关键词 > COMP2400/COMP6240

COMP2400/COMP6240 Relational Database


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Relational Database

This course is an introduction to database concepts and the general skills for designing and using databases, with a focus on relational database concepts and techniques. Current industry developments of database systems such as NoSQL databases will be introduced at the end of the course.


Learning Outcomes

LO1. Describe the basic concepts of the relational model and understand its mathematical foundation;

LO2. Use the SQL language to define, query and manipulate a relational database;

LO3. Apply conceptual database modelling methods such as entity-relationship model to design a relational database;

LO4. Apply database design methods on functional dependencies and normal forms to evaluate the quality of a relational database design;

LO5. Understand query processing and optimization, transaction and security management in a relational database management system.

LO6. Understand the state of the art of database management systems, and big data management challenges (Amazon's Dynamo, Google's BigTable, MongoDB and MapReduce).

Assessment Summary

  Assessment Task
  Due Date
  Expected Date for
  Return of Assessment
  Linked Learning Outcomes
  1. Quizzes and Labs
  LO 1-6
  2. Assessment on SQL
  Aug 30
  Sep 13
  LO 1-2
  3. Assignment on Database Theory
  Oct 12
  Oct 26
  LO 3-5
  4. Test on NoSQL
  Oct 28
  Oct 29
  LO 6
  5. Final Exam
  Time/venue and exam mode will
  be announced later


Research-Led Teaching

This course will provide students with the opportunities:

1. To develop knowledge of a range of theoretical database concepts and practical skills;

2. To learn about some latest industry and research development in the field of databases.


Staff Feedback

Students will be given feedback in the following forms in this course:

1. Through comments to the class during briefing and lectures;

2. Through the course Wattle site (students should consult this regularly);

3. In written form on your assignments by the lecturers/tutors;

4. By email, where appropriate;

5. In individual consultation during the one-on-one sessions.

Student Feedback

ANU is committed to the demonstration of educational excellence and regularly seeks feedback from students. One of the key formal ways students have to provide feedback is through Student Experience of Learning Support (SELS) surveys. The feedback given in these surveys is anonymous and provides the Colleges, University Education Committee and Academic Board with opportunities to recognise excellent teaching, and opportunities for improvement.

For more information on student surveys at ANU and reports on the feedback provided on ANU courses, go to

http://unistats.anu.edu.au/surveys/selt/students/ and http://unistats.anu.edu.au/surveys/selt/results/learning/


ANU has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff and students are aware of the University’s academic standards, and implement them. You can find the University’s education policies and an explanatory glossary at: http://policies.anu.edu.au/

Students are expected to have read the Academic Misconduct Rule before the commencement of their course.

Other key policies include:

● Student Assessment (Coursework)

● Student Surveys and Evaluations

Required Resources

A laptop or desktop is needed for accessing the course materials on Wattle and for completing the assignments.

Additional course costs


Examination material or equipment

Check out at the course Wattle site.

Recommended Resources

The recommended (not required) textbook for this course is

Fundamentals of Database Systems

7th Edition, R. Elmasri and S. Navathe, Global Edition, 2017

This book has also been published under different titles and with different front covers (see below, 4th, 5th or 6th editions, etc.). These earlier versions are also fine for this course. The textbook is available from the Co-op bookshop. Some copies of this book (including both 7 th and earlier editions) are available in the reserve section of the Hancock Library.


Summary of Activities

Lectures (online + on campus)

  Introduction to Database Systems
  No labs

  Relational Data Model and SQL(1)
  Lab 1: Lab Environment

  Relational Data Model and SQL(2)
  Lab 2: Basic SQL

  Entity-Relationship Model
  Lab 3: Advanced SQL

  Functional Dependencies
  Lab 4: Entity-Relationship Model

  No Lab
  Assessment on SQL Due Aug 30
mid-semester teaching break
  Relational Algebra
  Lab 5: Functional Dependencies

  Query Processing and Optimisation
  Lab 6: Normalisation

  Database Security
  Lab 7: Relational Algebra and
  Query Processing

  Database Transactions
  Lab 8: Database Programming (optional)
  Assignment on Database
  Theory Due Oct 12
  NoSQL Databases
  No labs

  Revision sessions
  No labs
  Test on NoSQL Due Oct 28

  Examination period

  Final Exam
  Time and venue will be
  announced later

Lecture Information

Online lectures (pre-recorded): Online lectures are pre-recorded and available on the course Wattle site and focus on motivation and formal concepts (about 1 hour per week). The online weekly lectures are available from the beginning of each week (from Week 1 to Week 11). Students are supposed to first watch the online lectures and then complete the corresponding quizzes (including feedbacks) before 11:59pm Thursday each week (from Week 2 to Week 11). Note that Week 1 only has online lectures but no quiz.

Workshops (on campus / online): Workshops are available at 1-3pm Friday from Week 1 to Week 12 via dual delivery at Kambri (Manning Clark Hall) and on Zoom. The workshops will be recorded and made available on Wattle. The workshops promote active communication between students and lecturers. Lecturers make use of the workshops to address weekly feedback from students and students make use of the workshops to bridge their learning gaps in time.

Additional Reading

Students are requested to read the following chapters from the text book and supplementary reading materials as we progress through the course.


