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DIGIB302 Digital Business Technology Trends


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DIGIB302 Digital Business Technology Trends

Practical 1 - Smart Contracts

Due date: 19   August 2022, 11:59 pm

Submission method: Moodle


The purpose of this assignment is to do:

1. Help you understand how smart contract-based processes are created

2. Help you with developing a smart contract-based solution.


Section A (30points): Read the following Whitepaper about BitMari Smart Farm

Contract and summarize the problem and solution in 2 page (single space, 12 font size, 1-inch margins) or (max 4 slides with video narration):



SECTION B (7 points): Design a smart contract-based solution for a real-world problem.

BitMari Smart Farm Contract you read is a good sample implementation in farm setting  solving a specific problem. For section B, you have to identify a similar problem in your   localized setting (either related to people, society, businesses or environment), describe the problem (1/2-page problem description, single space, 12 font, 1 inch margins) or (max 2 slides with video narration), propose a solution with diagrammatic

representation of processes ( similar to the one done in page 11,13, and 14 in BitMari

report) - (1 page solution and 1-2 pages of diagrammatic representation ; single

space, 12 font, 1 inch margins) or (max 4 slides with video narration)Explain

challenges in the proposed solution and the benefits. (1 page - ½ page challenges and ½ page benefit; single space, 12 fonts, 1-inch margins) or (2 slides with video


Some points to note:

1.   You can go over the page limits if you think your solution needs more space. Please do

not be too verbose and don’t explain me what a block chain is and what are smart

contracts – I already know. Keep your text relevant to your problem and solution.

2.   A picture is worth a thousand words (literally). But try not to copy paste pictures from internet. Create your own.

3.   References are not necessary, but you can add them if you are citing someone. 4.   Focus on problem and solution.

5.   Take help of each other if you want but submit your own unique solution.

Submit the document or slide deck (or you can convert slide deck after video narration into .mp4 and upload that) - (max video narration 8 minutes)

How to prepare slides deck with video narration:


You can also upload video as an unlisted video on YouTube and send the link of the video

tome. Unlisted videos don’t get broadcasted publicly and you can share the link tome

with confidence. Here is the link on how to upload and send unlisted videos:


Marking criteria

Marketing criteria is mentioned against the questions above.