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COMP4610/8610 Computer Graphics Homework Assignment #1, S2 2023


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Computer Graphics

Homework Assignment #1,  S2 2023

Topic: Mesh representation and transformations

Date Issued: see Wattle page

Due Date :  see Wattle page

Weighting:  10%


All homework assignments must be completed individually.  We encourage you to discuss the assignments with other students. However, you should not share any of your codes with anyone else.  Each student is responsible for implementing the assignment on their own.  You may assist other in debugging their codes, but you should not copy and paste.  ANU is using TurnItIn to detect possible duplications.  Consulting with previous year students who enrolled in this course on specific assignment is also not allowed.    You  may  use the  internet  as a resource for  learning the  materials,  but you should  not  borrow any existing codes found online.

The homework assignments involve a significant amount of C++ programming.  However, for most cases, a skeletal code base is provided, and you only need to fill in the missing parts, and/or fix bugs if any.

You will submit a single ZIP file as your submission, which must contain the following files:

(1) All source codes (ending in .h, or .hpp, or .cpp), and your Makefile, CMakeLists.txt. Please  include  all  needed  source  codes  for  successful  compilation.        Please  also remove all intermediate files (such as ./vs. . /build.   )   that are  not needed for the compilation –  Failing to do so will lead to penalty to the marks.

(2) A written HW1 Report  (of between 2~ 3 pages A4,   10 point font size, in PDF format, with task statement,  methods  used, any  new features that you  have  added,   any known bugs in your code,   answer any questions that have been asked in the task, instruction for the tutor to use your code,  example results.)

Your ZIP file must be named as “COMPX610_2023_HW1_UID.zip” .    Replace ‘X’ with 4 or 8. Replace the UID with your Uxxxxxxxx;      Please  submit  your ZIP file to Wattle  before the deadline. Late submission will lead to penalty as per the ANU policy.     Later-than-one-week submission will not be accepted, which may result zero mark, unless a pre-approval for special consideration is obtained in written before the submission deadline.

There are two tasks in this HW1 assignment:

Task-1:   OBJ mesh file manipulation:

Get  yourself  familiar  with  Wavefront  OBJ  file  format   by   reading  the  Wikipedia   page:


You are required to create, load and display 3D meshes stored in Wavefront’s OBJ file format. Specifically, you need to complete the following two sub-tasks, and report your results in your HW1 report.

(a)  Create by hand an OBJ file of a 3D cuboid mesh consists of 12 triangles,    and display it on screen via the MeshLab software.

(b)   Use  MeshLab  to  draw  the  two  provided  meshes  of  kangaroo  (v1,  and  v2)  ,  and compare their OBJ files by reading the raw text files of the OBJs,    summarize the key differences in your Hw1 Report.

Task-2:    Transformations for graphics rendering

From the first two weeks’ lectures, you have learned how to use transformation matrices to prepare an object for graphics rendering.     Now it is time to put them into practice.

In this task, you will learn how to use matrices to implement geometrical transformations, such as 3D rotation, and perspective projection.     Together with the  next two  homework assignments (i.e., Hw2 and Hw3),    you will learn how to implement a simple and effective rasterizer for computer graphics rendering,  using C++ on a CPU.

We have provided an almost-ready-to-go skeleton code for your to fill in any missing functions etc.   Specifically, your task in Hw1 is to produce and fill in a suitable 3D rotation matrix and a perspective projective matrix.

Given a triangle patch in the 3-space,  whose coordinates are v0( 2.0, 0.0, -2.0), v1(0.0, 2.0, - 2.0), and v2(-2.0, 0.0, -2.0 ).   Your task is to display these 3 points on the screen,   and draw the wireframe for the triangle.

The function called  draw_triangle () in the skeleton code is where you should work on.  You only need to fill in some suitable transformation matrices.    Specifically, you  will  need to complete the following steps:  configuring the object model in the world space,  set up the camera view transformation, apply perspective projection and viewport clipping etc.

Please complete the skeleton codes, and in particular complete the following functions:

.    Get_model_matrix( float rotation_angle) : fill in the model transformation matrix and return this matrix. In this function, your task is to implement a 3D rotation about the Z axis.

.    Get_projection_matrix  (  float,  eye_fov,  float  aspect_ratio,  float  zNear, float  zFar) : construct a projection matrix and return it.

.    Main():  add any other necessary codes.

After you have successfully finished the above tasks, the rasteriser will create a window on your screen, and display the triangle.      If you press A , or D, the triangle will rotate about XZ axis in different directions.     If you click “ESC”, the program will exit.

You can also execute the program in command line,  in this case there will be no window pop up, and your result will be saved in ‘output.png’ by default.

./Rasterizer  -r 20

You can also test:  ./Rasterizer  -r 20  my_rendered_img.png.

[Bonus points]   You may change the code so that it can also rotate around any axis passing

through   the   origin.           Namely,   you   will    need   to    add   a    function   Eigen::Matrix4f

get_rotation(Vector3f axis, float angle)  to main.cpp.

How to compile and run your code ?

Library dependencies:   Eigen, and OpenCV ;

Please use the following commands in order, to compile and test your code. (1)  mkdir build

(2) cd build

(3) cmake ..

(4)  make -j4

(5)  ./Rasterizer.

Note:  In doing this homework, you do not need to use triangle.class.     Rather, the only files that you will need to modify are:   main.cpp, and rasterizer.hpp.  The latter is responsible for the creation of the renderer and GUI interface, and the draw functionality.