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Managerial Economics Strategic Business Report


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Managerial Economics

Strategic Business Report


You have been recruited to undertake and write a strategic business report for an organisation

operating during a macroeconomic shock (an unexpected event that has a large-unexpected impact on the economy, e.g., a global pandemic or financial crisis).

This business report should be developed throughout the course under the form of two reports.

You will submit a draft business report of their Final Business Report, which includes the intended    topic, a demonstration of the wider relevance of the topic, aims/objectives of the report as a logical   consequence of the argument you have constructed, and the organisation or sector that they will be

analysing in their final business report submission, an outline structure, and a list of research sources/references.

You will then develop the draft report into a final strategic business report for an organisation

operating during a macroeconomic shock (an unexpected event that has a large-unexpected impact on the economy, e.g., a global pandemic or financial crisis. You will use a range of relevant

analytical tools (micro and macro) to assess an organisation’s business strategy and performance in the wake of the macroeconomic shock. The report should also conclude whether the organisation

can sustain its business performance through its existing organisational strategy or adapt its strategy to ensure long-term resilience.

You will be assessed on your ability to analyse the current development context of the

organisation/company, strong/weak points, advantages/disadvantages, and your ability to consider a range of factors that can impact main drivers for change within the context of the macroeconomic

shock, including a detailed analysis/examination of the new micro- and macroeconomic issues/environment.

Your report should demonstrate an understanding of strategies to achieve competitive advantage

within the sector, as well as assess opportunities and challenges that the company could potentially face in the wake of the shock. Relevant recommendations should be suggested in the conclusion of the report.

Report specifications

Your final report must include the following:

New development context of the organisation/company in the wake of the macroeconomic shock •    Strong/weak points, advantages/disadvantages

•    Main drivers for change within the new context of global business environment

•    Detailed analysis/examination of the new micro- and macroeconomic issues/environment

•    Strategies to achieve competitive advantage within the sector

•   Assess opportunities and challenges that the company could potentially face in the wake of the shock

You will need to identify and assess two recommendations on the strategic choices available to the company for them to grow and gain competitive advantage within the chosen sector under the new business environment.

You will need to suggest at least three key success factors to ensure they can measure their success in achieving this.


Recommended Word Count

The length of the report is 2,500 word (+/- 10%). The word count is limited to test your concise writing skills in preparation for your Masters programme. You must ensure your work is relevant and answers the above criteria.

Key sections with suggestions as to word count:




Word Count




Introduction to the sector, the macroeconomic shock, and

key trends within the new business environment in the wake of the shock; markets driving change that the

business will operate within.










Strategic intent and impact of organisational structure and culture on the following:

         Business Performance

         Operational Excellence

         Competitive Advantage







Evaluation of strategy formulation and implementation to

successfully achieve competitive advantage; advantages and disadvantages; main drivers for change within the new

economic environment







Relevant and appropriate conclusion and recommendations supported with market analysis







Presentation and structure of the assignment, evidence of reading and referencing/ Bibliography



(Not included in the word count)




Submission Instructions

You are required to submit this assessment in a report format. You may want to consider the following structure:

.   Abstract

.    Introduction

.    Discussions (using sub-headings for each different section) of results and findings .    Conclusion

.    Recommendations

.    References/ Bibliography  (Minimum of 5)

.   Appendices - Summary of results and findings e.g., Data, graphs etc. This section will not be marked and is for information and reference only.

You must submit one file written in font Arial size 12 with one and a half (1.5) line spacing. You will need to use Harvard referencing style.  You will also need to include a cover page that has the following information:

.    Study Group Online

.    Module Code PMP Managerial Economics

.    Individual Business Report (title)

.   Your own student number (you must not include your name

Submit your report via Turnitin on the platform by the given date. Submissions dates are very important. Please refer to your programme handbook and tutors for information about:

.    Extensions

.    Penalties for late work

.    Penalties for over-length assessments

.    Mitigating Circumstances