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ICTWEB443 Implement search engine Optimisations


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Implement search engine optimisations

Assessment Tool

Assessment Resource Summary

Assessment Type

This is a summative assessment, which requires the assessment to be conducted in conditions that are safe and replicate the workplace

Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1: Written questions

You must correctly answer all questions in this task to show that you understand the knowledge required of this unit.

Assessment Task 2: Project

This assessment task requires you to identify the accessibility standards.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Please complete cover sheet clearly and accurately for assessment tasks and other types of evidence you submit for your course. All student assessment tasks submissions including any associated checklists where applicable, are to be attached to this cover sheet.

Student Use

Student ID No

Student Name

Unit Code


Unit Title

Implement search engine optimisations

Assessment No.


Assessment Method

Written Assessment

£ Initial Submission £ Re-Submission

Student Declaration I declare that:

· These tasks are my own work.

· None of this work has been completed by any other person

· These tasks are not plagiarised or colluded with any other student/s.

· I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

· I have read and understood NTCA’s policy on Plagiarism, cheating and collusion and understand that if I am found to be in breach of this policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me by NTCA.

· I have a copy of my assessment work with me, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Student Signature:

Submission Date:

Assessor Use Only


Satisfactory      /      Not Satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

Assessor Name:

Signature: Date:

Student Submission Receipt: Your submission has been received. Please keep a copy of this record.

Student ID & Name: ……………………………….……………………………….….. Submission Date: …………………..…………………………………..…………

Unit Code: ………………………………..……….………… Assessment No & Method: …………………………………………….………………..….……..………….

£ Initial Submission   £ Re-Submission

Received By (Name): ……………………………………………..………………….…. Signature: …………………..……….. Date: …………………..………………..

The results will be updated within twenty-one (21) days from your final submission. Please check your student portal regularly to make sure that your results are updated. If there are any discrepancies, please discuss with the Trainer/Student Support Officer.

Task instructions

· This is the first (1) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.

· The Written Assessment is comprised of two (2) written questions

· You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor.

· You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide an answer within the required word limit, to be deemed satisfactory in this task

· Complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions.

· You will be required to answer all the questions correctly.

· Do not start answering questions without understanding what is required. Read the questions carefully and critically analyse them for a few seconds; this will help you to identify what information is needed in the answer.

· Your answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of the relevant concepts and critical thinking.

· Be concise, to the point and write answers within the word-limit given to each question. Do not provide irrelevant information. Remember, quantity is not quality.

· You must write your responses in your own words.

· Use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean, or exclude individuals or groups based on attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual preference or age. Gender-inclusive language should be used.

· When you quote, paraphrase, summarise or copy information from other sources to write your answers or research your work, always acknowledge the source.


Q1. Answer the following questions regarding describing and explaining internet marketing methods and best practices, including:

• search terms

• keywords

• keyword density

• search engine ranking

• search engine methods of assessing search engine optimisation (SEO)

• backlinks

• social network media in the context of SEO

1.1. Explain each of the following terms, processes and concepts using 20-40 words:

a) search terms

b) keywords

c) keyword density

d) search engine ranking

e) search engine methods of assessing search engine optimisation (SEO)

f) backlinks

g) social network media in the context of SEO

Q2. Answer the following questions regarding analyse and interpret, the internet marketing strategy of a website.

2.1. What is a website marketing strategy? Answer using 30-60 words.

2.2. How and why do you analyse the internet marketing strategy of a website. Answer using 30-60 words.

3.1. What are the functions of a search engine? Answer using 20-40 words.

3.2. Discuss the way a search engine works using 20-40 words.

· § image search optimisation (ISO)

· § keyword density on web pages

· § keywords used in headings and heading levels meta-elements and page tiles

4.1. Discuss the image search optimisation (ISO) using 30-60 words.

4.2. What is a good keyword density? Answer using 30-60 words.

4.3. What are h1 and h2 header tags? Answer using 30-60 words.

5.1. What is loading speed, and how does it affect the conversions? Answer using 30-60 words.

5.2. Discuss while creating the performance budgets what ways you should consider to optimise the page loading times?

· § surveys

· § focus groups

· § social media listening platforms

· § statistical analysis

· § research professionals

6.1. Discuss two (2) keyword types as part of the keyword research methodology using 30-60 words.

6.2. Discuss the disadvantages of using traditional market research such as surveys, focus groups, statistical analysis and in-depth interviews by research professionals using 20-40 words.

6.3. What is a social media listening platform? Answer using 20-40 words.

7.1. Identify two (2) best search engine traffic sources.

7.2. Discuss the advantages of paid traffic sources using 20-40 words.

8.1. Discuss the differences between paid and organic searches using 30-60 words.

8.2. Identify three (3) ways to increase your organic rankings.

9.1. What is SEO and web traffic metrics? Answer using 20-40 words.

9.2. What are the three (3) most important SEO and website metrics?

10.1. Explain mobile friendly website using 30-60 words.

10.2. Discuss why your website should be mobile friendly using 20-40 words.




r Yes r No


r Yes r No


r Yes r No


r Yes r No


r Yes r No


r Yes r No


r Yes r No


r Yes r No


r Yes r No


r Yes r No

Assessment Cover Sheet

Please complete cover sheet clearly and accurately for assessment tasks and other types of evidence you submit for your course. All student assessment tasks submissions including any associated checklists where applicable, are to be attached to this cover sheet.

Student Use

Student ID No

Student Name

Unit Code


Unit Title

Implement search engine optimisations

Assessment No.


Assessment Method


£ Initial Submission £ Re-Submission

Student Declaration I declare that:

· These tasks are my own work.

· None of this work has been completed by any other person

· These tasks are not plagiarised or colluded with any other student/s.

· I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

· I have read and understood NTCA’s policy on Plagiarism, cheating and collusion and understand that if I am found to be in breach of this policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me by NTCA.

· I have a copy of my assessment work with me, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Student Signature:

Submission Date:

Assessor Use Only


Satisfactory      /      Not Satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

Assessor Name:

Signature: Date:

Student Submission Receipt: Your submission has been received. Please keep a copy of this record.

Student ID & Name: ……………………………….……………………………….….. Submission Date: …………………..…………………………………..…………

Unit Code: ………………………………..……….………… Assessment No & Method: …………………………………………….………………..….……..………….

£ Initial Submission   £ Re-Submission

Received By (Name): ……………………………………………..………………….…. Signature: …………………..……….. Date: …………………..………………..

The results will be updated within twenty-one (21) days from your final submission. Please check your student portal regularly to make sure that your results are updated. If there are any discrepancies, please discuss with the Trainer/Student Support Officer.

Task instructions

· This is the second (2) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.

· This assessment task is a Skills Test.

· You are required to Implement search engine optimisations in this assessment task.

· You must attempt all activities of the project for your trainer/assessor to assess your competence in this assessment task.

· This is an individual assessment.

· To ensure your responses are satisfactory you should consult a range of learning resources and other information such as handouts, textbooks, learner resources etc.

· Your writing must be concise, to the point, not provide irrelevant information and according to the word limit given.

· You must write your responses in your own words.

· You will be required to complete all parts of this assessment task.

In this assessment task, you will be required to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding to create and implement good internet-marketing practices using search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques, including introducing web pages to search engines, and monitoring search engine performance.

You must complete the following activities successfully to demonstrate your competency:

1. Analyse internet-marketing requirements

2. Prepare and implement, an internet search engine marketing strategy

3. Review and monitor the search engine performance

4. Prepare a client SEO result report and make recommendations

To successfully complete the assessment activities you will be required to have the access of the following:

· website files

· file transfer protocol (FTP)

· Internet access

· profiling tools

· social network marketing logins.

· appropriate learning and assessment support when required.

You must complete this assessment based on the assessment criteria below.

Assessment criteria

The assessment should be completed using the website you have developed or website your trainer/assessor will allocate to you. You must demonstrate your skills and knowledge to:

a) successfully optimise pages for search engine optimisation

b) introduce web pages to search engines

c) monitor search engine performance

d) make recommendations for:

keyword enhancements


social network marketing.

You must consider the following organisational requirements to Implement search engine optimisations for the website:

· The website should be optimised according to:

o Keywords

o Image search optimisation

o Meta-element analysis

o Organic elements

o Traffic analysis reports

o Social networking marketing

o Search engine marketing

o Search engine

o Search terms

o Pay per click (PPC)

o Site reports and listings

Assessment activity 1: Analyse internet-marketing requirements

In this assessment activity, you are required to gather and confirm client requirements regarding internet-marketing.

You will be required to read and understand the documentation regarding assessment criteria and participate in requirements analysis interview with your client for successfully completing each of the following activities:

· Determine the main business of the website, and the keywords currently used on each page

· Create a keyword suggestion list for the website, using online tools

· Analyse the best keywords for macro and sub-keywords

· Create recommendations for improved optimisation for image search optimisation (ISO), keyword density on web pages, and keywords used in headings and heading levels meta-elements and page tiles

· Analyse the pages, and recommend sections for content

· Analyse the current website position in organic listings

· Analyse the current success of online advertising

· Analyse current traffic analysis reports, using online tools and the web-hosting statistics

· Analyse the current success of the social network marketing content

You must complete the following meeting minutes template to record your discussion and information gathered from requirements analysis interviews.

Meeting minutes


Meeting agenda 1


Meeting agenda 2