The ANU is using Turnitin to enhance student citation and referencing techniques and to assess assignment submissions as a component of the University's approach to managing Academic Integrity. For additional information regarding Turnitin please visit the ANU Online website.

Students may choose not to submit assessment items through Turnitin. In this instance you will be required to submit, alongside the assessment item itself, copies of all references included in the assessment item.

A student in this course is expected to be able to explain and defend any submitted assessment item. The course convener can conduct or initiate an additional interview about any submitted assessment item for any student. If there is a significant discrepancy between the two forms of assessment, it will be automatically treated as a case of suspected academic misconduct.

Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1 (5%): Quizzes and Labs

There will be 10 online quizzes on the course Wattle site (the deadline for each quiz is every Thursday 11:59pm from Week 2 to Week 11 with no extensions). Only one attempt is allowed for each quiz. Each quiz values 0.5% and the best 6 of 10 quizzes (at most 3% in total) will be counted toward your final grade.

There will be 8 two-hour lab sessions starting from Week 2. The first lab session (i.e., Lab 1 in Week 2) will be on the basic computer skills needed to do the more substantial exercises in the course. The last lab session (i.e., Lab 8 in Week 10) is to provide students with an additional opportunity to experience database programming, which will not be assessed in the assignments and exams of this course. The labs from Week 2 to Week 10 (except Week 6) in this course serve the purpose of deepening the understanding of the lecture material and preparing students for the assignments and exams. Students are encouraged to participate and engage with the labs. The engagement of each lab values 0.5% and at most four lab engagements (2% in total) will be counted toward your final grade. The lab group registration is done on the course Wattle site, and will open in Week 1. Each student must register in one of the lab groups using Wattle.

Assessment Task 2 (20%): Assessment on SQL (due Aug 30)

The assessment on SQL covers SQL programming. This assessment should be done individually and no group work is allowed. The detailed specifications will be made available on the course Wattle site, two weeks before the due dates.

Assessment Task 3 (15%): Assignment on Database Theory (due Oct 12)

The assignment on Database Theory covers entity-relationship model, functional dependencies, normalisation relational algebra, query processing and optimisation. This assignment should be done individually and no group work is allowed. The detailed specifications will be made available on the course Wattle site, two weeks before the due dates.

Assessment Task 4 (5%): Test on NoSQL (due Oct 28)

Test on NoSQL covers NoSQL databases and it consists of multiple-choice questions on the course Wattle site. More details will be given on the course Wattle site in Week 12.

Assessment Task 5 (55%): Final Exam

The final exam covers all the topics except NoSQL databases. More information will be made available on the course Wattle site, at least two weeks before the exam date.

Note that:

● Note that, each of the above assessment items may contain a number of questions, in which each question may be made up of a number of tasks. To gain full marks for a question, you need to provide a correct and complete answer. Some questions may also require a justification to gain full marks. Irrelevant or wrong answers may reduce your marks.

● To pass the course, it is required to obtain at least 40% in the final exam, i.e., 22 marks out of 55, and at least 50% as a combined total of quizzes and lab engagements, assignments, the NoSQL test and the final exam, i.e., 50 marks out of 100.

● The final marks will be moderated in the examiners’ meeting and may be scaled as a result of this moderation.

Assignment submission

Assignments are submitted through the course Wattle site. You will be required to electronically sign a declaration as part of the submission of your assignment. Please keep a copy of the assignment for your records.

Extensions and penalties

Extensions and late submission of assessment pieces are covered by the Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy and Procedure.

In this course, extensions are not granted under any circumstance. You will be marked on whatever you have submitted at the time of the deadline. Please take careful note of deadlines and adhere to them. Of course, if you find yourself in a situation beyond your control that you believe significantly effects an assessment, you should follow the ANU’s special consideration process (http://www.anu.edu.au/students/program-administration/assessments-exams/special-assessment-consideration).

Returning assignments

Assignments will be marked and returned through Wattle or emails within two weeks of the submission deadlines.

Note that: Our School policy requires that any appeals regarding an assessment in this course must be submitted in writing within two weeks of the assessment results being released on Wattle or emails.

Resubmission of assignments

Students may resubmit some or all assignments on or before the due dates through Wattle.

Referencing requirements

Students should provide relevant references in their assignments as appropriate and when applicable.

Course policy on communication

To provide efficient, transparent and fair support for our students, the following course policy on communication is applied:

● Students are encouraged to post course-related questions, such as asking for clarification about lectures, labs, tutorials and other course materials, to the course discussion forum on Wattle. The course convener and tutors will be monitoring and answering questions every day. All students are also encouraged to answer questions from other students on Wattle. This will be not only the fastest way of getting your questions answered, but also everyone in the class can benefit from the experience of their fellow students.

● Course-related questions that are directly sent to the course convener and tutors may be re-directed to the course discussion forum on Wattle so that the answers can benefit the entire class.

● If you have questions regarding your specific personal circumstances or questions that might be sensitive, please email the course convener ([email protected]) to discuss them via emails or arrange an online appointment.

Please note that, by ANU Academic Integrity policies (http://academichonesty.anu.edu. au/), students must not post any hints or solutions to assessment items (e.g., quizzes, assignments, exams, etc) on the course discussion forum before the deadlines.


The University offers a number of support services for students. Information on these is available online from http://students.anu.edu.au/studentlife/