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.     Please download (via the online catalogue of the UNSW library) and read the following article: Fuegen, K.,     Biernat, M., Haines, E., & Deaux, K. (2004). Mothers and fathers in the workplace: How gender and parental status influence judgments of job‐related competence. Journal of Social issues, 60(4), 737‐754.

.     Once you have read the article, please write a review which is structured around the following questions (the percentages in brackets indicate the approximate weighting given to each question):

1.     Provide a summary of the purpose, methods and findings of the study (25%). Your summary should cover the following points:

A.    Briefly (1‐2 sentences) describe the purpose of the research (i.e., the issue investigated).

B.     Describe the key features of the methodology used by the researchers to conduct the research (who participated, how the study was conducted, what data was collected).

C.     Using bullet points, describe the findings of the research in relation to the effects of parental status on the outcomes of interest. [NOTE: You do not need to focus on the statistics. You should instead try to    get an understanding of the key conclusions that were drawn about the above effects, based on the     description in the text and associated tables].

2.     Evaluate the study in terms of its internal validity and external validity. (50%)

3.     Read the scenario “Lunch among Friends” that appears on the next page. Based on the findings in the

Fuegen et al. (2004) study, evaluate the claims made by each of the five friends in the scenario (i.e., is the claim consistent with the evidence in the article? Why or why not?). Make sure to explicitly link your

arguments to specific findings in the Fuegen et al. (2004) article. (25%)

.     The review should be a maximum of 4 doublespaced A4 pages long (Times New Roman, 12‐point font with 2.5cm margins). Please stick to the page limit as it will be strictly enforced.

.     In completing the assignment you do not need to refer to any other research papers, other than the Fuegen et al (2004) article cited above.

.     Article Review 2 will comprise 20% of your overall mark for the course (i.e., 20 of the 100 marks). You will be marked based on how precisely, accurately, and clearly you respond to each section and how clearly you communicate your responses. Sections 1, 2 and 3 are weighted approximately 25%, 50% and 25% respectively.

. Note that it is important that you answer the questions in your own words rather than using phrases from the article. DO NOT JUST COPY WHOLE SENTENCES WHILE CHANGING A SMALL NUMBER OF WORDS. Also note

that this is not a group activity, so you should complete your reviews individually.

. It is prohibited to use generative AI (such as ChatGPT) to search for or generate information or answers. If its use is detected, it will be regarded as serious academic misconduct and subject to the standard penalties,

which may include 00FL, suspension and exclusion.

.     Due Date: The review is due by 4pm on Friday 21st July (i.e., Friday of Week 8). Please make sure to submit a softcopy via turnitin by that day in order to avoid late penalties (see course outline). Important information      about using turnitin appears below, following the case study.

Scenario: Lunch Among Friends

Judy, Mike, Anna, David, Liwen, and Juan are six law students in their 20s who became friends while previously completing an internship at a law firm. They are all currently about to finish their university degrees and will soon be looking for entry‐level positions. Of the six, Juan has a daughter, Judy has two sons, whereas the others do not have any children.

The six friends recently caught up for lunch. At the lunch Judy confided that while she is excited

about the future, she also has some anxieties. She has always been very career‐driven and wonders    what effect being a mother will have on her career progression. In particular, she is concerned that     being a mother will affect how she is judged by others at work and will reduce her likelihood of being hired. She asks her friends what they think:

. Mike states that Judy has a legitimate cause for concern. He strongly believes that becoming a mother has a negative impact on others’ judgments about that person’s commitment at work  and that the person will subsequently be less likely to be hired.

. Anna acknowledges that Judy may be perceived as low on commitment at work, but she believes that this has more to do with negative stereotypes about women in general, rather than being      specifically related to being a mother. Anna claims that women in general are judged as less committed at work, regardless of whether they have children or not.

. David argues that Judy should only be concerned if the person evaluating her is a man. He claims that negative judgments about women’s commitment at work only occur among men, whereas   women do not display such biases towards other women.

. Liwen agrees with Mike that mothers are likely to be perceived as less committed at work.

However, she claims that commitment judgments have little if any effect on hiring decisions, and that managers place more importance on a female applicant being warm than being committed.

. Juan believes that it is not only mothers who are disadvantaged, but that parents in general

(regardless of their gender) are judged as lower on commitment and are less likely to be hired.

Turnitin Submission Instructions

A Turnitin link will be added on moodle for submitting Article Review 1. The review is due no later 4pm on Friday 21st July. You should make sure to submit a softcopy of your review via Turnitin. Please only  include your student id (not your name or other personal details) on the softcopy.

There are a few important things to remember about Turnitin:

.    Turnitin is used to detect plagiarism. The software compares your assignment against published material and other submitted work (e.g., other students’ assignments) to identify overlap.

.    After uploading, you should check the originality report. If there is more than 20‐25% overlap

between your final submitted assignment and other material as determined by Turnitin then I may be asking you to explain why this is the case. As such, if you have excessive overlap you should correct this on your original copy and upload again. Turnitin only allows you to check the originality report once every 24 hours, so it’s a good idea to upload your assignment early so as to have adequate time to address any issues well before the due date.

.     Note that your assignment will remain in the Turnitin database for an unknown period, during which time it may be used to determine whether other individuals have engaged in academic misconduct.   Turnitin stores the document both in its original form and in an "electronic fingerprint" form. The

original form of the document is only available to the original author and the lecturer of the course to which the document was submitted. Neither UNSW nor Turnitin administration staff are able to  view assignments submitted through Turnitin. If another document is subsequently submitted to

Turnitin and matches text in your paper, the lecturer responsible for the new document will only be provided with the following information: (a) the name of the institution from which the matching assignment originated, (b) the name of the course to which the matching assignment was submitted, (c) the name and email address of the lecturer responsible for that course, (d) the file name of the matching assignment, and (e) the date the matching assignment was submitted.

.     If you would like more information on turnitin, including instructions on how to submit your work, visit: https://student.unsw.edu.au/turnitin‐support

.     For more information on plagiarism and how to avoid it, visit:


Article Review Standards of Performance:





Very Good




and findings

Identifies few if any of the relevant aspects of the

purpose, methodology, and findings.

Accurately describes some of the relevant aspects of the      purpose, methodology, and    findings.

Accurately describes most of the relevant aspects of the purpose, methodology, and   findings.

Accurately describes almost all the relevant aspects of the purpose, methodology, and findings.

Accurately describes all the relevant aspects of the

purpose, methodology, and findings.


Internal validity

Demonstrates little if any understanding of internal validity as it relates to the present study.

Demonstrates an accurate but basic understanding of internal validity as it relates to the present study.

Demonstrates a good

understanding of internal

validity as it relates to the

present study and the factors that can threaten it.

Demonstrates a superior

understanding of internal validity and the factors that threaten it and accurately    discusses most relevant

factors when evaluating      these in the context of the article.

Demonstrates a superior

understanding of internal

validity and the factors that threaten it and accurately

discusses all relevant factors  when evaluating these in the context of the article.


External validity

Demonstrates little if any understanding of external validity as it relates to the present study.

Demonstrates an accurate

but basic understanding of   external validity as it relates to the present study.

Demonstrates a good

understanding of external

validity and identifies factors that can threaten it, but only minimally applies this in the context of the article.

Demonstrates a superior

understanding of external

validity and comprehensively and accurately explains some of the main factors that

threaten it in the context of the article.

Demonstrates a superior

understanding of external

validity and comprehensively and accurately explains most of the main factors that

threaten it in the context of the article.