Mechanical Design A Supplementary Project


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Small-Scale Engine

Mechanical Design A Supplementary Project

Version 1.0


You are provided with the design of a single cylinder model aircraft engine. An image is shown in Figure 1.  The engine generates 50 Watts of power with a shaft speed of 11,500 rpm.  The combined force (inertia and the force from combustion) generated at the crank pin is 360 N.  You are tasked with undertaking a review of the detailed design of the conceptual engine.

Figure 1 The single cylinder model aircraft engine

[supplied as an .stp file on Canvas for import to your chosen software]


•   The assignment will be submitted through Canvas.

•   Submission deadline is 10th August 2023 at 2pm.

•   Any work submitted late will receive a penalty of 5% per working day.

•   If  you are  unclear about any aspect of electronic submission or submission in general, you should seek advice well in advance of the assignment deadline.

•   The report should be word processed in Arial or Times New Roman, size 12, with a minimum line spacing of 1.5 times and written in English. This includes figure/table captions. The report has a maximum page limit of 16 pages (all sections).

•   Your report should have a cover page. The following is required in this specific order or 10% reduction in assignment mark will be applied. Module title, Department (of Mechanical  Engineering),  Group  number, and  ID  number,  Report  title,  Date  of submission.

•   Appendices are not allowed.

•   Immediately  following  the  cover  page,  a  completed  University  of  Birmingham Assessment and Student Template should be provided. Details for this are provided in Appendix A.

•   The quality of the presentation of the report will also be assessed so think carefully about the way you present your work to ensure the reader can follow each step.

•   The assignment should be completed individually. This means that each student should individually submit 1 report.

•   Additional advice on report writing is available through the University Academic Skills                                                                                                                Centre. https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/as/libraryservices/library/skills/asc/index.aspx.


This is an individual assessment and not a group assessment. Maximum number of pages  allowed:  16  pages,  however  you  should  attempt  to  use  as  few  pages  as possible. The assembly drawing does not count towards the page count.

You are required to submit the following:

1.  Cover page (Max 1 page)

2.  Module feedback sheet (Max 1 page)

3.  Executive summary (Max 250 words) on a single page.

4.  Design report covering:

a.  An  analysis  of  the  crankshaft,  to  include  loads,  stress  states  and minimum diameter calculations (Max 2 pages)

b.  A critical review of the design, with suggestions for improvement (Max 1 page)

2.  A general assembly drawing to BS 8888 of the engine (in third angle projection) containing:

a.  At least internal and external orthographic views, showing clearly all the main  components,  with  sections  as  needed  for  detail  and  relative positions.

b.  Notes for layout and installation, service supply details, testing, relevant codes  etc.  so  that  a  prospective  buyer  (an  engineer)  would  have sufficient information to decide to order.

c.  Overall/ leading dimensions and engine weight.

d.  Parts list including component details - quantities, materials, and supply.

e.  Separate items identified with leader lines to balloons that include the item reference number linking to the parts list.

The arrangement drawing should include a parts list containing materials specification and any treatments required. Where possible certain items (such as nuts and bolts) should be chosen from standard parts.

3.  Manufacturing and materials report (Max 10 pages)

a.  Manufacturing

i.   Produce a single A4 page manufacturing flowchart for the piston in the design given in file: Engine 001. Your flowchart should contain the following:

1.  Images showing the component to be machined.

2.  Evaluation  of the  component  you  have  chosen  from  a machining point of view. i.e. how easy/hard it is to machine.

3.  Step by step process images illustrating how you have produced the component.

4.  Justification  of any  primary or secondary  manufacturing processes.

5.  At  least two  images of the  CAM routine for the chosen component illustrating the machining strategy. Autodesk Fusion 360 (or equivalent) images should be used. If you do not have access to this software, then please contact Dr Hood in advance of the submission deadline.

6.  Typical   details   for   the   tooling,   fixturing,   workpiece materials,  typical  machine  tool,  cutting  tools,  cutting parameters,etc. that you have used as well as typical cycle times.

7.  Evaluation of the final machined component after the CAM simulation.

8.  Any other information that you feel the reader needs to see to understand how the component you have selected is produced.

ii.  Create a  process  plan  in  the form  of  routing sheets with the operation  list  to  achieve  all  technical  requirements  for  the component. Include the machine tools and fixtures required to realise all operations in the process plan.

iii.   Provide a review of how the component will be integrated into the assembly process for the engine.

iv.   Provide a review of how the component design could be improved from a manufacturing point of view.

b.  Materials selection

i.  Critical analysis of materials. A systematic analysis should be carried out using CES EduPack for the component.

ii.   Life cycle analysis should be carried out using CES EduPack. This should include:

1.  Eco-Audit of the component to assess the environmental impact of different phases in the engine live-cycle (energy requirements and carbon emissions/footprint).

