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IY412 Quantitative Methods for Business


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Assessment Task Information

Key details:

Assessment title:

Individual Statistical Investigation

Module Name:

Quantitative Methods for Business

Module Code:


Tutor’s Name:

Siu Tim, Wan

Assessment will be set on:

Beginning of Cycle 3

Assessment is due on:

3rd April, 2023

Assessment weighting:


Assessment Instructions

What do you need to do for this assessment?


You will have to produce a statistical report from the Offending, Crime and Justice Survey (OCJS)


You will receive a SPSS file with the dataset and descriptions for the OCJS from 2003 to 2006. Using your analysis of the data you will have to make a written recommendation.

You will have to work in SPSS for many of the tasks, but you will then need to transfer data into a Microsoft Word document for your final report.

You will have approximately 4 weeks to complete the report and you will have to update your tutor with your progress on a weekly basis.


For this assessment you should make use of the following formative activities that you have already completed.  These activities have been designed to support this summative assessment:

Theme 8: Specialist Statistical and Standard Office Software (SPSS & Excel)

Please note:

This is an individual assessment so you should not work with any other student.

Before you submit this assessment, you will have an opportunity to update your tutor on your progress and receive advice.


Your investigation should be presented in three main sections:

You are going to investigate one type of crime (variables 14-27 in the SPSS file) or one type of drug (variables 80-88) to complete this assessment.

Part 1: Introduction

State the topic that you are investigating. State a clear research question relating to this topic that you will be attempting to answer using statistical methods (variables to measure).

Part 2: You should select different variables to explore the questions and answer for providing the most significant, meaningful, and explicit result. In this section, you are required to analysis for outlier, lurking variables, descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, time-series, correlation and regression. an explanation of your work should be present in the study.

Remember that you should pick up a series of relative variables to run the analysis such as

“Have you committed a violent crime before?” with “What was your age that first committed a violent crime?”

Question 1

Show the description information (mean, mode, variance…) and box plots on a quantitative variable such as Age first committed vehicle crime (Aagevehicle), Age first uses cocaine (AFstCoc), Age first ever use of any drug (Afstdrug) along with a binary variable and interpret the table. (Testing student’s understanding of Theme 1)

Question 2

Create two pie charts for a qualitative variable such as educational qualifications (Aedqual), material status (Amarital), and Ever offended (Ao1ever) along a binary variable in the OCJS survey. And interpret the charts. (Testing student’s understanding of Theme 2)

Question 3

Checking the skewness along at least 4 different types of crime on first committed age (Aagevehicle, Aageburg,…..). And explain the necessity of checking the skewness of the data. (Testing the student understanding of Theme 3)

Question 4

Write a hypothesis with a crime or drug variable to compare with other countries or different time. (Testing student’s understanding of Theme 5)

Question 5

Perform hypothesis testing on the answer of Q.4, calculate the confidence interval and p-value, also interpret the results. (Testing student’s understanding of Theme 4,5)

Question 6

Perform a correlation table for at least 6 quantitative variables and interpret at least one important finding. (Testing student’s understanding of Theme 11)

Question 7

Perform a regression model along at least 2 variables based on the answer of Q.6. And interpret the meaning and accuracy of your regression model. (Testing student’s understanding of Theme 11)

Question 8

Perform at least 3 time series plots from 2003 to 2006. And interpret the meaning of this. (Testing student’s understanding of Theme 10)

Part 3: (Conclusion & Recommendations) You should provide a report from the previous task and present your recommendations. You should highlight any possible errors in measurement, data anomalies or outliers and describe their effect on your conclusions.

You should summarize any findings in the form of supported recommendations. The clarity of these recommendations and their reasons are paramount. Therefore, you should not use any statistical ‘jargon’ in your recommendations or in your justification for your recommendations.

Theory and/or task resources required for the assessment:

1: You will have to demonstrate skills in finding creating charts and intercepting the chart.

2: You will have to demonstrate skills in creating scatter graphs, finding correlation and regression coefficients, and interpreting these results.

3: You will have to demonstrate skills in hypothesis testing and calculating confidence intervals.

4: You will have to demonstrate skills in the use of SPSS for data analysis.

5: You will have to make a reasoned written recommendation based on your analysis of the data.

Referencing style:

UWE Harvard Referencing

Expected word count: 1000-1200 words

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

1. Use descriptive statistical methods to analyse data using SPSS software package and interpret the outcomes in relation to context

2. Accurately present data in visual form (tables, graphs and charts), using SPSS.

3. Understand and apply statistical theory to gather, process and present data accurately using a range of techniques appropriate to their field of study

4. Critically assess descriptive, predictive and visual statistics from a range of sources with reference to statistical theory best practice

Submission Requirements:

You must include the following paragraph on your title page:

I confirm that this assignment is my own work.

Where I have referred to academic sources, I have provided in-text citations and included the sources in the final reference list.

You must submit the assessment electronically via the VLE module page and via Turnitin.

You should submit your work as a single Word document.

Label your document as follows:  YOUR STUDENT NUMBER – MODULE CODE

e.g. P225566-IY412

Assessments submitted after the submission deadline will incur penalties and may not be accepted.

How will this assessment be marked?

Your answers will be marked according to a standardised mark scheme. Marks will be awarded in each section and will be for clarity, accuracy, detail, relevance and the extent to which the research question has been answered:

· Uses graphical methods to effectively display data (20%)

· Analysis data, identifies and applies the statistical methods (20%)

· Critical interpretation of results (30%)

· Evaluates the validity and reliability of conclusions (15%)

· Academic Writing and Presentation (10%)

· Use of Sources and Referencing (5%)

The overall mark will be a percentage (0-100%).

How will you get feedback?

Your tutor will mark the assessment and provide you with a written feedback sheet.  You can use this feedback to guide your further learning on the module.