关键词 > ECON8025

ECON8025 Homework 1


Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit

Write/type a clear cover page with your u-number (writing your name is optional, but writing your u-number is mandatory), the name of the course, “Homework 1, ECON8025”.

Type the entire document if possible. Use LaTex if possible (google "latex" if you never heard of it). Use font 12, 13, or 14 (submission in other font sizes will be marked with zero). Submit it in Wattle (search the right place inside Wattle after we post it) before the deadline. We strongly recommend you submit your answers more than 48 hours before the 20 Aug deadline to avoid any last-minute problem. Please do not ask for additional extensions.

Make sure you submit the correct file. Please submit only one file, a PDF file. Submission of files in any other format will lead to a grade of zero. Late submissions (after 20 Aug) will lead to a grade of zero. We will consider only the first submission (only one attempt per student); other submissions will not count or replace the first one.

All items are equally important. Type the answers in the correct order. Use fractions if necessary. Avoid using decimal expansions. Marking is strict. No partial credits will be given for each item or for single-item questions. Answer all questions and items. Be precise and brief. Provide the necessary economic intuition if and only if the item asks for it. Unnecessary comments will lead to a loss of marks. Marking will be very strict.

Use of LaTeX is optional. Those who wish to learn it can try (at their own risk):



To type some models and documents with mathematical symbols, you could try to use TeXmacs, an excellent alternative to LaTeX,


Another popular software to help you type/write beautiful documents with equations is


Good luck,

The Teaching Team