2.  A “what-if” analysis that compares the eco-impact of two different  materials  and  process  choices  on  the  energy footprint contribution of your chosen component.


•   Swift  KG,  Booker  JD,  (2013)  Manufacturing  process  selection  handbook, Butterworth-Heinemann

•   Ashby,  M.  (2011)  Materials  Selection  in  Mechanical  Design  (4th  Edition), Elsevier

•   Scallan,  P.  (2003)  Process  Planning  -  The  Design/Manufacture  Interface, Elsevier

•    Kalpakjian, S. & Schmid S. (2007) Manufacturing processes for engineering materials (5th Edition)

•   Simmons, C H. and Maguire, D E. (2007). Manual of Engineering drawing to British and International Standards, Elsevier, ISBN: 0-7506-5120-2

•    Budynas,  R  G  and  Nisbett,  J  K  (2015).  Shigley's  Mechanical  Engineering Design (Si), 10Ed, McGraw Hill, ISBN: 933922163X


This information is offered to assist you in understanding what is required and should be read carefully.

Drawings should be in third angle projection and contain a full parts list specifying bought out as well as in-house (designed and manufactured) parts.

Always draw and sketch in full size; by doing this you will better appreciate the various design problems as they emerge as well as showing the client exactly what they are getting.


1.  Understanding the technical requirements of a project brief, i.e. a.  the operating cycle of a two-stroke engine

b.  the piston/cylinder porting requirements

c.  Awareness of the influence of stroke/bore ratios in engine design 2.  Designing components to specific requirements, i.e.

a.  Appreciating the tolerances needed in small engine design

b.  Appreciating  the  cooling  and  lubrication  requirements  of  small  two- stroke engines

c.  Understanding the fuel oil mixtures required by two stroke engines d.  Understanding a simple carburettor

3.  Designing with consideration of the technology of manufacturing processes and material choice, i.e.

a.  Appreciating the choice of materials available and using this information to make good decisions regarding materials selection

b.  Appreciating the limitations of manufacturing processes and materials in achieving satisfactory product performance

c.  Assessing the environmental impact of different phases in the engine live-cycle (energy requirements and carbon emissions/footprint)

4.  Presenting a case for a chosen design neatly and persuasively, including the use of British Standards

5.  Interfacing  design  and  manufacturing  stages  in  product  development  with viable process planning decisions

6.  Understanding the communication needed between engineers in delegating component design.

7.  Analyse component designs from a manufacturing point of view.

8.  Use CAM to develop preferred solution for the manufacture of components. 9.  Develop a component from design to manufacture.

10.Produce a manufacturing flowchart detailing the techniques used that a reader can use and follow.

11. Understand the impact of design decisions on scale up production potential of products and manufacturing unit costs.

12.Conduct a critical analysis of existing product designs considering product life cycle considerations.

13.Design with consideration of manufacturing constraints and available materials, i.e.

a.  Appreciating the choice of materials available and using this information to make decisions regarding materials selection.

b.  Appreciating the limitations of manufacturing processes and materials in achieving satisfactory product performance.

c.  Assessing the environmental impact of different phases in the products’ lifecycle (energy requirements and carbon emissions/footprint).

14. Understand the communication needed between design and manufacturing engineers in product/component design, interfacing design and manufacturing stages in product development and process planning.


Plagiarism will not be tolerated. It is the act of a Student claiming as their own,

intentionally or by omission, work which was not done by that Student. Plagiarism

also includes a student deliberately claiming to have done work submitted by the

student for assessment which was never undertaken by that student, including self- plagiarism and the other breaches. Sanctions of a plagiarism include the student

failing the Programme of study


Section One

Reflecting on the feedback that I have received on previous assessments including feedback from Mechanical Design A main assessment (if applicable), the following  issues/topics have been identified as areas for improvement: (add 3 bullet points).

•    Point 2

•    Point 3

Section Two

In this assignment, I have attempted to act on previous feedback in the following ways (3 bullet points).

•    Point 2

•    Point 3

Section Three

Feedback on the following aspects of this assignment (i.e. content/style/approach)   would be particularly helpful to me: (3 bullet points) [i.e. what do you want feedback on to help you improve]

•    Point 2

•    Point 3