizzes like in-class exams or quizzes. This means no cheating, no speaking, no cell phone out, no other computers on in the room, no TV on, no notes out, etc. Keep your test area clear of all papers, notes, books and other references. Anything not allowed for an in-class exam will not be allowed on an online exam.

■ Find the quietest room in the house and keep the sound level as low as possible. Try not to speak so that the voices on the video will not be misunderstood as someone speaking answers to you.

■ If your webcam is not attached to your computer, make sure to position the web cam in the center of your screen directly above or below the screen.

■ When videoing your room, give a complete view as you can and make sure the room has enough lighting so that the video of the room shows more than just a black screen.

■ Remember to keep your eyes on the screen for the entire exam and not to move your face out of view. Looking away from the screen may be interpreted as referencing a resource you are not allowed.

■ Exiting the room during an exam is not permitted which means if you move away from your screen, Proctorio will lock you out of the exam due to suspicious activity.

■ All exams and quizzes are timed so make sure you log in on time.

Professor’s Advice:

Always take notes. You never know when something said in class will be important. Taking notes will also help you process and store information.

Keep everything! You may be asked to refer to previous assignments.

Always check the course website. The class schedule and important updates will be found there.

Get a few of your classmates’ contact information. Your classmates are a valuable resource; forming supportive relationships with your cohorts will be immensely valuable during your educational career.

Read instructions carefully and always ask for clarification if you are unsure about anything.

Keep your goals in mind. You have a limited amount of time and resources; don’t waste them.

Please communicate any concerns as early as possible. When possible, questions about grades or other sensitive matters should be asked via email or privately during office hours.

Important Days:

● September 6 - Labor Day

● September 6 – Last day to drop without getting a “W”

● November 11 – Veteran’s Day

● November 12 - Last day to drop and receive a “W”

● November 25 – 28 – Thanksgiving Holiday

● December 7 – Comprehensive Final Exam, 10:15 am - 12:15 am.

Reminder: Office hours will be held zoom/online, on Fridays, from 9:15 am – 9:45 am.

Suggestions for Success

1) Come to class prepared. Read the assigned material before class and be ready to participate in class discussions. You may have to re-read certain chapters to fully grasp the concepts covered.

2) Ask questions. The only wrong question is unasked question.

3) Never miss class; it is valuable and productive learning time.

4) Study your notes immediately after each class session and review them frequently.

5) Get into a study group. Some students thrive when they learn together.

6) Be aware that one hour of class will require at least two hours of study outside of class.

7) Remember that you are not “given” a grade. You will earn a total number of points which should reflect what you’ve learned.

You are encouraged to find and make the time necessary to complete assignments, review, study, and prepare for class meetings. This course will require a lot of time. The only secret to student success is to study!