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BSBTEC401 Assessment Task 2 – Produce a Report


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Assessment task information

Task number: 2 of 4

Task name: Assessment Task 2 – Produce a Report

National unit(s) codes: BSBTEC401

National unit(s) title: Design and produce complex text documents

National qualification code: BSB50120

RMIT program code: C5406

RMIT course code: OFFC5347C

Summary and Purpose of assessment

Type of Product

☐ Portfolio

This is Assessment Task 2 of 4 that students need to be complete. All assessments need to be completed satisfactorily to be assessed competent for this unit.

Completing this task will allow you to demonstrate your ability to design and produce a report that includes structure and layout elements, such as Section Breaks, Tables, Headers and Footers; complex functions, such as and Table of Contents; formatting and graphics elements, such as Charts; and text formatting. You will demonstrate these activities according to organisational and task requirements by clarifying specifications and timelines with stakeholders and using the Stingray Corporation Style Guide.

Assessment instructions


You are required to read the scenario of the assessment and carefully follow the assessment instructions.

Scenario: One of Stingray Corporation managers has completed some work on a report. The manager has written a company profile, product information and gathered various spreadsheet files and database. Youmust now use this information and produce and design a report that the manager will include as a cover memorandum to senior management. Before starting the document, you must meet with the manager and at least two team members to: (a) Identify the document purpose, audience, and organisational and task presentation requirements and timeline, and (b) clarify (using questions) these matters.

Step 1 – Meet with Stakeholders **                                                                                                  Completed

1. Before starting the document, students must meet with the manager (teacher) and one, but preferably two team members (other students) to: (a) Identify the document purpose, audience, and organisational and task presentation requirements and timeline, and (b) clarify (using questions) these matters. Team members are to roleplay a production meeting where the manager reviews the scenario. Each team member must ask at least (2) questions to clarify the matters in (a).

2. Before finalising the document, students must meet with their manager (teacher) and one, but preferably two team members (other students) to collaborate to: (a) Identify if the document purpose, audience, and organisational and task presentation requirements and timeline were met and provide constructive feedback to ensure outcomes are met.

Step 2 – Report                                                                                                                               Completed

File (on Canvas) is required for this task:

See the reference documents in Modules > Assessment > Resources entitled:

· StingrayCorporation_Style_Guide.pdf

· StingrayCorporation_Report_Draft.docx

· StingrayCorporation_Company_Profile.docx

· StingrayCorporation_Product.docx

· StingrayCorporation_Industry_Superannuation.docx

· StingrayCorporation_Industry_Investment_Plan.docx

· StingrayCorporation_Senior_Management.docx

· StingrayCorporation_Industry_Superannuation_Data.xlsx

· StingrayCorporation_Industry_Investment_Plan.xlsx

· StingrayCorporation_Senior_Management.xlsx

1. Open the document named StingrayCorporation_Report_Draft.docx. It is a single page document that will be the cover page memorandum for the report.

2. Create a Next Page Section Break and insert the document StingrayCorporation_Company_Profile.docx into it

3. Repeat Step 2 for each of following documents in the order listed:





4. Use the data from the workbook document

StingrayCorporation_Industry_Superannuation_Data.xlsx. Insert the table of performance figures and chart (which is located on another workbook tab) Stingray Corporation Industry

Superannuation page and format the rows and columns according to the Style Guide. Include a reference (footnotes/endnotes) to this source.

5. Use the data from the workbook document

StingrayCorporation_Industry_Investment_Plan.xlsx. Insert the table of performance figures and chart (which is located on another workbook tab) Stingray Corporation Industry Investment Plan page and format the rows and columns according to the Style Guide. Include a reference (footnotes/endnotes) to this source.

6. Use the data from the workbook document StingrayCorporation_Senior_Management.xlsx. Insert the table of senior managers into the Senior Managers page. Remove the StaffID column and change FirstName and LastName headings to something more readable. Include a reference (footnotes/endnotes) to this source.

7. Create a Table of Contents in a new page between the title page and the company profile page. Ensure that the company profile appears as Page 1, change the formatting of numbers on the Table of Contents page, and remove the Headers and Footers on the title (first) page of the document.

8. Insert the new logo produced in Assessment Task 1 - Step 1 on the title page.

9. Apply the organisational and task requirements as specified in the Stingray Corporation Style Guide including font type, font size, font color, and spacing.

10. Save the report as


This document is required to be uploaded in Canvas for the assessment.


You will be provided class time to work on this assessment, however, it is expected that some tasks will be completed outside of class time.


You will be assessed against the criteria listed in the Marking Guide in Section B of this task (and the Canvas Rubric). To achieve a satisfactory result, students will need to address all criteria satisfactorily.

Instructions on submitting the Product assessment

You must:

Use and save the document in the format: .docx or .doc. MAC users must comply with this requirement.

Name file documents with: Surname, First Name, Student Number and Assessment Task Name (e.g. Smith, John S123456 Complex Documents - Assessment Task 3 – Produce a Report).

Upload all your own Word documents to Canvas by the due date on Canvas for this assessment.

Conditions for assessment

General details:

• See the Course Guide for more information (RMIT Website and Canvas).

• This is an individual task. You must not copy the work of others. For more information regarding Academic Integrity please refer to RMIT Academic Integrity Guidelines.

In class procedure:

• You are to confirm that you understand the assessment and ask any clarifying questions of the assessor before beginning the assessment. You are required to get information, feedback, and ideas from the assessor.

Submission procedure:

• You must submit all documents listed in the instructions and Marking Criteria.

• You are to submit this assessment on Canvas (and not via other means without prior permission from their assessor).

Assessor procedure. The assessor will:

• Assess the documents that the students provide.

• Contact you if any information is missing, and you will have 24 hours to provide the missing documentation for assessment.

• All documents must meet the criteria to the standard described in the Marking Guide in Section B to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment.

Resubmission procedure:

• You will have the opportunity to resubmit any assessment tools that are deemed Not Yet Satisfactory (one resubmission is allowed per course).

• The assessor will provide feedback regarding what students need to do to improve and will set a new deadline for the resubmission. You must resubmit by this due date and time.

Assessment adjustment:

• In certain circumstances, you may be eligible for an assessment adjustment (e.g. a disability or long-term medical or mental health condition; an unavoidable employment, family, cultural, religious or elite sporting commitment known in advance; other unexpected circumstance outside the your control).

• You must make prior arrangements with the instructor at least one week prior to the assessment due date if they require special allowance, allowable adjustment to this task or extension of time.

• You can appeal the assessment decision according to the RMIT Assessment Processes.

Equipment/resources students must supply (if applicable)

Computer and WiFi access

Computer software (Office 365, Word, and Excel) available free to students from the RMIT Website

Equipment/resources to be provided by RMIT or the workplace (if applicable):

WiFi access to Canvas and the Internet for research

Onsite computer and WiFi access for presentations

Data projector for presentations