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ACC101A Financial and Commercial Literacy


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Subject Title

Financial and Commercial Literacy

Subject Code



Assessment Title

Quiz (invigilated)

Graduate Capabilities

List the graduate capabilities being developed in this assessment

GC1 – Professional Expertise

GC6 – Independent self-management

GC7 – Technology and information literacy

Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline)

b. Analyse and interpret financial statements to support business decision marking.

d. Compare various components of budgets.

e. Differentiate between various business structures, their advantages, disadvantages and appropriateness to specific business scenarios.

Assessment type (group or individual)


Weighting %


Word count / Time limit

1 hour


Due day

Week 12. Time and Date to be advised. Closed Book. Formula sheet will be provided. Invigilated quiz.

Submission type



Format / Layout of Assessment

Moodle quiz.

12 Multiple Choice questions (total 8 marks), 6 written response / calculation questions (total 12 marks).



Assessment instructions

Your fourth assessment is a quiz that assesses your understanding of the topics 5 - 11 of the course. The quiz will be completed in Week 12 (further details to be

provided) and you have 1 hour to complete it. You will have one (1) attempt available. Failure to make an attempt will result in a mark of zero (0).

Readings for the assessment

Refer to your resources for Topics 5 – 11

Grading Criteria / Rubric

18 Questions will carry a total value of 20%. All multiple choice questions will have exactly one correct answer.