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722.726 Pacific Health and Wellness


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722.726 Pacific Health and Wellness

Pacific Cultural Competency and Reflection


To develop an understanding of Pacific worldview including values, beliefs and practices in relation to Pacific Peoples health and wellbeing.  Describe Pacific Cultural Competency and a Pacific Health Model in relation to working alongside Pacific Peoples.  Using a personal reflection describe your understanding of Pacific worldview, cultural awareness and Pacific Cultural Competency in relation to nursing practice.

Assessment Tasks:

· Describe an understanding of Pacific worldview including values, beliefs and practices in relation to Pacific Peoples health and wellbeing.

· Discuss Pacific Cultural Competency and how this cultural awareness and knowledge can influence nursing practice when working with Pacific Peoples.  Include how the use of a Pacific model of health can support this.

· Provide a personal reflection demonstrating your understanding of Pacific worldview, cultural awareness and Pacific Cultural Competency in nursing practice.

· Evidence based practice is to be supported by inclusion of at least 8 references.

Structure and Coherency:

· Clear, concise and well written sentences

· Logical development of ideas

· Ideas are well linked to evidence


· Presentation of essay as per School of Nursing requirements

· Proof read assignment prior to handing in.

· Submit to Turnitin (with reference list).  Assignment will be marked on Canvas in speed grader.


· Evidence of reading with references in APA style with at least 8 academic references.

722.726 Pacific Health and Wellness

Pacific Cultural Competency and Reflection






Pacific Cultural Competency

Discuss the importance of Pacific cultural competency in health within the NZ context and include some historical factors that impacted on Pacific peoples.

Excellent and comprehensive, clear and relevant

Satisfactory, clear and relevant

Inadequate and/or brief


10 - 8

7 - 5

4 - 2

1 - 0


Explain Pacific worldview and discuss how an understanding of this worldview can enhance nursing practice and overall health outcomes for Pacific peoples.

Excellent and comprehensive, clear and relevant

Satisfactory, clear and relevant

Inadequate and/or brief


10 - 8

7 - 5

4 - 2

1 - 0


Health Concern

Identify and discuss a chosen health concern for Pacific Peoples within Aotearoa and explain why this is of concern.

Excellent and comprehensive, clear and relevant

Satisfactory, clear and relevant

Inadequate and/or brief


10 - 8

7 - 5

4 - 2

1 - 0


Discuss the association of Pacific worldviews and lifestyle practices of Pacific peoples on the chosen health concern.

Excellent and comprehensive, clear and relevant

Satisfactory, clear and relevant

Inadequate and/or brief


10 - 8

7 - 5

4 - 2

1 - 0


Identify and discuss a current health resource (e.g. services, programmes, initiatives) that is being used to address your chosen health concern.

10 - 8

7 - 5

4 - 2

1 - 0


Discuss the effectiveness of this health resource and include in your discussion any issues you identified and what recommendations you would make.


4 - 3

3 - 2

1 - 0


Personal Reflection:  Provide a reflection (use the Gibbs reflection cycle) of your own Pacific cultural awareness and competence:

Describe your level of understanding and awareness of Pacific cultural competence at the beginning of the Pacific Health and Wellness course. (Think about what influenced or formed your opinions or perceptions.)

Excellent and comprehensive, clear and relevant

Satisfactory, clear and relevant

Inadequate and/or brief


10 - 8

7 - 5

4 - 2

1 - 0


Analyse and discuss your current knowledge and understanding of Pacific worldview and Pacific cultural competency.  (Reflect on any changes in your opinions/perceptions; why, how and what may have precipitated that change.)

Excellent and comprehensive, clear and relevant

Satisfactory, clear and relevant

Inadequate and/or brief


10 - 8

7 - 5

4 - 2

1 - 0


What learning have you gained (or not) from this Pacific Health and Wellness course?  Describe what influenced your learning?  (Your own view, attendance or participation in this course.)

Excellent and comprehensive, clear and relevant

Satisfactory, clear and relevant

Inadequate and/or brief



4 - 3

3 - 2

1 - 0


Discuss how you would incorporate your new learning into your nursing practice.  Also identify strategies you will utilise to ensure that you are culturally competent when working with Pacific people and Pacific communities.

Excellent and comprehensive, clear and relevant

Satisfactory, clear and relevant

Inadequate and/or brief


10 - 8

7 - 5

4 - 2

1 - 0


Grammar, structure, coherency, logical development of ideas, presentation.


4 - 3

3 - 2

1 - 0


APA (7th Edition) Referencing

Correct APA (7th ed.) referencing used

Information presented is linked to the references used

Amount of references is appropriate to information presented

More than 8 relevant, appropriate references used

Mostly accurate APA (7th ed.) referencing.

Information presented is somewhat linked to the references used

8 relevant, appropriate references used

Errors in APA (7th ed.) referencing.

Information presented is poorly linked to the references used

Less than 8 relevant references used

Incorrect APA (7th ed.) referencing.

Information presented is not linked to the references used

Inappropriate references