关键词 > ACF6004AA

ACF6004AA Financial Modelling E1


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MODULE CODE:         ACF6004AA

ELEMENT:                   E1 (Coursework in lieu of Exam)

MODULE TITLE:         Financial Modelling


Deadline: 9 am on Monday 14 August 2023

Submission procedure: Via the module page on the DLE


Instruction to Candidate

Answer All Questions

Question 1

Stock Z is currently traded at £9.00 per share on the market. It is expected to either grow to £11.00 or fall to £6 in a period of 3 months. The risk-free interest rate is 5.00% pa. You are  asked to value the following two options written on stock Z and maturing in 3 months:

.    A call option with a strike price of £10.00

.    A put option with a strike price of £8.00

(a) What should be the price of the call option? 5 marks

(b) What should be the price of the put option? 5 marks

(c) Discuss the risk-neutral valuation principle in option pricing. Explain why this valuation principle can be and is applied while both the stock and the option are risky securities. 5 marks

(Total: 15 marks)

Question 2

Information on two funds is collected as follows:

.    Fund Ω has an expected annual return of 11.25% and the standard deviation of its annual is 9.98%

.    Fund Σ has an expected annual return of 7.83% and the standard deviation of its annual return is 6.24%

The correlation between the returns on the two funds is 0.71


(a) Construct an optimal portfolio with these two funds and solve for the weights of the two funds in the portfolio, assuming the risk-free interest rate is 2.50% per annum. 5 marks

(b) What are the expected return and risk of the portfolio you have made in (a)? 5 marks

(c) If the risk-free interest rate is expected to fall, will you increase or reduce the allocation to fund Σ in the risky portfolio? If the risk-free interest rate is expected to fall, will you     increase or reduce the allocation to fund Σ in the risky portfolio? Why? 2 marks

(d) Now the risk-free interest rate is expected to fall to 2.00% per annum, solve for the weights of the two funds in the portfolio under this scenario. 5 marks

What are the expected return and risk of the portfolio you have made in (d)? 3 marks

(Total: 20 marks)

Question 3

The following three bonds all mature in four years. They all have a principal or par value of $100 while coupons are paid annually.

Bond A

Bond B

Bond C

Coupon rate









(a) Calculate either Macaulay duration or modified duration for these three bonds. 5 marks

(b) Compare the durations of these bonds and explain why they differ with regard to the differences in their YTM and/or coupon rates. 5 marks

(c) Define bond duration from two perspectives, explain its purpose and use in bond analysis and bond portfolio management. 3 marks

(Total: 15 marks)

Question 4

Assume that stock market returns have a normal distribution with a mean of 6% p.a. and a standard deviation of 18% p.a. Over the last 4 years stock market returns have averaged negative 2% p.a. Your client is very upset and claims that results this bad should never occur:

(a) Construct a 95% confidence interval of stock market returns for a sample of 4 year returns.

(b) What is the probability of negative 2% returns over a 4 year period? (15 marks)

Question 5

We want to test the hypothesis that the mean P.E. ratio of companies that receive a takeover offer is the same as the mean P.E. ratio of companies that do not receive a takeover offer in the same industry. Explain under what conditions we would commit a type 1 and a type 2 error. (20 marks)