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BM3PP Professional Placement


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BM3PP                       Professional Placement

20 credits (10 ECTS); FHEQ level 6

Artist Development 2

Two semesters

26 hours contact time, 174 hours private study.


1) Work-based  learning Strand Application (500 words)

2)   Reflective   assessment   evaluating the work-based   learning.   Students   have the choice to present this in the form of four video blogs  (with  500 words  rationale)  OR  as  a written reflective diary (1500 words)

3)   Supporting material   (2000 words or equivalent)


Marking Guidelines: Professional Placement


This module aims to:

.     enable and VXppoUW VWXdenWV¶ engagemenW ZiWh a ZoUkplace environment. (PA4, PA5)

.    challenge students to apply and develop skills in communication and collaboration. (PA4, PA5) .    challenge students to apply and develop skills in creative leadership. (PA1, PA4)

.     deYelop VWXdenWV¶ aZaUeneVs of professional responsibility. (PA4, PA5)

.    enable students to develop their thinking about arts and business following on from AD1 & 2. (PA1, PA3, PA4)


On successful completion of the module, students should be able to:

.    reflect critically on a nominated professional context, its particular challenges, rewards and the

VWXdenW¶V oZn e[peUience of WheVe. (PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4, PR5)

.    contribute effectively to collaborative creative problem solving. (PE1, PE3)

.    demonstrate skills in planning, evaluating and initiative. (IN3, PR3, PR5, PE1, PE2, PE3, PE4)

.    appraise creative leadership skills and their application in the work-related context. (PE5)

.    design, create and present short video blogs (or equivalent) which illustrate placement activity. (IN5, PR4, PE2)



The contact time on this module will consist of a work-based learning strand (seminars, workshops), a series of lectures on The Creative Musician (developing artistic ideas; business planning, project design, collaboration; professional presentation and responsibility), and independent study (including research and peer collaboration).

Following on from Artist Development 2, students will select a work-based learning strand to develop their experience of working in a particular professional setting. These strands are advertised to students in their 2nd   year;  indicative  options  include  Music  Education,  Digital  Production  and  Broadcasting,  Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Music in Hospitals, and Creative Leadership within Community Music.

A series of seminars, briefings and workshops led by industry specialists and specialist staff within the RNCM will support each work-based learning strand and support will be provided for students to develop the digital skills necessary to complete part of the assessment (video blogs).

ThUoXghoXW SemeVWeU 2 VWXdenWV¶ leaUning e[peUienceV ma\ be diffeUenW, depending on Whe paUWicXlaU ZoUk- based learning they undertake, although all students will have the opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes detailed above. All students will undertake reflection throughout the module, which will form the assessment at the end of Semester 2. The content of the reflection depends on the placement activity of each student, but will normally include reflection on creative and intellectual skills developed during the modXle, and leaUning poinWV Zhich can be Waken foUZaUd inWo VWXdenWV¶ fXWXUe caUeeUV.

The exact nature, duration and activity of the work-based learning strand will be communicated to students b\ each VWUand¶V leadeU WhUoXgh SemeVWeU 1. AV paUW of each ZoUk-based learning strand, students will be expected to work collaboratively with their  peers  and  undertake  directed  and  independent  research relevant to the strand they have selected.

Alongside  the  work-based  learning  activities,  students  will  develop  their  artistic  leadership  and entrepreneurship skills through a parallel series of lectures, in order to plan for their creative project in their final year.


The variety of work-based learning available is broad, and hence an indicative bibliography for each work- based learning strand is not provided. Support and training ahead of each work-based learning strand is offered via resources on the virtual learning environment and the contact time stated above.

Bolton, G., & Delderfield, R. (2018). Reflective practice: Writing and professional development (4th ed.). London: Sage.

Davies, C., & Lowe, T. (2005). Kolb learning cycle. Staff and Departmental Development Unit: University of Leeds.

Moon, J. A. (2006). Learning journals: A handbook for reflective practice and professional development. Abingdon: Routledge.

Polanyi, M. (1966). The tacit dimension. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Sch|n, D. A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Smilde, R. (2014). Reflective practice at the heart of higher music education. In T. De Baets, & T. Buchborn (Eds.) European perspectives on music education. Innsbruck: Helbling, 27-39.