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COMPX202 (HAM), COMPX242 (HAM), and COMPX202 (TGA) Assignment One: Android Responsive UI + Java


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Assignment One: Android Responsive UI + Java

COMPX202 (HAM), COMPX242 (HAM), and COMPX202 (TGA)

Due: Friday 11th of August 11:59pm

Project description

“This year the  University of Waikato is celebrating 50 years of computing.  The  School of Computing  and  Mathematical  Sciences   (SCMS)  is  considering  developing  an  Android application as part of their celebrations. As such, they have asked you to develop a simple but  engaging  application  that  can  be  used  to  provide  staff,  students,  and  the   wider community  with  “fun  facts”  about  computing  at  Waikato.  SCMS  has  asked  that  the application be responsive to screen size, so that it looks good on majority of screen sizes. The application should also look good in both portrait and landscape orientations. 


This assignment has four objectives:

1.   Successfully create your first Android application;

2.   Use Git from within Android Studio;

3.   Learn about and develop the layout of a responsive Android application; 4.   Interact with the Android UI through Java.

The assignment focuses on the Android UI – specifically using XML to create ViewGroups and Views – and takes advantage of the values and drawables folders.  In addition, this assignment aims to familiarize you with the Java side of Android development.

Resources required for completing this assignment to the specifications have been included on  Moodle.  Pay  close  attention  to  the  screenshots  used  throughout  these  assignment instructions as they will demonstrate how the application should look and function. These screenshots  were  taken  using  the  Pixel  4   Emulator.  However,  please  note  that  your application should be responsive and should look good on all screen sizes and orientations.

You  are  required  to  use  Git Lab  for  assignment  submission.  During  marking,  we  will  be looking to ensure that there is at least one commit and push per assignment part. Failure to do so will  result  in a reduction of marks even if the final application otherwise meets the specifications.

Note, if any of these instructions are unclear to you, you are expected to ask for clarification. Start the assignment early and make use of the labs for extra guidance and assistance.

Part A: Setup – creating an Android app and using Git

1.   In Git Lab, create a new repository called “AssignmentOne” . (DO NOT include a

readme file. The repository needs to be empty – Android Studio requires an empty repo).

2.   Make sure that the visibility of your project is set to Private. (If not: Settings > expand Permissions > Project visibility: Private; Save changes).

3.   Create a new Android application in Android Studio. (see the lecture content for creating a new Android application).

4.   Run your application to make sure it works. This can either be done using your personal device or using an emulator.

5.   Use Git from inside Android Studio to add, commit, and push your new Android

application to Git Lab. (see the lecture content for using Git inside Android Studio).

6.   Check that your Android application has successfully been pushed to Git Lab – the “AssignmentOne” repository should now contain your Android application.

Note, when setting up your Android application, you should create it using an Empty Views Activity. It should be named “AssignmentOne” , should use Java, and should use a minimum API level of API 23: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow).

Part B: Android XML

Alter the activity_main.xml file to duplicate the UI layout shown in Figure 1. There are good and bad ways to create this layout. Use what you have learned in the lectures to create a good layout using ViewGroups and Views. Your application must be responsive and must not use any hard coded sizes (with the exception of margins and padding). You can find the required images on Moodle.

Don’t forget to add, commit and push your work to Git Lab.

Part C: Android resources

While Part B focused on using XML to describe the UI layout, this section utilises some of the other resources found in the res folder. Complete the following steps:

1.   Change the name of the application to be “CMS” .

2.   Use the 50th colours in your theme: gold (#C49A6C), dark gold (#AD7B45), silver (#F2F2F2), and dark silver (#C2C2C2).

3.   Create a new launcher icon using the logo image (img_logo_short.png, available on Moodle).

4.   Ensure that you have not included (and do not later include) any hard-coded strings. All strings should be defined in the strings.xml file.

Your  application  UI  should  now  reflect that shown  in  Figure  3, while your  launcher  icon should  look  like the one shown  in  Figure 2.  Don’t forget  to add, commit, and push your changes to Git Lab.

Part D: Creating another Activity

Your next step is to create a new Activity and set up the XML layout for that Activity.

Your new Activity should be called “SecondActivity” and should contain the layout illustrated in Figure 4. Remember, there are good and bad ways to create this layout. Use what you have  learned  in the  lectures to create a good layout using ViewGroups and Views. Your application must be responsive and must not use any hard coded sizes (excluding margins and padding). You can find the required images on Moodle. Don’t forget to add, commit and push your work to Git Lab.

Part E: Onclick Events & Intents

Your next task  is to add an “onclick” event to the “ Enter” Button in the MainActivity. This onclick event should then  use an  Intent to  open the SecondActivity. Don’t forget to add, commit, and push your changes to Git Lab.

Part F: Random number generator + Java Functionality

The SecondActivity includes a button that says “Click here for a fun fact about Computing at Waikato . Your next task is to set up the Java functionality so that when the button is clicked the following occurs: (1) a random number between 0 and 7 is generated, (2) the random number is added to an Intent, and (3) the FunFactActivity (see below) is started, using that Intent.

Part G: Advanced UI and Java Functionality

Your penultimate task is to create one more Activity and develop dynamic Java functionality.

Your new Activity should be called “ FunFactActivity” and should contain the layout illustrated in Figure 5. Remember, there are good and bad ways to create this layout. Use what you have  learned  in the  lectures to create a good layout using ViewGroups and Views. Your application must be responsive and must not use any hard coded sizes (with the exception of margins and padding). You can find the required images on Moodle.

You  are  required to  add code that  populates the Activity with data stored  in arrays.xml. (Note, you will need to copy the arrays.xml file into the “values” folder).

The  arrays.xml  file  contains  two  arrays,  one  that  contains  a  series  of  “fun  facts” about Computing at Waikato and one that contains the names of corresponding images. You will need to retrieve the text and image name that corresponds to the number that was passed through from the SecondActivity.

Once  you  have  retrieved  the  content  from  arrays.xml,  you  can  use  it  to  populate  the FunFactActivity. Figures 6 to 13 show what the FunFactActivity should look like once it has been populated with data for each of the fun facts.

Don’t forget to add, commit and push your work to Git Lab.

Part H: Orientation & Screen Size

Your current layout works well when in portrait orientation, but may not be as well suited for landscape, or different screen sizes. Run your application on a variety of screen sizes and orientations to ensure that your layout truly  is responsive. Appendix 1 (on the last page) shows some examples.

Don’t forget to add, commit, and push your changes to Git Lab.

Part I: Code quality

Make sure you structure and comment your code appropriately and avoid code smells!


Make sure you have pushed all of your changes to your Git Lab repository. Ensure that you can see your changes on Git Lab. It is usually a good idea to clone the repository back to a new location on your local machine and re-run it to check that it was uploaded correctly.




Allocated to


Part A – Creating your app and using Git


Part B – Android XML


Part C – Android resources


Part D – Creating another Activity


Part E – Onclick events & Intents


Part F – Random number generator and Java


Part G – Advanced UI and Java Functionality


Part H – Orientation and Screen Size


Part I – Code quality

Appendix 1: Orientation and Screen Size examples (Pixel 4 & Pixel C)

MainActivity, phone versus tablet, portrait versus landscape:

SecondActivity, phone versus tablet, portrait versus landscape:

FunFactActivity, phone versus tablet, portrait versus landscape: